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Google's new AI test page is a cold hard look at how the world will be under tyranny Anonymous 08/06/2017 (Sun) 13:27:29 [Preview] No. 190
Google's new AI test page is a cold hard look at how the world will be under tyranny

Anonymous 08/06/2017 (Sun) 13:28:06 [Preview] No. 191 del
Google's new AI test page is a cold hard look at how the world will be under tyranny!!!

Anonymous 08/06/2017 (Sun) 14:26:12 [Preview] No. 192 del
Introducing Perspective— What if technology could help improve conversations online.pdf

Anonymous 01/20/2018 (Sat) 13:44:53 [Preview] No.256 del
Easily overcome. Recall how snowflake has become a bad word, in many places, including Youtube. Well, they can keep banning words, but as soon as they take them down we have a new word to put up. And specific grammar is not needed. We can just "coincidentally" drop either the word itself, or a hint to it, in the text, or in imagery.

Some already exist. You can imply someone is from San Francisco, or even just California. These are viewed as cherished things, so they're unlikely to ever ban them. Getting them to do so could result in lelzy times.

Anonymous 01/20/2018 (Sat) 16:50:45 [Preview] No.257 del
Google must be demolished but you have to also punish bad tech ideas.


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