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2nd Birthday odilitime Board volunteer 12/20/2017 (Wed) 09:41:44 [Preview] No. 7996 [X] >>8000>>8021
Today Endchan is 2 years old.

Sorry feeling a bit down atm but I wanted to say something to commemorate this event. This isn't quite what I'd normally write for an event like this but it'll do. I had actually considered using this landmark to officially quit but I just can't. I love this community too much to put them in someone else's hands. I've put too much work in and fought too many battles to call it quits now. But it's been really hard being the only active admin, doing all the sysadmin and coding. This really is a labor of love.

- We've had success with am, ggrevolt, tech, pol, librejp, news and sp
- We've had our domains taken away and we've gotten our main endchan.xyz back
- Several attacks and we're still standing
- We've implemented a lot of features

- We've made mistakes and hopefully we've proved that we've learned from them.
- Running a site like this is a never ending job that can feel thankless especially when dealing with haters
- Our HTML/CSS could use improvement. It says something that each of our major boards override the default CSS.

- We're planning to upgrade to LynxChan 1.9 in January

Special thanks to the few active globals we have.

Here's to 2 more years!

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 10:04 [Preview] No.7997 [X] del
Thanks for running things Odilitime. This is one of the few places on the net that's not entirely cancerous, and although slow, endchan is where I feel most at home.

Happy 2nd Birthday Endchan!

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 11:50 [Preview] No.7998 [X] del


I hate you. Hate. Hate. Hate. BLERARRGH! Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 12:47 [Preview] No.7999 [X] del >>8005
>It says something that each of our major boards override the default CSS.

Yeah. It says you have some creative people running amok. A challenge to creativity does not a negative feature make.

>We've made mistakes and hopefully we've proved that we've learned from them.
>We've had success with am, ggrevolt, tech, pol, librejp, news and sp

Along with a host of boards that fell flat on their face. One or two those of being my fault. I think the key lesson of image-board life is this: embrace failure. Or, as one might say while peeking behind the Curtin, time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Here's to another year of failing hard, and loving every minute of it.

Thanks guys!

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 14:05 [Preview] No.8000 [X] del

>But it's been really hard being the only active admin, doing all the sysadmin and coding

What? Where is balrog?

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 14:19 [Preview] No.8001 [X] del >>8003>>8004
>- Running a site like this is a never ending job that can feel thankless especially when dealing with haters

This is why you should immediately kill yourself. Admins need to act, and more importantly see themselves, as a demigod who has and is constantly trying to detach himself from all emotions. The internet is an ocean of poo and you will always get shit on, all the time everywhere no matter what.

But your goal as an admin is to be able to filter out all the crap and instead try to find the good. Any feature, idea or comment that can help you make this site a better place and achieve the sites goals and philosophy. Don't forget that anyone, ANYONE browsing this site chose to be here. There are countless alternatives (the day the talks of monetization start happening, that's when you'll really be put to the test. This day will only seem like a tiny and pleasant milestone).

And btw you still haven't answered me as to why /news/ is the default board on the home page. I can't change it as a tor user so I always see that awful board, and I don't understand why they deserve free advertisement. Why are you giving /news/ special treatment?
Either make it random each time or set it to blank.

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 14:54 [Preview] No.8002 [X] del
ty fam u r my fav goon ;^)
don't let the haters get to you

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 15:21 [Preview] No.8003 [X] del
Endchan is great as is. Happy birthday!

>And btw you still haven't answered me as to why /news/ is the default board on the home page

Stop being such as bitch and ignore it, go to whatever board you choose to visit. It's not /news/ fault that you refuse to contribute daily updates. Someone has to do it, and is.

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 15:42 [Preview] No.8004 [X] del
>I can't change it as a tor user so I always see that awful board

Then purchase a cheap private VPN, ... or just whitelist "endchan.xyz" / "endchan.net" in the Noscript settings within your Tor browser.

You can fix it, but I don't think you'll be satisfied even if you do. You just have an extreme bias against that board and routinely bitching about it shows that.

Balrog Board owner 12/20/2017 (Wed) 16:04 [Preview] No.8005 [X] del >>8026>>10218
I'm sorry for not being around more than I have in the past, life has been biting me in the ass more often than usual and I haven't had much time to work with this place. On the bright side, the endchan.xyz domain is funded for at least another two years thanks to the magic of the Bitcoin bubble and I'm actually, possibly getting somewhere in life.

I'd like to thank everyone who goes here for sticking with us through all the bullshit and all our stupid mistakes these last two years. You're what keeps me from losing what faith in humanity I have left.

