/slav/ - Slavs

120% better board than /deutsch/

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(319.80 KB 1752x890 flag.png)
Candi 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:27:08 [Preview] No. 10
I have a better flag for you, you double stinking niggers

Also your board sucks man, hangyoself

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:32:09 [Preview] No. 13 del
What kind of flag is that?

Candi 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:37:08 [Preview] No. 14 del
Originally a /V4/ flag, but it's whatever now

Looks better than the shit you have on the top of the page, I'm fairly certain

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:41:20 [Preview] No. 15 del
But v4 represents only west Slavs, not east and south Slavs.

Also it includes Hungary which is not Slavic.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 19:07:16 [Preview] No. 26 del
(282.37 KB 1752x890 slavic.png)
Maybe this could be the slavic flag.

Candi 05/26/2016 (Thu) 19:51:32 [Preview] No. 30 del
Hey, that's pretty good

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 19:52:54 [Preview] No. 31 del
Is it? Thanks. It was your work for the most part anyway.

Candi 05/26/2016 (Thu) 20:32:34 [Preview] No. 33 del
Yeah it's nice

If you want to fuck around with it more, you could put a Polish emblem there, instead of Romanian eagle. I just used it since I couldn't be bothered to find a nice version of polan one

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 21:08:47 [Preview] No. 37 del
Like those stupid birds don't look all the same...

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