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Moral Subjectivism Anonymous 04/03/2020 (Fri) 07:36:35 [Preview] No. 318
I've long been one to roll with the admittedly fence-sitter position that morality is subjective, at least in the sense that it can be justified. Deontology is too rigid, and most people will abandon their deontological principles when faced with sufficient reason anyways. And utilitarianism attempts to weight incomparable things -- also, it's been co-opted by a ton of leftist movements to justify famines in the pursuit of good policy. What do you guys think qualifies something as moral personally? Do you disagree that no objective morality exists? Sorry if this has already been posted.

Anonymous 04/03/2020 (Fri) 08:37:46 [Preview] No.319 del
I like cheese, and there is nothing to can say to make me feel, think or be otherwise.

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