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Zhang 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:05:08 [Preview] No. 6614

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:05:33 [Preview] No.6615 del
Some suggestions:
1. Use the fucking catalog.
2. Lurk before you post.
3. Don't make duplicate threads.

There is already a thread about this.

Gatebox is cool, though. I want tube 3D displays to become cheap and common.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:05:49 [Preview] No.6616 del
My understanding is that the Gatebox only has a single display layer and is just another flat projector that claims to be volumetric; all the pictures of it that I've seen have an obvious single piece of glass in the center.

Contrast that with something like Looking Glass, which while also not a "real" holographic display, at at least gets autostereoscopic volume by stacking a bunch of layers on top of each other.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:06:23 [Preview] No.6618 del
Then I have been tricked. I thought Gatebox had multiple glass layers.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:19:20 [Preview] No.6649 del
At this point of gender cold war, only science denialists, ideologues and uninformed ones reject the Scientific Black Pill. I'm more worried about the coping strategies available here and now.

1) Optimizing for looks, wealth and dark triad is costly, nerve-wrecking and socially harmful, and you eventually can't keep up with the pace of the race.

2) If you want to preserve the rest of your dignity and sanity, becoming a humiliated beta in a poly arrangement is not an option either.

3) Escorts solve the problem of inceldom, but not the lack of true validation and complete love experience. Even worse, if you suddenly became Chad, then the black pill awareness and past experiences would make you incapable of reaching full satisfaction and peace of mind.

4) Modern psychotherapy will make you pay for being told that you that you suffer because of your privilege, misogyny, and toxic masculinity.

5) No amount of efforts and advocacy will bring the "past order". The damage done by female supremacy in culture, (social) media and law is irreversible.

Robowaifus are probably the ultimate choice, but lack necessary sophistication in fooling our brains. Uncanny wall is the key problem: some people claim that it will always be possible to tell artificial from human because as robots become more realistic, we will also become more sensitive and will always be able to tell that something is not right.


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