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Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:46:17 [Preview] No. 6184
Postmodernism for Rationalists - good read

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:46:51 [Preview] No.6186 del
I already know most of this shit.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:47:57 [Preview] No.6189 del
>Vast majority of Christians today read Bible allegorically / metaphorically
Is this actually true?

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:48:13 [Preview] No.6190 del

lolnope. vast majority of christians today (or, really, ever) actually never read the bible ever.

but what small parts of it they know about, they interpret allegorically/metaphorically, yes. for a vast majority of them and a vast majority of the content.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:50:40 [Preview] No.6199 del
My guess is that the majority of Christians see verses in passing or hear them at church – mostly whatever is most compatible with 21st century ethical dogma – and take them at face value.
On the rare occasion that a passage conflicts with said dogma it is rationalised away or, yes, interpreted metaphorically.
From an apologetics standpoint, some sections are metaphorical, some are not, and the difference is usually clear. Fx: New atheists often like to believe that they've shunted Christians into a corner on Genesis. In reality, metaphorical interpretation was the accepted view for millennia. That is, before Pr*testants turned up.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 11:35:19 [Preview] No.6346 del
>implying it's not a collection of different books with different genres
>implying allegory isn't an ancient writing technique
>implying Christianity is only the Bible
>implying readership doesn't vary among denominations
>implying worship and tradition aren't complementary components of Christianity as manifest in the body of the Church
>implying any rationalist knows anything about Christianity beyond TV stereotypes, r/atheism and their Israel-loving Evangelical boomer parents

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