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right accelerationist factorio memes Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 07:02:01 [Preview] No. 5495
I think there is strong meme potential in combining right accelerationism / Nick Land and the video game Factorio, but I'm struggling to think of actual instances, so I'm hoping I can crowdsource some here

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 07:02:40 [Preview] No.5496 del
If you think that lush verdant tangles of forest are more beautiful than clone-stamped industrial expanses stretching beyond the horizon then your bloodline is weak and will not survive the winter. ""People"" who believe in innate human dignity or anything that could be described as "inner light" are the sociological equivalent to a biter colony and should be dealt with in a similar manner (read: flamethrowers).

Minimizing pollution is ultimately crueller to the biters than maximising it. Evolutionary failures wallowing complacently in the dirt - can you imagine anything more pathetic? Let them strive for greatness! Allowing the weak to flourish is a gross betrayal of the sacred principles that underlie creation, and will not go unpunished. Encourage an arms race, however, and all will benefit in time.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 07:02:56 [Preview] No.5497 del
Arms races are the best argument for keeping your opponents alive. Maximum pollution from the start may not be the optimum for keeping biters long-term competitive.

Regardless, you are being too prescriptive for a Landian. Let some try to minimize pollution, some to maximize it, some to control or ignore however they please, and see who wins.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 07:03:59 [Preview] No.5499 del
As someone who wouldn't really mind the biosphere being reprocessed tomorrow, I don't like the zealous anti-""nature"" stance in some circles, it's coming from ressentiment, sunk cost fallacies and the like instead of cold practicality. They criminally ignore the value wild ecosystems have for research, reverse engineering, genestealing, keeping the apes fertile before they're unnecessary, etc.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 07:04:34 [Preview] No.5501 del
Exactly. Nature as it is today is a valuable source of technological and aesthetic insight. Having a figurative fetish for destroying nature is not much better than having a literal murrlogic1-type fetish for destroying nature.

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