Catalog of /pagan/


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R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 1

Welcome, Brothers and Sisters, to /pagan/.

This is a board for the Ancestral Faiths of Europe, free from the cuck universalism present within Wicca and Asatru. Accordingly, if you are a person of mixed descent, please head to >>>/asatru/. Hellenist, Roman, Celtic, Germanic, or others, they are all part of our faith here, and we welcome all White Brothers and Sisters.

Q. I don't have any faith in the supernatural, how can I get back in touch with the Old Gods?

A. The best way is to talk to them, and to others of your fledgling faith. However, regaining religiosity from atheism is like regaining happiness from depression: the very things that will help you succeed are the things you least wish to do. You must find the strength to overcome your spiritual inertia and pick up some momentum.

In Christianity or other Jewish religions, you view yourself as a member of a flock who is to submit to Yahweh, and this is usually the most experience with religion a White person ever gets. Not so in the religion of our Folk, where the Gods are personal friends. You are an active participant in the religion, and a spiritual agent of the Gods. You have authority as a prophet, because the Gods act through inspiration in all our Folk.

You should see yourself as a Druid acolyte, personally called upon by the Gods to spread the faith to our Folk. Because you are. Feel it as a spiritual calling, and act on it. Find spiritual significance in all things, and inspiration in your dreams. Your spirituality has been carefully extinguished, but by acting mindfully and with purpose you can reclaim the same feeling of kinship and meaning that your ancestors enjoyed.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

this place is a white pill

I thought this place would be cucked and full of wiccans but it is full of true pagans who are based as fuck and actually honor the ancient believes of their ancestors.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Wiccan hate thread

They subvert real paganism at that real European paganism. So because they spread false information about our ancient paganistic people, religion and culture they should be hated by us.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

im about to do my first blood scrifice to the norse gods

im about to do my first blood sacrfice of 1 pints for the norse gods and to give me streath to deal with a problem in my life what should i do to to prepeare for what i must do pagan brothers and sisters

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

"jewish relativism"

"An oath is not just a promise, it's a promise to your Gods. Subjective morality is popular among Christcucks and those infected with Jewish relativism. However among natural peoples who have retained their Humanity, to break an oath debases yourself like eating shit in front of a crowd. No one can respect you or tolerate you as part of their community after that. If you're okay with it, then have at it, but it's not the same as breaking a promise or being deceptive. It's to be an intolerable faggot that ought be banished at BEST."

Jews invented moral relativism? The ignorance of the alt-right is surprising. Quite the contrary, Jews actually invented (along with others) moral absolutism. They are one of the inventors of monotheism as well. All have been disastrous blights upon this fair earth.

R: 6 / I: 3 / P: 1

>Christcucks are trying to meme oathbreaking into existence.

How has so much honor left the world that faggots don't even understand the nature of an oath anymore?

An oath is made in the presence of the Gods or your community. You can break an oath at any time but the Gods will be ashamed of you and your community will know you are without honor. An oath isn't just some promise, it's a promise made in such a way that breaking it will have severe consequences for you.

If jewspawn actually worshipped anything other than money, they might have been able to hold something higher than personal gain sacred.

Shaking my head in disgust to be sincere with you, kinsmen.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


As this place is also to cultivate mimematic banter.
Let us have a thread where we do exactly that. Discuss and create.

What I especially like about pic related is how the Aryan deities are portrayed as a bantarous clique. This is what should be embraced.

also dumping UID

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

Meta thread

From how bad it's getting on Crippledchan, I think endchan may actually take off. I can't even post images on that 'imageboard' anymore. I've never seen such incompetence persist for such a long time, they clearly don't give a fuck anymore.

To this end, we should start thinking about the future here on endchan. I've actually bothered to put down some rurus now. Pic related, sorry about the redundant rule numbering, I'll fix that at some point.

We will need banners, flags, css and a couple volunteers. To be a volunteer you'll have to come to the IRC on Rizon's #pagan, started just for this board (in other words empty af right now).

I'll leave this thread up for a while, since for some reason everyone is still using the Crippledchan. I think they're waiting for Infinity Next to actually hit, but it keeps being pushed back and back tricking thousands into enduring a hopelessly broken site longer than they otherwise would.

R: 11 / I: 6 / P: 1

Hello Druids, I wanted to share a revelation I've been having for some time now. From the pieces I've gathered, I believe the Christian/Jewish God Yahweh is in fact Jormungand, the dark world serpent who Thor will kill at Ragnarok. I mentioned this on the big pagan thread on Crippledchan yesterday and figured it might be a good topic for here.

I have had two dreams that tie Yahweh and Jormungand together. In both dreams, the World Serpent was feeding on the spirits of our ancestors. In one, I saw my great grandmother dying. When I was young she taught me Norwegian numbers and words and this is one of my very few memories of her. She died a Christian and in the dream I saw her being devoured by Jormungand who I knew to be Yahweh. There didn't seem to be any physical pain, but there was an emotional oblivion of a horror beyond comprehension. The only solace in this nightmare was that the torture was not drawn out, and was mercifully short. I don't think the Beast's ceaseless hunger has the patience to draw out the suffering.

I believe billions of our Folk have been consumed permanently and irrevocably in this way by the eternal hunger of the all-consuming Jewish god. Far better to die faithless and inglorious after a life of self-indulgent wankery and face the judgment of Hela than to be annihilated as psychic fuel for the World Serpent. To die a Christian is a fate worse than the ones known to our ancestors, one far worse than Hel.

What do you think about these dreams? Have you had any religious dreams since reawakening your spirituality? I have had these two bad ones, and one good one in which Thor and Mjolnir appeared, though there didn't seem to be any spiritual significance to that one -- it was just cool.

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 1


BO are you that disgruntled one at /asatru/ fighting the righteous fight against our impending genocide? If so, you're a trooper. Let this be a meta thread, I guess.

One Drop Rule is the only way to preserve our peoples and our blood memory. It's also the only consistent method you can uphold.
dropping my UID