Trips of motherfucking truth. (Though the default CSS is in fact pretty bad. One of these days I'll either make the /sp/ CSS the default or crowbar our personal tweaks into penumbralynx and replace the frontend entirely.)

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 18:01 [Preview] No.8006 [X] del
Happy birthday, endchan.
I would hate to hear that you're closing your business. After being pretty much kicked from 8ch we found here our new home, wouldn't like to look for new place.
Love from /kc/

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 18:34 [Preview] No.8007 [X] del
Happy Birthday Endchan. Stay Stronk.

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 18:58 [Preview] No.8008 [X] del
Some of the 'hate' was well deserved, some of the 'mistakes' might have sentenced the imageboard to irrelevance but...
But. For all the gripes I had against you and yours I owe you thanks for your work on the site. As pathetic as it may be you've provided an avenue for one of the most fun periods of my life, however short it might've lasted.

My attendance has been kind of spotty for several months now so I wouldn't really know but hey, it's still only 3 global rules around here, even though the third one looks kinda iffy, so maybe it's not entirely hopeless yet.

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 19:20 [Preview] No.8009 [X] del >>8026
Happy Birthday Endchan!
>We've had success with am, ggrevolt, tech, pol, librejp, news and sp
No mention of /kc/. These natives... are still savages...

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 23:46 [Preview] No.8010 [X] del >>8011
What if god was one of us tho? For real. I mean what if he posted here on endchan?

Anonymous 12/20/2017 (Wed) 23:53 [Preview] No.8011 [X] del

God, riding the bus?

:lol: uh no

He would have the capacity to tow anything out of any mud. That's Godlike behavior.

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 00:23 [Preview] No.8012 [X] del
Happy birthday from /pol/!

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 00:40 [Preview] No.8013 [X] del
Happy Birthday and much love!

- /news/

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 02:05 [Preview] No.8014 [X] del
Laudate anni duplex et duplex
- /tech/

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 14:22 [Preview] No.8016 [X] del >>8017>>8019>>8026
>endchan is 2 years old
You don't even care about the numbers on this site so what are you celebrating?

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 14:25 [Preview] No.8017 [X] del
I celebrate this site being alive because my VPN ranges were banned from 8chan, and 4chan is an echo chamber at this point (condones full blown censorship now).

Without endchan I don't know where else I would go.

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 17:38 [Preview] No.8019 [X] del >>8020
I too was permabanned (which they remove after a month or so) consistently on 8/pol/. You can take your D&C and shove it.

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 17:44 [Preview] No.8020 [X] del
Yah, but my VPN ranges were not just banned on one single board over there. I have a private VPN and for some reason the 8chan administration banned the WHOLE RANGE of IPs from my private VPN service which is fucking ridiculous.

First off, I never spammed anything. Second off, I didn't even visit many of the main boards anyway.

But every single IP range from my VPN is blocked from posting - I tested it on multiple boards. Very strange, my posts just won't go through at all. Contacted them about it, no response.

I suspect 8ch is a honeypot.

Anonymous 12/21/2017 (Thu) 20:28 [Preview] No.8021 [X] del >>8022
>Today Endchan is 2 years old.
Why should we celebrate the 2 year birthday of a fucking honeypot?
>Sorry feeling a bit down atm but I wanted to say something to commemorate this event. This isn't quite what I'd normally write for an event like this but it'll do. I had actually considered using this landmark to officially quit but I just can't. I love this community too much to put them in someone else's hands. I've put too much work in and fought too many battles to call it quits now. But it's been really hard being the only active admin, doing all the sysadmin and coding. This really is a labor of love.
"I am going to tell them all that I thought of quitting, but stayed because I love them, and my reputation is going to improve :^)".
>We've had success with am, ggrevolt, tech, pol, librejp, news and sp
"Success" defined as the active and efficient collection of data from posters.
>We've had our domains taken away and we've gotten our main endchan.xyz back
You somehow conveniently got it back... Not suspicious at all!
>Several attacks and we're still standing
"Look goyim, our website is stable, you can trust us to protect your information"!
>We've implemented a lot of features
>We've made mistakes and hopefully we've proved that we've learned from them.
"We fuck up from time to time goyim, but we fix our mistakes because we greatly care about you!"
>Running a site like this is a never ending job that can feel thankless especially when dealing with haters
"But I still do it because I care about you goy and those haters are just paranoid trolls!"
>Our HTML/CSS could use improvement. It says something that each of our major boards override the default CSS.
Fixing something that doesn't need to be fixed, and also paving the way for third-party javascript...
>We're planning to upgrade to LynxChan 1.9 in January
"Gotta keep the site running to keep the goys happy!"
>Here's to 2 more years!
Two more years of data collection before HQ determines whether this facet of their data collection department is worth the money their spending on it.

