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censorship Anonymous 10/22/2016 (Sat) 17:50:12 Id: 2825f8 [Preview] No. 25

Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 05:40 Id: 20ed26 [Preview] No.39 del
Tyranny leads to unintended consequences.

Checkpoints were started to stop drunk-drivers, but then DWI checkpoints lead to safety checkpoints, seatbelt checkpoints, driver license checkpoints, virus checkpoints, and checkpoints for any reason at all.

Nanny state laws against smoking lead to plastic bag bans, straw bans, solar panel bans, and car bans.

Tyranny leads to economic collapse because taxes rise to pay for prisons and no one wants to start a business when everything is illegal.

The police state leads to poor morals because churches are closed.

Tyranny and poor morals lead to corruption and more crime.

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