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Escaping the City Anonymous 01/06/2016 (Wed) 01:43:30 Id: dc6516 [Preview] No. 8
I live in New York City, and am gainfully employed in the finance industry. My workplace has been relatively free from the latest leftist hysteria, but with a new diversity initiative and a rising tide of collectivism, I don't think it will stay that way for long. I have accumulated enough money to live comfortably, albeit modestly, for the rest of my life.

What part of the United States should I investigate moving to?
inb4 innawoods

Anonymous 01/06/2016 (Wed) 02:41:06 Id: 0b92dd [Preview] No. 10 del
>with a new diversity initiative
What's that? Your workplace isn't black enough? That's scary.

Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico are pretty nice. Oklahoma is Jesusland, so expect some weird laws like liquor stores being closed on Sunday and you can only buy real beer from the liquor store.

Anonymous 01/06/2016 (Wed) 13:47:19 Id: 0b86ec [Preview] No. 16 del
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Wyoming, Idaho and that whole area have amazing scenery. Most of the population is either White or Asian since Blacks and Arabs hate the cold. Some places are expensive to live so you just have to do some research. My favorite town was Red Lodge in Wyoming, but I can't remember how expensive it is to live there.

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