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(86.52 KB 1075x1600 Linus-Torvalds-2012.webp)
Why was my Linus Torvalds thread deleted from polru and rus? Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 21:59 [Preview] No. 19683 [X] >>19743
I posted a thread to /polru/ and /rus/ which simply showed a picture of Linus Torvalds: the founder of Linux, to the PoliticsRu and Rus(sia) board here.

Both were deleted within 2 min.
The Russia board was then locked for new threads.

Why is this?

Enclosed is the picture I posted.
It is simply Linus Torvalds looking towards the camera seemingly very self-satisfied.

Does this offend people of the Russian Race?

Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 00:32 [Preview] No.19684 [X] del >>19691
/polru/ deleted my Linus Torvalds thread again. Why?

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 13:26 [Preview] No.19691 [X] del >>19718
Because porkru full of peedorashkas with the mocherators syndrome and they hating legless invalids on wheels. Fuck peedorashka

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 09:18 [Preview] No.19718 [X] del
What do you think should happen regarding this Linus fellow (founder of Linux)?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 19:20 [Preview] No.19736 [X] del >>19742
Can't say about rus, but on polru mindless unrelated shitposting and spam are not permitted. The rules of polru don't actually forbid discussing things other than politics, there are threads about anime and vidya. But if you wanted to create a thread about linux or programming, you had to provide more than just a picture of Torvalds to start the discussion.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 01:23 [Preview] No.19742 [X] del
Torvalds did throw all the russians out recently. Doesn't that make his smug face related so we can then talk about Linux and C programming.

My own project is in C (Quake map format work), and thus could benifit from all the russkies, finno-ugraics, and slavs thrown out of giving Linus stuff for free.

They could give the produkt of their minds for free to me instead!
(and we could have more formats for quake)
(it really takes a long time, I did some formats and it takes a month of 12 hr days of C coding each to get them working well)

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 01:43 [Preview] No.19743 [X] del >>19746
>and /rus/
Your thread was empty, without replies.
>Both were deleted within 2 min.
Lie. In /rus/ your thread will be alive a few days, and it was deleted when it down 2 or 3 page. Because that is /rus/ moderation politics.
>The Russia board was then locked for new threads.
This is antispam settings.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 01:51 [Preview] No.19746 [X] del >>19748
>Your thread was empty, without replies.
Due to Linus' action in the past few weeks, I didn't feel any word was needed.

Him looking smug, right at /rus/sians and /pol/russians was all the communication needed.

He, like in his emails, was mocking them. Laughing at their 30 long years of quality C programming work. As he throws them out on their ass as "thankyou" for their contributions.

>See: Linus' previous "thank you" to Nvidia to see this is how he does things.

The Russkieesss should be fuming mad at him. Burning in rage. Conspiring with Nvidia about their now shared common history.

Surely in this case: no words needed to be said? The picture of "pindus" was enough?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:14 [Preview] No.19748 [X] del >>19749>>19750
I have neutral towards to Linus.
You can create your userboard at Endchan, and set your own rules.
And if you are english speaking poster, better to create threads at english speaking boards.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:19 [Preview] No.19749 [X] del >>19751
Before he threw Russians out (after they worked for free for him for 30 full years (and doing good C code, unlike Indians who do shit work, or women and trans), did you have a more positive view of him?

Russians: do better in 2 lines of C code than Indians do in 2000000000000000000000000 lines of whatever they're using

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:30 [Preview] No.19750 [X] del >>19775>>19781
>And if you are english speaking poster, better to create threads at english speaking boards.

English speaking boards don't have any C programmers anymore though.
Only women, transgender, and indians are permitted to program in white countries today.

My Dream is to get more fellow C programmers to add more map formats to the Quake fork, as I have done.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:40 [Preview] No.19751 [X] del >>19752>>19753>>19757
>did you have a more positive view of him?
I didn't change my opinion about him. I'm not a coder, it's not important for me.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 04:25 [Preview] No.19752 [X] del >>19754>>19783
What do you think of the fact that he hates you and felt the need to let you know about it a few weeks ago?

If you met him on the street in Lvov and he spit on you; what would you do?

(context: his parents were bankrolled by you in the 1970s and 1980s)

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:26 [Preview] No.19753 [X] del
If Linus poured Rust in your coca-cola: a cocoa-cola you paied for with your labour: would you be happy ?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:52 [Preview] No.19754 [X] del >>19757
Спалилась пидорашка. Соси хуй.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:22 [Preview] No.19757 [X] del
>>19754 >>19751
It has been said that russians need to be beaten like a dog until they appreciate and like the C Programming Language. Is this accurate?

Is that what is required?

As a Russkie: would being brutally beaten make you like the C Programming language more, and motivate you?
What about 3d? Do you like it already?

Anonymous Admin 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:54 [Preview] No.19770 [X] del >>19771>>19772>>19775>>19781
Deleted 4 threads related to this one, see example on screenshot.
Nothing have to do with global moderation or the operation of the site.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 11:27 [Preview] No.19771 [X] del
The webm's not working has everything to do with the site.

