/qresearch/ - FUCK OFF Q-RESEARCH

FUCK OFF Q-TARDS - Q-Faggotry not tolerated. Board exists in Spirit of 8/pol/ - kind of...

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Board is intended to be set up in the Spirit of /pol/
Q-Tards and r_TheDonald are not tolerated here.
You can even be a /leftypol/ in here as long as you're not the faggot current BO running it. He really is disgusting.

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Matlock LEL 02/05/2019 (Tue) 00:04:35 Id: 9d2e51 [Preview] No. 117
Excuse me, I came from http//www. >>>/normie/ .com" but I don't know how to get back. My device doesn't have a back button. Can one of you young men help me? Btw, your website design unacceptable, I pay $50 for the internet every month, and the least you can do is make it worth it. The whole website looks like my facebook!

I can't get back to where I was...when I was in college, there was a hotline you could call when your typewriter doesn't work, but those days are gone. I miss my old phone line, it was so much easy to use.

You lousy good for nothing millennials can't make anything right, all I see you doing is playing with your iPods every day when you should be busting your behinds to serve me. It's intolerable. I didn't pay $3000 a month for premium nursing home to be given disrespect. I want to speak to your website's manager.

You had better fix my computer pronto and put a back button, or you'll be getting a letter from my attorney next week. If I don't get a reply within 48 hours, I will sue your company for every penny you're worth.

Matlock LEL 02/10/2019 (Sun) 15:00:54 Id: ef7d15 [Preview] No.118 del
The MAss Migration Agenda

https://youtube.com/watch?v=p4DpLVW9DKU [Embed]

Matlock LEL 02/10/2019 (Sun) 15:03:36 Id: ef7d15 [Preview] No.119 del
The Mass Migration Agenda

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