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faggots Anonymous 01/25/2020 (Sat) 21:54:29 [Preview] No. 1364 [X] >>1367
is homosexuality a mental disease. I assume yes because most homosexuals I meet have a bad past like all molesty and shit from uncle cock holster. so I tried to do research and all I could find was "Perspectives" of doctors. but I want the black and white. yes or no. and if so why.

Coconut===> 02/27/2020 (Thu) 20:34:21 [Preview] No.1367 [X] del
“A problem repeatedly occurred”, much like your lack of hand eye coordination.
>We have silver, we have space gray, I repeat: We have space gray. Sorry to our prospective money pits, we’ve run out of gold for Team N-Word_
Imagine I put this “ “ at the prompt so you can trick yourself that you’ve been playing along The Whole Way.

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