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The Money Masters Anonymous 02/28/2016 (Sun) 22:59:54 [Preview] No. 123
Calling attention to this documentary, which sets out to tell the history of private central banking in America. It documents the different ways it can be established, the tools it uses for control, how it took over America, after most of the world. And it presents the alternatives that have been repeatedly suppressed by international banking cartels for hundreds of years.

Big props to Bill Still for making this. He still makes videos on his YT channel on a regular basis (he supports Trump btw).

Anonymous 02/28/2016 (Sun) 23:07:13 [Preview] No. 124 del
It would have been better if you could have separated this in to 5 parts or so. Who do you think you are, fucking Seattle4Truth?

Btw since you said he supports Trump aren't I supposed to get man and call everyone and anybody a shill then throw my hat on the floor and shit in it? I'm not sure if I need to be paid to do that or if I'm supposed to feel obliged to do that, because I'm not paid so I'm find with Trump.

Anonymous 10/12/2017 (Thu) 07:14:05 [Preview] No. 296 del
(4.57 KB 616x103 josh.png)
dead board

Anonymous 12/27/2017 (Wed) 03:43:52 [Preview] No.300 del
Would anyone please share a torrent or direct download to Afghan: The Soviet Experience?

Anonymous 02/25/2018 (Sun) 09:35:17 [Preview] No.301 del
can't find it anywhere.

Anonymous 04/02/2018 (Mon) 17:55:13 [Preview] No.306 del
I plan to bring this board back to life soon. There is an asshole BO who claims to support backups, but covertly deletes threads he/she does not approve of or without any other given reason.

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