/otomad/ - OtoMADs, YTPMVs, etc.

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Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 23:08 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello, and welcome to /otomad/!


1. What is an OtoMAD?

An OtoMAD is a musical composition created by taking samples from various sources (gay porn, anime, and such) and remixing them into a song.

2. What is a YTPMV?

YTPMV is an acronym for YouTube Poop Music Video. It's the western equivalent of OtoMAD. They mean essentially the same thing, but in practice OtoMADs and YTPMVs typically use different samples.

3. What is the preferred file format of this board?

I prefer to post the original mp4s, but do what you like.

4. What tool do you use to convert from one video format to another?

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Anonymous 11/23/2016 (Wed) 01:05:09 [Preview] No. 180 del
I did see the link, maybe I'm misunderstanding the purpose but, again, not seeing the utility.
I have a script for youtube as well, which does exactly what you mentioned.
>I have no idea were precompiled sources for this are... along with windows NT binaries.

Anonymous 11/23/2016 (Wed) 05:14:37 [Preview] No. 182 del
I was thinking you were on windows not *unix or were expecting binaries over sourcecode, I had to compile this btw.

It's just as it says, a viewer that works in gtk and supposably a dummy terminal to show and search youtube videos (It also has all the features of a client), think minitube here.

Anonymous 11/24/2016 (Thu) 21:56:05 [Preview] No. 188 del
what's the specific advantage over navigating through youtube in a browser?

Anonymous 11/25/2016 (Fri) 09:20:02 [Preview] No. 190 del
>nice dubs
Nothing other than if you are a pseudo lazy fuck who types commands in a dropdown terminal constantly instead of using real gui menus to launch shit and hates having to type in website names setting up alternative css stylesheets and an ad blocker. but still does that anyway

tl;dr It's a niche tool for the lulz that you shouldn't waste your time on.
I used to use minitube until they required me to setup a google api account :/

Gachimuchi Anonymous 03/11/2016 (Fri) 04:14 [Preview] No. 109 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Samples from gay porn.
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Anonymous 03/25/2016 (Fri) 02:43:59 [Preview] No. 134 del

Anonymous 10/06/2017 (Fri) 23:07:53 [Preview] No. 214 del
I hate it when people post inmu in gachi threads.

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 14:13:47 [Preview] No.215 del
I will never look at Daicon's daikon the same way.

Anonymous 03/16/2024 (Sat) 12:30 [Preview] No.216 del

Quality recent uploads Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 19:37:25 [Preview] No. 151 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Just uploading some recent stuff that my script has caught

this was my favourite MAD of September 2016
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Anonymous 01/05/2017 (Thu) 19:54:53 [Preview] No. 210 del

Anonymous 02/02/2017 (Thu) 15:26:53 [Preview] No. 212 del
Any idea why some files have fucked up encoding? Nothing seems to be wrong with niconico playback.

Anonymous 06/08/2017 (Thu) 13:18:23 [Preview] No. 213 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XAsPeY8BsQU [Embed]

I tried to upload it but my internet is too slow.

Thomas Thomas 10/20/2016 (Thu) 16:02:22 [Preview] No. 148 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Dead written subject material, Really enjoyed studying.

Thomas Thomas 10/20/2016 (Thu) 16:01:20 [Preview] No. 147 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Dead written subject material, Really enjoyed studying.

(20.27 MB 1280x720 Essence_of_Jon.webm)
(38.89 MB 1920x1080 Sinister_Saga.webm)
Jontron, Nostalgia Critic AVGN etc. Anonymous 02/25/2016 (Thu) 18:28:58 [Preview] No. 4 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
How about a YT reviewer YTPMV thread.
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Anonymous 03/09/2016 (Wed) 00:37:31 [Preview] No. 106 del

Anonymous 03/12/2016 (Sat) 00:57:27 [Preview] No. 115 del

Anonymous 03/12/2016 (Sat) 01:02:24 [Preview] No. 117 del
(7.99 MB 512x288 Tower_of_Rocco.webm)

Anonymous 03/28/2016 (Mon) 22:52:58 [Preview] No. 137 del
wew lad

perv 06/01/2016 (Wed) 06:20:31 [Preview] No. 142 del

Eclectic sampling Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 02:44:54 [Preview] No. 3 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Just posting this here because it was requested on freech
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Anonymous 03/18/2016 (Fri) 10:50:44 [Preview] No. 127 del
(8.00 MB 854x480 Trumpy.webm)
(14.87 MB 1280x720 Trumpy_hd720.webm)

Anonymous 03/20/2016 (Sun) 13:01:01 [Preview] No. 131 del
(7.54 MB 426x240 論理海軍.webm)

Anonymous 03/20/2016 (Sun) 17:48:37 [Preview] No. 132 del
(278.97 KB 1012x760 mfw hai yai forces.jpg)
That sounds a bit like something Hirasawa could make.
Oh shit it is Hirasawa's.

vidya Anonymous 02/25/2016 (Thu) 18:52:46 [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
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Anonymous 03/06/2016 (Sun) 02:05:53 [Preview] No. 99 del
(8.00 MB 512x288 PoolTrousle.webm)
(20.17 MB 1280x720 PoolTrousle_hd720.mp4)

Anonymous 03/16/2016 (Wed) 02:15:09 [Preview] No. 125 del
(7.99 MB 480x270 DeadPoolka_II.webm)
(51.65 MB 1280x720 DeadPoolka_II_hd720.mp4)

Anonymous 03/28/2016 (Mon) 22:54:20 [Preview] No. 139 del

KMB Anonymous 02/25/2016 (Thu) 19:54:48 [Preview] No. 13 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Samples from KMB. I'll be adding to this over time, as with the various other threads.
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Anonymous 02/25/2016 (Thu) 21:27:05 [Preview] No. 34 del
(201.90 KB 800x800 2794.jpg)
Apparently you don't know who you're dealing with, kid.

Anonymous 02/25/2016 (Thu) 21:29:17 [Preview] No. 35 del
Have another one, bud.

Anonymous 02/27/2016 (Sat) 06:44:16 [Preview] No. 61 del
and these threads have all been taken from /otomad/ on 8ch (with different files, however).
I'm honestly surprised that someone took the initiative to copy these threads over. I guess I should probably start taking initiative myself, 8ch's posting errors are ridiculous.
>try to post gachimuchi on /pol/
>5 minutes of uploading, post error after error
>finally succeed
>can't post, banned for one month for some harmless shitpost thread I had made yesterday
somehow I feel like this is a pretty telling anecdote

Anonymous 03/28/2016 (Mon) 22:53:31 [Preview] No. 138 del