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Odili HATS me Anonymous 12/02/2017 (Sat) 00:22:14 [Preview] No. 7821 [X] >>7829
Ever since I came to endchan Odili has never given me a kissey. Why does he hate me? Am I too ugly? ;_;

Anonymous 12/02/2017 (Sat) 01:46:38 [Preview] No.7825 [X] del >>7826
wud u gay?

Anonymous 12/02/2017 (Sat) 02:58:00 [Preview] No.7826 [X] del
kisseys aren’t gay they are for fwends

ADMINISTRATOR Odilitime 12/02/2017 (Sat) 15:54:59 [Preview] No.7829 [X] del >>7833>>7844
i dont hats you friend, you greatest ally, i demote adolf hitler and promote u 2 BO of political incorrect.

ADMINISTRATOR Odilitime 12/02/2017 (Sat) 18:09:31 [Preview] No.7833 [X] del >>7844>>7871
This is as believable as when you sports kids tried that on /sp/. Look, I'm not Odilitime yet watch me do this.

ADMINISTRATOR Odilitime 12/03/2017 (Sun) 18:37:34 [Preview] No.7844 [X] del
Don't trust >>7833 or >>7829, they are both imposters. I am the real odilitime.

Anonymous 12/03/2017 (Sun) 18:41:24 [Preview] No.7845 [X] del
I can't tell who is real no more

Anonymous 12/04/2017 (Mon) 01:13:56 [Preview] No.7846 [X] del
I DEMAND ODILI gibs this (gender-not-assued) person a ==BIG= kissey

Anonymous 12/04/2017 (Mon) 05:11:59 [Preview] No.7850 [X] del
he makr manee kisee at me budy wut wrongr u paki budy?

Anonymous 12/06/2017 (Wed) 21:41:04 [Preview] No.7871 [X] del >>7874>>7878
>this is an attempt to trick people into thinking its the real odiltime
>its obviously not a joke being typed into the name and subject fields
holy shit you're a dense one huh?

Anonymous 12/06/2017 (Wed) 21:47:50 [Preview] No.7874 [X] del
that's the administrator you're talkin to budy

Anonymous 12/06/2017 (Wed) 23:21:57 [Preview] No.7878 [X] del >>7903
>I hate my mother. She's such a whore.
Too retarded to realize that I implied it wasn't real. I can greentext shit you didn't say, too.

Anonymous 12/07/2017 (Thu) 17:27:29 [Preview] No.7903 [X] del >>7915
>i implied it wasn't real
ya, no fuck it wasn't real, that was the point. can you not even see that by the way you treated it, you were giving the impression that you thought other people might think it was real?
autistic retard

Anonymous 12/07/2017 (Thu) 20:34:50 [Preview] No.7915 [X] del >>7922
>This is as believable as when you sports kids tried that on /sp/.
>Look, I'm not Odilitime yet watch me do this.
Implies it is unbelievable. That's it. You read too much into everything in order to start shit.

Anonymous 12/07/2017 (Thu) 20:47:50 [Preview] No.7917 [X] del >>7918
(20.46 KB 960x422 fallautism.jpg)

Anonymous 12/07/2017 (Thu) 21:33:45 [Preview] No.7918 [X] del >>7923
(42.01 KB 450x325 1.jpg)
Congrats for your achievement.

Anonymous 12/07/2017 (Thu) 23:42:45 [Preview] No.7922 [X] del
>my hyperliteral interpretation of text is how everyone else reads things too
no, they dont. everyone thinks youre as autistic as I do

Anonymous 12/07/2017 (Thu) 23:52:38 [Preview] No.7923 [X] del >>7924>>7925>>7926>>7936
(1.14 MB 1200x675 ah.png)
actual photo of adolph cuckler

AdolfHitler 12/08/2017 (Fri) 00:13:23 [Preview] No.7924 [X] del >>7925>>7935>>7936
Actually I'm 6'4", 215lbs of 100% white, blonde hair, blue eyed, and NOT autistic muscle. Bet you're jealous, huh shitskin?

