/robowaifu/ - robowaifu

A site for those that desire to create a robotic companion. Research on AGI and related topics.

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Welcome to Robowaifu! Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 03:39:07 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why Robowaifu?

Modern women have failed their men and their societies, and men around the world have been looking for a solution. History shows there are cultural and political solutions to this problem, but we believe that technology is the best way forward at present – specifically the technology of robotics. We are technologists, dreamers, hobbyists and geeks looking forward to a day when any man can build the companionship he desires in his own home. Not content to wait for the future, however, we are bringing that day forward. We are creating an active hobbyist scene of builders, programmers, artists and designers, using the technology of today, not tomorrow. Join us!

>We are also on Freenode IRC at #robowaifu

>FYI your real IP is visible when using IRC. Consider using a VPN.

Note: This is generally a SFW board, given our engineering focus primarily. There is a NSFW board >>>/clang/ that would be a suitable choice for those so inclined. More bizarre NSFW is available at >>>/monster/.

What is a Robowaifu?

That's a very good question! A robowaifu is a robot that fulfills a man's natural need for companionship. To achieve this, there are many problems to be solved, and there are many approaches being explored here. Solutions range from silicone sex dolls with robotic features to VR and virtual girlfriends, and even into the realm of spirituality.

Do You Intend to Sell Robowaifus?

The objective is to design a robowaifu that any man can create in his own home. We also believe in open source as a way to protect our rights. We expect that some day companies will sell robowaifu kits. Already there is one company that sells a complete robowaifu, that company being RealDoll, the robowaifu being named Harmony.

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Robowaifu references / Inspiration Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 03:42:35 [Preview] No. 2 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What is your ideal waifu like? What do you expect her to act like, to be like? To behave like?

Post your muse (or muses) here!

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 13:16:37 [Preview] No.12 del
I'd love someone that was sunny, loving and excited about life like Rapunzel. I know she could be crafted if curiosity is encoded in the robot and somehow linked to a positive disposition, so the more she learns, the happier she becomes.

Other days I'd like someone supportive to cuddle or to help me with my work. So someone calm like Rem or Sakura could be nice.

In bed, I'd like her extra kinky and for the frame I've thought of giving her a muscular yet still curvy body. Like Maki's frame from Enen no Shoubutai.

AGI/Narrow AI thread Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 23:39:13 [Preview] No. 8 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
OS Language Choice
C is by far the single largest source of security holes in software history, so it's out more or less automatically by default. I'm sure that causes many C developers to sneer at the very thought of a non-C-based operating system, but the unavoidable cost of fixing the large numbers of bugs and security holes that are inevitable for a large C project is simply more than can be borne by a small team. There is much else to do besides writing code here, and C hooks can be generated wherever deemed necessary as well.
C++ is the best candidate for me personally, since it's the language I know best (I also know C too). It's also basically as low level as C but with far better abstractions and much better type-checking. And just like C, you can inline Assembler code wherever needed in C++. Although poorly-written C++ can be as bad as C code in terms of safety due to the necessity of it being compatible with C, it also has many facilities to not go there for the sane coder who adheres to simple, tried-and-true guidelines. There is also a good C++ project already ongoing that could be used for a clustered unikernel OS approach for speed and safety. This approach could save drastic amounts of time for many reasons, not the least of which is tightly constrained debugging. Every 'process' is literally it's own single-threaded kernel, and mountains of old-style cruft (and thinking) typical with OS development simply vanishes.
FORTRAN is a very well-established language for the sciences, but a) there aren't a lot of FORTRAN coders, and b) it's probably not the greatest at being a general-purpose language anyway. I'm sure it could be made to run robotics hardware, but would probably be a challenge to turn into an OS.
There are plenty of dujour SJW & coffee languages out there, but quite apart from the rampant faggotry & SJWtardism plainly evident in most of their communities, none of them have the kind of industrial experience and pure backbone that C, C++, or FORTRAN have.
D and Ada are special cases and possibly bear due consideration in some year's time, but for now C++ is the obvious choice to me for a Robowaifu OS foundation, Python probably being the best scripting language for it.

The Lounge Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 23:30:29 [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is the humor & shitposting bread for anons to say anything that's on their mind

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 11:09:02 [Preview] No.10 del
Hello, bunker anons. I was talking to an anon in the thread that had these images. Are you still here, Robowaifu Technician?

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 11:10:55 [Preview] No.11 del
I have no idea why it posted twice.