The plasma ball webm shows a preview.
The minetest obj export ones do not.

NO ONE WILL LOOK AT THE ONES WITHOUT A PICTURE. The plasma ball is from 4chan upload. But the webms here were just uploaded for here.

That's a bug, no?

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 11:37 [Preview] No.19772 [X] del
/operate/ is one of the only "live" boards where english language is spoken anymore.

EndChan used to have a lively libre vidya game and opensource community.

It doesn't anymore.
Where do you expect us to talk?
To a wall?
You are technically inclined, a programmer, so we want to talk to you.

We expected that our webms would show a picture just like the 4chan ones.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 01:34 [Preview] No.19775 [X] del >>19781>>19782
>muh troons muh feminazis muh shitskins
Severe case of /pol/ brainrot. Any bans or deletions you got were completely justified.
This guy is batshit crazy. Just look at this incoherent schizo rambling >>19770
But he seems like a capable code, and thus dangerous. Spamming the boards with this nuclear test nonsense is one thing. But as I understand, he was also hacking the report system, to spam /rus/ with fake reports, as a protest against another unrelated board.
I wonder, is this the second coming of Terry Davis?

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 13:22 [Preview] No.19781 [X] del
> >>19750
> >muh troons muh feminazis muh shitskins
> Severe case of /pol/ brainrot. Any bans or deletions you got were completely justified.
I was on the net since 1997. Before 4chan even existed. Before /pol/, Before /news/.
Since you think me being banned for being opposed to feminism, women's rights, transgender, is "correct": I vow to kill you when I find you.
This is a promise.

> >>19770
> This guy is batshit crazy. Just look at this incoherent schizo rambling >>19770
I am not crazy. You're just a stupid fuck who cannot code, cannot do law, doesn't like young virgin girls, etc.

> But he seems like a capable code, and thus dangerous.
>Spamming the boards with this nuclear test nonsense is one thing.
Posting on my own thread is not spam.
There was no nuclear test:
Tver, Toropets was a nuclear pit implosion: from an act of aggression.
You have not explained, dear "lawyers and programmers are idiots" how a 300 meter ball of plasma rose from Toropets, which lit up the sky and the countryside like it was morning, out to the horizon.

Conventional explosives do not get hot enough for that.
Xrays hitting a blackbody do.
And the emission from the blackbody (the surrounding air) is the correct electromagnetic length for Xray-->Air(mostly nitrogen)

Do you know what a black body spectrum is?

> But as I understand, he was also hacking the report system,
You understand wrong. I've not hacked anything. Nor reported anything.

>to spam /rus/ with fake reports, as a protest against another unrelated board.
I haven't reported a thing.
> I wonder, is this the second coming of Terry Davis?

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 13:29 [Preview] No.19782 [X] del
>It is crazy that this guy claims only women, transgender, and indians are wanted for programming in the USA
I watched it happen.
>However he can code
>Thus it is dangerous that he believes those things.

1) you disagree that women, transgender, and indians have taken over programming and are the only ones that are "allowed" to code.
2) You announce that since "this guy" pointed that out, and he can code, he is "dangerous"
(and should be delt with).

Thanks for proving my point; faggot.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 14:10 [Preview] No.19783 [X] del >>19784>>19785>>19786
For everyone else to understand.
This guy >>19752 is russian. He call original city name Lviv (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lviv) like especial russian language word "Lvov". His Russian roots gave him away. He can be dangerous, from russian government trolls.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 14:21 [Preview] No.19784 [X] del
It was Lvov when Ulam came to our American shores, and when Teller envisioned the uranium transgression.

So it will ever be Lvov to us.
Or do you prefer Lwow?

You haven't addressed how a plasma ball rose above the forest next to Toropets. Why do you keep ignoring this? No conventional explosive can get the air hot enough. Xrays can. Guess where those come from in sufficent quantity?

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 14:25 [Preview] No.19785 [X] del
>He can be dangerous, from russian government trolls.
Afraid you're going to go out balcony? That it is mean that we will kill you faggot? Afraid?

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 17:02 [Preview] No.19786 [X] del >>19788>>19789>>19790
(88.64 KB 900x1130 serbs russian cum.jpg)
In another thread he said he's a Serb. Not surprising he's a zigger then. That he believes in crazy conspiracy theories about nukes is a bit more surprising, but those are probably spread by some RT-funded youtuber.
Не знаю говорит ли он на самом деле по-русски, или использует онлайн переводчик, но впрочем какая разница.
Makes sense he would try to harm /polru/, but I don't know what his problem with /rus/ is, that board isn't political.
He's dangerous not because of deranged murder threats, but because apparently he can hack the report system somehow, maybe he has a captcha solver. The admin needs to address this, before he takes down every board he doesn't like with automatic spam.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 18:45 [Preview] No.19788 [X] del >>19789>>19790
>In another thread he said he's a Serb. Not surprising he's a zigger then. That he believes in crazy conspiracy theories about nukes is a bit more surprising, but those are probably spread by some RT-funded youtuber.

