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(46.03 KB 1600x1064 Remember.jpeg)
Anonymous 10/28/2019 (Mon) 09:51:49 [Preview] No. 6741
[Serious] How many members of the rationality circles (Less Wrong, Effective Altruism, adjacent meetups and the blogosphere) committed a suicide?

The problem seems significant and overlooked. Let's have an edginess-free thread to list people who passed away in the last decade and see if there are any common warning signs or patterns that deserve more attention.

Anonymous 03/18/2020 (Wed) 08:30:12 [Preview] No.6762 del
(35.70 KB 295x479 Mario Montano.jpg)
Read about Mario Montano. He might be dead.

Here is his YouTube channel and blog:

Anonymous 03/18/2020 (Wed) 08:33:28 [Preview] No.6763 del
(8.61 KB 250x298 Mitchell Heisman.jpg)
Not sure if this counts, but Mitchell Heisman's suicide note had a lot of ideas regarding the Singularity, AI, and those sorts of topics.

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