/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

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Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 09:45:24 [Preview] No. 5995
Okay, which one of you fuckers did this?


Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 09:45:42 [Preview] No.5996 del
Please don't post dox here.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 11:56:24 [Preview] No.6403 del
If you fail to make a pinned thread containing a "Don't post dox" rule, you have no basis to complain when people post dox.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 11:57:28 [Preview] No.6404 del
I don't expect it to be common, and I'm wary of doing something as hands-on as making a sticky that wasn't there before I took over. I'll reconsider if something like this happens again. I didn't consider the possibility of someone posting dox before it happened.
I wouldn't ban someone for not knowing about illegible rules, of course.

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