I and everyone else on /pol/ knows exactly what you are up to.

Anonymous 12/22/2017 (Fri) 03:58 [Preview] No.8022 [X] del >>8029
>I and everyone else on /pol/ knows exactly what you are up to.
Oh my. You sure put a lot of work into this, t. jew. Such an elaborate false flag. Odilitime, I'm sure you know who I am m8. /pol/ isn't against you or endchan. Matter of fact, he pulls this kind of shit with us, and his ass is grass.

Anonymous 12/22/2017 (Fri) 08:29 [Preview] No.8023 [X] del >>8026
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

odilitime Board volunteer 12/22/2017 (Fri) 17:28 [Preview] No.8026 [X] del >>8027>>8040>>8051
Thanks all. Always good to hear from the supporters to know that they're out there.

And we're truly blessed that so many people that hate endchan use it on a regular basis.

glad to hear you're getting ahead. Good luck.

sorry, I still don't know what to make of our /kc. I think my expectations of traffic are off because when the main kc was down, we had a lot of users at first. While most left this board does to stay active (not as active as other endchan boards tho)

Yea, did I post any stats in the birthday post? no. I don't care. The birthday is a milestone of achievement, we have lost a lot of imageboards in the last year.

thinking about doing a cytube later today but I'm not sure what'd we watch.

Anonymous 12/22/2017 (Fri) 20:19 [Preview] No.8027 [X] del >>8028
>I dont care that a 10 users imageboard is still alive
Wow, it's such an astounding achievement, to pay an annual fee to keep a website domain name and server alive!

Anonymous 12/22/2017 (Fri) 20:59 [Preview] No.8028 [X] del

Sure it is, bitchface, because 4 and 8 and all other chans are full of low tech low IQ tards, and you need a final chan when google dumps those, because they own that shit, entirely. Also, since MSM is hmm, 99.6% garbage shit that's not helping the peolle and are a loathesome chunk of TV owning shit, that propped up that loser ineligible usurper Obummer and his clan, well, I am glad endchan has been here this year. Even with all the /sp/ lacks flowing in, we have some good people.

Anonymous 12/22/2017 (Fri) 22:07 [Preview] No.8029 [X] del >>8030
>Anything that doesn't represent me as an individual that blankets an entire community is a false flag
Don't forget that hotwheels was made the administrator of one of endchan domains and that odilitime "accidentally" gave ownership to new people on multiple boards, /pol/ should be especially watchful especially considering what kind of shit has occurred in the past.

Anonymous 12/23/2017 (Sat) 02:05 [Preview] No.8030 [X] del
When some asshole makes all those claims of rage fueled attacks and then immediately follows with "I and everyone else on /pol", I know fucking well it's a false flag. The intent to run to /operate/ sometimes when shills are banned is not lost on those of us actually running end/pol/. We are not against endchan, nor Odilitime. He's actually come to /pol/ to assist in the past back when we were flooded with 900+ different IPs and asgasgfsf keyboard rape spam. We're grateful to have our board away from imkampfy and goons squad, where on end/pol/ questioning kike tricks and Zionist politicans doesn't get anyone banned, but promoting them does.

Anonymous 12/27/2017 (Wed) 11:26 [Preview] No.8040 [X] del
Never mind that, I was kidding.
>I still don't know what to make of our /kc.
Maybe you should just think of it as an /int/ board. However considering it's name it's a living advertisement for another (competing) chan so even I have some trouble imagine it as such.
>While most left this board does to stay active
And we try to keep it filled with quality discussions.

Anonymous 12/31/2017 (Sun) 13:58 [Preview] No.8051 [X] del >>8090>>8092
> I still don't know what to make of our /kc.
acknowledge it as the highest quality discussion on entire site

odilitime Board volunteer 01/07/2018 (Sun) 20:13 [Preview] No.8090 [X] del

Anonymous 01/07/2018 (Sun) 20:16 [Preview] No.8092 [X] del

Anonymous 12/31/2018 (Mon) 10:40 [Preview] No.10218 [X] del >>10223
pls see int's custom.css

Anonymous 12/31/2018 (Mon) 10:47 [Preview] No.10219 [X] del
happy anniversary btw

Anonymous 01/01/2019 (Tue) 04:54 [Preview] No.10223 [X] del
in the meantime

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