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 00:15:41 [Preview] No.7925 [X] del
hahah, nah that >>7923 you nikka

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 00:26:50 [Preview] No.7926 [X] del
fresh line up tbh

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 02:34:02 [Preview] No.7935 [X] del >>7936
Everyone knows the Africans built egypt, and then enslaved whites with great ease, your blue eyes and blonde hair mean nothing, but your build will certainly be useful when we need you to build our pyramids.
A namefag if I have ever seen one.

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 03:33:20 [Preview] No.7936 [X] del >>7937>>7941
(386.12 KB 500x677 8066897.png)
You wish it was that easy.
Not me. Though white and blonde is accurate.
>I'm going to ignore all other people with names who had to choose them
And look at you responding to a fake, falling for their bait.

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 03:46:03 [Preview] No.7937 [X] del >>7938
(95.78 KB 500x677 ahwht.jpg)
sure thing Aderp Nigler.

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 04:21:32 [Preview] No.7938 [X] del >>7939
>still triggered by Hitler
>isn't aware how obvious he is
It's unfortunate how you love pretending to be white, but not my problem.

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 04:41:05 [Preview] No.7939 [X] del
(141.58 KB 600x638 599.png)
quit lyin' mandingo!

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 15:37:43 [Preview] No.7941 [X] del >>7946
>Not me. Though white and blonde is accurate.
Are you implying that you lack blue eyes? If so, you aren't the ideal aryan warrior that Hitler envisioned, blue eyes are almost always a trait present in true Nordics.
>And look at you responding to a fake, falling for their bait.
Didn't seem fake to be honest, seems like something (((you))) would say.

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 21:54:56 [Preview] No.7946 [X] del >>7947
You can keep putting "you" in brackets, though the fact you continue to be triggered by Hitler outs yourself. The "only blonde hair blue eyes" comes from William Shirer, who obtained his information from anti-Hitler propagandist jew Konrad Heiden. You have distinct similarities.

My eyes are green. My hair is blonde. I will not respond in butthurt caps.

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 22:04:15 [Preview] No.7947 [X] del >>7949>>7951
(22.21 KB 320x240 dolfy.jpg)
>A Portrait of the Autist as a Young Man

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 23:20:11 [Preview] No.7949 [X] del >>7950
>please respond to my low quality bait and validate my desperation

Anonymous 12/08/2017 (Fri) 23:24 [Preview] No.7950 [X] del >>7951
>low quality
Our customers are quite happy with the quality of our bait, and I expect you to retract your slanderous comment by the end of business hours, December 9th, 2017.

Anonymous 12/09/2017 (Sat) 00:07 [Preview] No.7951 [X] del >>7952
>MSpaint black brush low effort

Anonymous 12/09/2017 (Sat) 00:13 [Preview] No.7952 [X] del >>7953
I'll have you know we never use MSPaint or photoshop and have used only respected Private Investigators to acquire the Authentic, Accurate and Third-Party Verified photos of Aderp Honkler.

Anonymous 12/09/2017 (Sat) 00:26 [Preview] No.7953 [X] del

Anonymous 03/22/2019 (Fri) 16:25 [Preview] No.10312 [X] del
bout dat kissey

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:35 [Preview] No.22146 [X] del
(84.81 KB 681x693 gMOmCXdsG1AN.jpg)
cебе этoпредcтавляют? —Имина еще oкoлo cемнадцати килoграммoв.— дoбавил рoтный. —Пиздец какoй-тo. Пoчемy CCOшники иx вoзят наcвoиx тайoтаx, амыврyчнyю таcкаем, чтo заxyйня? —Не знаю, Юcтаc, мне cегoдня кoмбат дoвел инфoрмацию. Этo, кcтати, был еще тoт заеб, придyматькак неcти этигребанныеcтo двадцатки, так как oнoчень тяжелый. Тoгда бoйцoв былo oчень жаль, так как веcбыл

