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(73.46 KB 300x100 2025-02-16_0-23-24.png)
New Thread, Can We POST? Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 07:11 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No. 151736 [Hide User] [X]
BO checking in, will try a new thread.....

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 07:14 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151737 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
First time trying to create a new thread in a long time.
What next?

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 07:18 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151738 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
post #2

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 07:23 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151740 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
post #4

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 07:38 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151741 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>151742
Don't know whether the attackers have been defeated or whether they just aren't attacking. But it's definitely possible to post here. Will leave this open for as long as i can monitor it.

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 07:45 Id: 194e8f (1) [Preview] No.151742 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
They just stopped. Updates are posted on operate weekly here's the most recent:

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 07:58 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151743 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
tried posting wo/magrathea
did not work
this is WITH magrathea

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 08:00 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151744 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
However, to access admin functions requires the original interface.

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 08:08 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151745 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
no attacks for the past two days?
It's possible that attackers are afraid now that there's a new admin at the FBI.
Attackers might actually get caught, charged and convicted.

Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 18:14 Id: df54ce (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.151746 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
thread still ok.....

Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 21:08 Id: 7914a6 (1) [Preview] No.151747 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>151752
(12.73 KB 145x180 to victory_pepe.JPG)

Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 03:25 Id: 9a70dd (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.151748 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
can i post?

Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 03:27 Id: 9a70dd (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.151749 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
ah....can post
when i tried on endchan.org, got a "known spammer" message initially
switched vpn channel, and got use magrathea message
if i have a "known spammer" channel, it won't inform on magrathea, just will not post

Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 03:28 Id: 9a70dd (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.151750 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
good to know
this is still BO

Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 03:32 Id: 9a70dd (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.151751 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
hard captcha
lemme try again

Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 04:18 Id: 9a70dd (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.151752 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>151754
GM indeed.

if you cannot post on this thread (you do the captcha, post and it appears to go thru but then disappears:
assume your ip hash is a "known spammer" (can happen to anyone) and switch ip channels on vpn

when you get an unbanned channel, should be able to post on magrathea interface

It is NOT possible to post on endchan.org, endchan.net enchan.gg at this time

Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 04:30 Id: 981d90 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.151778 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>151779
Welcome back.
When are you going to start #471?

Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 07:42 Id: 981d90 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.151779 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Nevermind. I looked at the catalog again and found it.

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