/pc/ - Play Club

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This should be common knowledge but just in case: don't post your IP, like fucking really.

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Opening Statement Anonymous 06/22/2016 (Wed) 19:38:30 [Preview] No. 1
Wanna actually play some vidya?
Don't exactly have that many friends wanting to play that game you want to play?
Want to play with Anonymous but don't want to endanger your board's anonymity?
If so then /pc/ is for you.

Set up a thread, give instructions on how to join you, arrange gaming sessions with your fellow anonymous.

I'm not going to control the content outside of maybe sticking OPs with actual games in them so that they won't be lost in a flood.
>inb4 rulecuck BO
Think of it less like an imageboard itself more like an addon to imageboards with a particular purpose.

And I think that's it. Probably this experiment isn't going anywhere but we'll see.

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