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Roman Power Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:12:14 [Preview] No. 3
Roman Power

Post in this thread about the Roman Power

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:14:24 [Preview] No. 4 del
Leo Lyon Zagami
Project Camelot Interview
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_nLfRsReGII [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=q8BIAftpqiM [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_qcfqid8oi8 [Embed]

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:17:35 [Preview] No. 5 del
Count Viviano Vittorio Vivaldi-Pasqua III
Troyspace Interviews Count Vittorio

Eric Jon Phelps with Count Vittorio
Topic: Masonic Serial Killers
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TqoPqlDxIy4 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=V5Kkt0e28B0 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XHcxqdvNKc0 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=1V805TR0jSo [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=anJ2sVrQq3M [Embed]

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:18:58 [Preview] No. 6 del
Alberto Rivera

Claimed "Ex"-Jesuit Priest discusses Roman Power:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=hw9sOhhcK_o [Embed]

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:24:00 [Preview] No. 7 del
Is there really a Jesuit Conspiracy?
https://youtube.com/watch?v=g1bHPhv5uGg [Embed]

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:25:02 [Preview] No. 8 del
Everyone in the Illuminati is a Christian. Lucifer is Jesus. Jesus is Lucifer. He's the light of the world. It's a word game.
They just need you to do a baptism ritual so that they can enforce Canon law over you. According to the Cannons there are 4 types of people:

1) The unbaptized = infidels (non believers) The church can't punish infidels for non belief, since they're not in the body of christ, aren't dead and ressurected in christ etc.
2) Baptized people who believe in Roman Catholic dogma and adhere to it. These people are orthodox Catholics. They're left to be guided by the sacraments and pastors etc.
3) Baptized people who don't believe all of the Roman Catholic dogma, or make pronouncements against it. These people are deemed heterodox (heretical) Catholics. These people are to be admonished and re-educated. This is the majority of Lucifer is god illuminati type people. Lucifer is christ christ is god, they just are heretical in the rest of their beliefs. It is no murder to kill a heretic.
4) Baptized people who reject the entire religion, or switch religions. These people are deemed apostate. Apostates are to be put to death. This includes all atheists. Anyone in the Illuminati that is atheist, and most Illuminati baptized people that are following non christian religions or religions so radically different that they bear no resemblance to Christianity. These are the targets of the inquisition, which is now days prosecuted with wars, and very rarely on case by case tribunals, unless you really piss them off.

TL/DR : End of story 95% of the population of the world are secretly baptized Catholics.
Edited last time by Endwall on 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:28:03.

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:34:23 [Preview] No. 9 del
Roman War of 67-70AD in Israel
Rome and Jerusalem at War
https://youtube.com/watch?v=aC3nUrJutsM [Embed]
The Jewish War and Revolt
https://youtube.com/watch?v=KqrtDKzRR-4 [Embed]
Famous Roman Seiges | Masada
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9FfANAWJLpk [Embed]

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:39:41 [Preview] No. 10 del
Ultimate level. Recall that the Roman empire wiped israel off the map in 70AD.

I'm not saying anything about the reliability of the sources.

Listen to the message and put it together.

Svali: The headquarters of Illuminati is Rome, and is connected to the vatican. Illuminati is a multi-level pyramid scheme organized in cells and lodges in a heirarchy, contains 1% of the population (actually 95-98%). Its Germans that oversee it, but there are factions from france, italy, spain, england, russia, and there is a pecking order.

Count Vittorio: Decendants of the Roman Empire run the show; Jesuits are crafty. Elite might be doing human sacrafices and have orgies. Masonry works for the pope.

Leo Zagami: Itallian politics and Illuminati are intertwined. Jesuits are involved in power games, and interface with islam through inter-religious dialog. Freemasonry is politically active. The P2 lodge has powerful connections with North American and South American politics. Satanic and witchcraft lodges and paramasonic orders like the OTO and Order of the Golden Dawn are politically powerful. Demonic possession and supernatural entities are realities. Jewish influence is strong, and they work together with zionists. Homosexual lobies and secret societies are real and have influence.

John Todd: The Illuminati....its witches. The movie studios and music production are run by witches. Black magic spell casting groovy satanic beats. We ran a council and have witch covens under our control, it's irish druidic, and none of us were jews.

Kay Griggs: The military is in charge. Mercenaries and Professional army soldiers are under strict military command and populate civilian positions in government, judiciary and military contractors and commercial business postions post egress from the military. They are still under military orders. They have heterosexual and homosexual orgies and act like teenagers, and kill people for no reason. The top generals are in control and participate in sex parties, and murder people for no good reason.

Edward Snowden: The military signals intelligence at the NSA intercepts all signals and interferes with civilian communications.

Bill Binney: The NSA is spying on all domestic communications. We were the good guys fighting the communists, but now we are the just like the communist totalitarians, this is un-American, un-constitutional and unlawful, the NSA directors should be tried in a RICO court. Other foreign intelligence agencies do the same.

Svali: Military colonels and officers sit on local and regional illuminati councils and help decided policy at those levels of government.

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 04:43:17 [Preview] No. 11 del
Kay Griggs
Original Interview
Part 1
https://youtube.com/watch?v=MQNitCNycKQ [Embed]
Part 2
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2-SEA9W6pmA [Embed]
Part 3
https://youtube.com/watch?v=yaZUEEPNwiU [Embed]
Part 4
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qb9IwW9x1ps [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WpbloZWO8oA [Embed]
Jeff Rense 2005 Interview
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ctXOcPfLaOg [Embed]

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 05:05:22 [Preview] No. 14 del
A unifying idea that ties all of the conspiracies together.

Do you ever wonder if the illuminati and the initial christian churches, sending each other secret leters, worshiping Lucifer, were one and the same?

If that were true that would mean that Syria, Turkey and Greece are very important and very powerful in the occult realm.

Anonymous 10/29/2016 (Sat) 05:06:18 [Preview] No. 15 del
The initial Christian communities, essentially secret societies that initiate members by baptism, have a mystery school, and communicate through symbols and secret hand gestures. Happen to have an equalateral triangle as the symbol of their God.

Send encoded messages between the churches as letters, the most bizzare and famous of these being the Revelation of John.

Greek orthodox and Syrian Orthodox Christianity is near original occult illuminati fraternal Christianity.

Rome tries to subdue these power centers, bankrupts Greece, wages war on Syria, Destabilizes Turkey with coups and plots. Maybe coincidence maybe not...

Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 07:15:07 [Preview] No. 44 del
John Todd
http://endchan5doxvprs5.onion/.media/4c78f3e4ca75f14421b10a4c7b94de12-applicationzip/alias/John Todd Former Illuminati Occult Member Gives Testimony.zip

Anonymous 12/11/2016 (Sun) 08:44:27 [Preview] No. 114 del
Empire of the City: The Ring Of Power (Full Length Documentary) - Duration: 4:55:34.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=3dU4sRXhzsA [Embed]

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