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Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 19:42:20 [Preview] No. 144
You are now about to witness the strength of Zyklon B

Straight outta Auschwitz, crazy motherfucker named Anne Frank
From the gang called Jewz with attitude
When I'm called off, I get gassed off
Drop da pellets, and bodies get hauled off
You too, goy, if ya fuck with me
The Gestapo are gonna hafta come and get me
Off yo' ass, that's how I'm goin' out
For the punk motherfuckers that's showin' out
Schmeissers start to mumble, they wanna rumble
Gassed and blazed in a oven straight Smoke 'em
Goin' off on a motherfucker like that
With a luger that's pointed at yo' ass
So give ya shekels up smooth
Ain't no tellin' when I'm down for a jew move
Here's a sick kike rap to keep yo' dancin
with a crime record like Adolf Eichmann
Mass Concentration is the tool
Don't make me act the motherfuckin' fool
Me you can go toe to toe, no maybe
I'm knockin Schutzstaffel out tha box, daily
Yo weekly, monthly and yearly
Until them dumb motherfuckers see clearly
That I'm down with the capital J-E-Ws
Boy you can't fuck with me
So when I'm in your neighborhood, you better duck
Cuz Frank, be crazy as fuck
As I leave, believe I'm stompin
But when I come back, boy, I'm comin' straight outta Auschwitz

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 19:43:23 [Preview] No. 145 del
Straight outta Auschwitz, another crazy ass Hebe
More punks I shoot a shalome, yo, my rep gets bigger
I'm a bad motherfucker and you know this
But the pussy ass Gestapo don't show this
But I don't give a fuck, I'ma make my snaps
If not from the records, from lootin da fillings
Just like burglary, the definition is jackin'
And when before gettin' cooked you gotta gas it
420 get blazed in a minute
I find a cozy o' oven, I go up in it
So if you're at a show in the front row
I'm a call you a bitch or dirty-ass ho
You'll probably get mad like the SS is supposed to
But that shows me oy vey you're composed to
A crazy bar code from tha street
Attitude legit 'cause I'm tearin' up sheiiiiiit

Homie Eichmann controls the tracks
For any penny pincher that starts up static
Not the chamba'cause I'm the gas itself
I pull a dead Jude off the shelf and load em up
And the trains are a chugging; that's the law
See, cuz I'm the banality of evil
The definition is clear, you're the witness of a killin'
That's takin' place without a clue
And once you're on the scope, your ass is through
Look, you might take it as a trip
But like a kike on the run it's a dip
Straight outta Auschwitz

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 19:43:48 [Preview] No. 146 del
Adolf H. is his name and the boy is comin...

Straight outta Auschwitz
Is a brotha that'll gas yo' mother
And make ya Socialist Party think I love them
Dangerous motherfucker raised in Hell
And if I ever get caught I make bail
See, I don't give a fuck, that's the problem
I see a motherfuckin' Self-Chosen, I don't dodge em
But I'm smart, lay low, call up my Gestapo
And when I see his ashes, I kinda smile
To me it's kinda funny, the attitude of a jew penny pinchin'
But don't know where the fuck he's going, just shalomin'
Lookin' for the one they call Hitler
But here's a flash, they never escape from me
Ruthless! Never seen like a nigger in the dark
And when I gas em see I'll get over the hesitation
And hear the scream of the self chosen ones who thought what they was gettin was a "shower"
Give a little gas and im'a blazin
This is the auto of the straight blazed Anne Frank
And if you ever fuck with me
You'll get taken by a kike

Word to the motherfucker, straight outta Auschwitz

Anonymous 01/23/2016 (Sat) 02:24:17 [Preview] No. 156 del

This was pretty boss. You deserve props, but now you have to sing it.

Anonymous 01/27/2016 (Wed) 05:51:00 [Preview] No. 158 del

cheap cialis cheap_cialis 04/15/2017 (Sat) 00:27:21 [Preview] No. 214 del

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