Materials for Waifus! Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 23:34:06 [Preview] No. 7 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hard Materials
>3D Printed Hard Plastic (PLA/ABS)
>Injection Molded Hard Plastic
Soft Materials
>Natural Fabrics (Cotton, Silk, Wool)
>Synthetic Fabrics (Vinyl, Polyester, Nylon)
>Fur/Hair (presumably synthetic, inb4 yiff in hell)
>Silicone or TPE Rubber (TPE is basically a cheaper form of silicone)
I'm strongly biased against the hard materials for comfort reasons. Personally, I have a hard time seeing myself falling in love with something hard, but others on this board talk about using hard materials, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.
My preference is for silicone, but there are four big problems with it. Firstly, it's expensive. Secondly, it impedes modification after the silicone has set. Thirdly, it contributes to the uncanny valley/silicone slut issue. Fourthly, it is heavy, and this weight really constrains the skeleton, posablity, and probably robotics. Because of the weight, silicone dolls have heavy-duty skeletons.
My second choice is therefore fabric, presumably stuffed with cotton. Fabric is super comfy, and has no uncanny valley issue. A non-fuggable fabric doll or robot would have no stigma issue, and could be the start of a productive hobbyist scene with plenty of females. Fabric is extremely lightweight which could be a plus or a minus. By itself, its unsubstantial and not ideal for robotics. A fabric robot is possible, but it requires hard, heavy parts underneath to provide structure and as actuators, which would make it less comfy. The fabric could be a textile (cotton), a synthetic leather (resembles skin, makeup/dress-up potential), or synthetic fur for you furfags out there.
Another possibility is a hard vinyl BJD-like doll with a layer of something comfy on top. Alternately, you all can reject my comfort autism if the benefits of having a hard doll/robot are clear enough. I'd like to hear others make the case for a hard doll/robot, since I don't think I could do the argument justice.
Finally, this is a discussion, not a debate. There are multiple paths we could take, and I'm sure different robowaifuists will try different techniques to see what works and what doesn't. I'm more interested in seeing what options are on the table than shutting down any particular approach.

Actuators for Waifus! Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 13:35:51 [Preview] No. 3 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello fellow Anons! Kiwi here to provide basic educational facts about various actuators we can use for gifting artificial avatars of our hearts desire motion!
1. Let's start with a personal favorite, the impractical, inefficient yet oh so fascinating: Heated Twisted Nylon!
What are they? They're nylon threads which have been spun around then annealed to seal in their coils. A heating method causes these threads to then contract or expand.
Good: Why is this a personal favorite? Simply put, it's natures muscle substitute for muscles. To elaborate, this marvelous unvention contracts like human muscles, has a similar practical strength/weight/volume as human muscle. Icing on this proverbial cake comes in its incredibly low cost of manufacture. Materials needed are nylon threads and a heating element. A fixture for production can be produced simply, operated with incredible ease, all while having a low cost. It very well could have revolutionized all of robotics if it weren't for its flaws.

Bad: This is honestly a terrible actuator. Its greatest flaw comes from its speed. they aren't as fast as human muscles unless they're underwater. Water reduces efficiency to unacceptable levels if they're powered by batteries. Water is also rather heavy. If used, you'd have a waifu that moved slowly , would seize up in hot weather, and her battery would die rather quickly. Final nail in the coffin: it's very difficult to get positional control.
2: Pneumatics, moving her booty with air!
What is it? Pressurized air is guided to an actuator where its energy turns into motion. Popular air actuators include rotary turbines, cylinders, and air muscles.
Good: Actuators are light for their power. Positional control isn't difficult to attain. They can be faster then human muscles. Heating elements can be used to augment performance to higher levels.
Bad: These things require electrical actuators to function properly. Thus, they're inherently more complex then electrical counterparts. They need a source of compressed air, either from a tank or a compressor and a tank. Compressors are large, heavy, noisy, all around unsuitable to be incorporated into a waifu. Air tanks would also run out rapidly unless she's barely moving. Overall, they're suited better for industrial use.
3. Hydraulics, they're like pneumatics except stronger, needs a return system, needs an onboard pump, gets hotter, generally costs more, and is heavier.
(2 and 3 are great for stationary machinery which requires high power as they're very cost effective as high power actuators)
4. AC motors
What are they? They're rotary devices which use AC current to create magnetic flux used to provide torque.
Good: Generally highly efficient with good thermal characteristics. Can have controllable speed and torque.
Bad: They run off of AC electricity, batteries don't provide that. It's not difficult to change DC to AC but, it's a layer of extra cost and complexity. Overall they're great but the next actuator is better suited for our purpose.
5: DC motors are the ideal actuator for smaller waifus.

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Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 13:36:38 [Preview] No.4 del
6. Superior Brushless Motors are ideal actuators
What are they? DC motors which need specialty hardware to drive them.
Good: High efficiency, it's the most efficient option available.
Bad: Controllers add expense and complexity.
7: Stepper motors, for when you want a self balancing loli
What are they? A DC motor which uses four wires to drive the motor through pulses allowing high control.
Good: Very accurate with great control. They also offer high torque for their size at lower speeds. They can hold a position. (Most other motors will burn out unless they have protection circuitry) Comes in Nema standard sizes which makes designing around them a great experience.
Bad: They require special drivers to function. Low efficiency unless they're rotating at a specific range of RPM.
(Because of their great control characteristics, they're fantastic for small self balancing waifus)
8: You, yes you Anon!
What? You can pull her along with you.
Good: She doesn't consume power while being pulled. Could generate power while being pulled. Will be right beside you.
Bad: She's completely dependent on her Anon listening to her for her needs to be fulfilled. (Potentially a plus if you dig physically disabled girls)
Feel free to add or correct anything!

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 16:53:09 [Preview] No.5 del
I've thought of getting something similar to Boston Dynamics system. It would be awesome but also very bulky and complicated.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=dKjCWfuvYxQ [Embed]