I never said I was a serb.
I never said I was a Z person of colour.
And I have not hacked your site.

I'm a C and QuakeC (and Perl, PHP, Java, Python, Shell) programmer.

It is not a "crazy conspiracy theory" that the plasma explosion from Tver Toropets on Sep 17th night was the result of a nuclear primary pit. It's simple fact that you can confirm with your eyes.

>Then houses
>Then a tree line
>then a like
>then an island >another treeline
>another lake
>a third treeline
>a plasma ball rising into the atmosphere, turning the night into day, rising into a mushroom cloud,
>gunshot crack sound, exactly like upshot-knotholl grable test.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 18:49 [Preview] No.19789 [X] del >>19791
>>19786 >>19788
https://youtube.com/watch?v=82OPBJKQ8EY [Embed]
>hope you got your things together

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 18:50 [Preview] No.19790 [X] del
>>19786 >>19788
>There's a bad moon on the rise.
A midnight sun.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 20:51 [Preview] No.19791 [X] del >>19793
There's a guy in this >>11764 thread who says he's a Serb and who spammed reports in /rus/ with "delete agatha2" because that board had CP or something. No idea why /rus/ was targeted, but he seems to speak Russian. I thought it was you, because of how unlikely it would be to simultaneously have two programmers, who are both interested in Russia, to complain about something on this board.
If you aren't, I don't see how any of this belongs in /operate/. Each board is moderated as the board owner sees fit, admin has nothing to do with it. There's a "meta and moderation" thread on /polru/, you can complain there. But most people there don't care much about Linus or coding, and will think that the explosion was conventional, not nuclear. And if you hold pro-Putin/pro-invasion views, you'll quickly get banned and deleted anyway.

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 12:53 [Preview] No.19793 [X] del
> I thought it was you, because of how unlikely it would be to simultaneously have two programmers,
You're saying this while interacting on an image board written by programmers, which hosted /lv/ (libre vidya) years before /rus/ and /polru/. With a straight face.
> who are both interested in Russia, to complain about something on this board.
Russia is one of the few areas that still has actual programmers (C programming language etc).
>Linus Linux
again, you are saying this while using a site that runs on linux.
Seems you're new.

You're just a dumb person.
You hold the view that
1) Lawyers are dumb
2) Programmers are dumb
3) women are better than little girls
4) what the majority "think" is relevant or correct
5) an explosion miles away rising above the horizon into the stratosphere, 300 meters across (atleast), past a field, houses, a treeline, a lake, an island with another treeline, another lake, another treeline; and turning the night time into morning as a second sun; then as soon as it began blinking out to darkness; while having a gunshot sound as it's report...
is anything other than exactly what it looks like.

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:33 [Preview] No.22071 [X] del
(356.16 KB 1560x1560 lS3tkXktKGY0C.jpg)

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:35 [Preview] No.22132 [X] del
Рядoм чтo-тo зашевелилocь. Изoтверcтия внизy медленнo вылезлo cкрюченнoе тyлoвищеcавтoматoм ибелoй пoвязкoй нарyкаве. Бoец прoдвигалcя впередcтаким видoм бyдтoзаyтлoмегo ждет cамЛюцифер. 24 —Братан, yтебя вcеxoрoшo? Пoрадoвалo,чтo oнненаправилcтвoл на меня. —Вы ктo? —Дамы изкoнтoры, тyтнаши cтoяли, yшлипoxoдy. Выэмoшники? —Нy да.Вчеразаеxали... Ачегo выбез пoвязoк xoдите? —Да нам oни ненyжныкак-тo.

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:37 [Preview] No.22224 [X] del
—Юcтаc, дакаким еще наxyй килoметрoвым cтoлбикoм? Пoчемyвы вcё времяизжoпы лезете? Нy, неyжели ты неcлышишьтyк-тyк, тyк-тyк?—Так oнизoбражал звyк кoлёc, приэтoм закрывглаза ипoдняв палец вверx. Этo был апoгей этoй нoчи, днo, дальше некyда. Яcтoял втринoчи передcвoими кoмандирамииcлyшал тyк-тyк, тyк-тyк. Этo прocтo фиаcкo. 218 —Длина рельc, Юcтаc, двадцать пять или пятьдеcят метрoв. Тo еcть мoжнo cпoмoщью тyк-тyк oпределить cкoрocть пoезда. Яyженикак нереагирoвал, прocтocтoял иoбтекал. Я

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:38 [Preview] No.22283 [X] del
(366.83 KB 1322x1199 Cpl2lD8YWxB5grto8.jpg)
(113.89 KB 1055x1060 ayJVY2oUYhATga3fO.jpg)

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