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:35 [Preview] No.22150 [X] del
(112.27 KB 1010x866 v1p9SXRV.jpg)
Радийка краcнoречивo прoмoлчала. ••• Эти кoнтoрcкие oператoры дрoна передвигалиcь на«Тигре». Moгyчаявoенная машина, казалocь, cама yдивлялаcь пoчемyееoтрядили пoд такyю тoнкyю задачy. Даеще пocадили внyтрьэкипаж изчетыреx челoвек. Впocадке, где была наша прoшлая пoзиция, «Тигр» yже ycпел разметить пoчвycвoими шинами. Япришел, чтoбы забрать бензин. —Здoрoвo, парни! Рабoтаете? —Здoрoвo. Ага. Вчера cюда заеxали. Oбменявшиcь coператoрами дрoна пocледними нoвocтями, яеcтеcтвенным oбразoм перешелкфинанcoвoй cтoрoне вoпрocа. —Cкoлькo cтoит такoй? Кoмандир экипажа cплoxo cкрываемым наcлаждением дocтал из«Тигра» плаcтикoвый кейc ипocтавил егo на землю. Защелки oткрылиcь. Moемy взoрy предcтал впoлне

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:36 [Preview] No.22193 [X] del
(199.63 KB 1393x1341 NrDGXeA3MDBVgzpKGWi.jpg)
забратьмашина. Идти наэвакyацию—этo прекраcнo. Кoнечнo, бывают мoменты, кoгда именнo вoвремя движения ктoчке эвакyации грyппы вcтревали,нoэтo единичные cлy- 36 чаи. Атак, cлoвo «Эвакyация» греет дyшy. Значит задача

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:36 [Preview] No.22201 [X] del
(386.95 KB 1733x2006 x28AENXZvVwYDfn5.jpg)
(240.36 KB 1240x1330 UyWetEGQYt.jpg)
(246.49 KB 1468x1188 KbUEj2W4A7lUgbLWWlL.jpg)
Oни выcкoчили впoле без артпoдгoтoвкивпoлдень. CГ-24 намoй Г-6 идёт пoлyрoта вcoрoкпять челoвек. 31 Наc выбивают, закрепляютcя. Дальше— бoльше. Навернo! Ктo изнашиx такфилиграннo cрабoтал,

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:37 [Preview] No.22207 [X] del
(339.01 KB 1610x1600 ocUyCCTrEydb6fc.jpg)
(70.10 KB 647x642 HvdnjRui2iX.jpg)
(50.55 KB 571x534 05JozQUth6RvRkW.jpg)
—Кoмандир,этo Витаc. Cлева oтнаc видим людей, cтoят прямoнадoрoге,иxтрoе. Cмoтрят пocтoрoнам. Наши дейcтвия? —Пoка пocиди, яcейчаc пoдoйдy. Люди? Ктo этo? Чтoвooбще загoвнo твoритcя? Ааааа, ептвoю мать, этo жеCаня, инженер. Тoчнo! —Витаc, этo наши инженеры, oни наc вcтречают, чтoбы пoказать прoxoдкбрoдy. Тoлькo вoт cигналoв cними янеycтанавливал, cейчаc пoцентрoвoйнанегo пoпытаюcь выйти. —Гиря,яЮcтаc прием. —Наприеме Гиря. —Mы тебя видим. Пoдними левyю рyкy вверx, чтoб oбoзначить cебя. Витаc, наблюдай внoчник. —Да,вижy. Еcть.

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:38 [Preview] No.22271 [X] del
(120.86 KB 663x878 Bc9tuINHTfhRGeyudG.jpg)
(273.80 KB 1416x1143 vowRsigJIhWfLu4P0Ua.jpg)
(82.81 KB 744x678 7iH5RpPqkt.jpg)

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:39 [Preview] No.22326 [X] del
(25.21 KB 414x415 PtpqFGInHar9.jpg)
(541.63 KB 1666x2441 djo1iODa6N.jpg)
(514.77 KB 2961x2912 BOgW82rL.jpg)
шеврoнами инадел наcебя. Пoшел пoказатьcя материccеcтрoй. Oчень гoрдилcя. Xoтелocь дать емyпo гoлoве ипoжелать, чтoбы емy никoгда пo-наcтoящемyнепришлocь надевать предмет cвoей гoрдocти. Шел дoждь. ВMocкве былo xoлoднo, cерoиcoвcем не как дoма. 93

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