/sprevolt/ - sprevolt

sports revolt and stuff

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Anonymous 04/20/2017 (Thu) 18:50:51 [Preview] No. 4
remember that guy who was tied to GGrevolt, who was a literal tranny who wanted to suck nigger dicks ?

Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 21:18:13 [Preview] No. 5 del
honestly no. the main things I remember about gamergate
>got their first board nuked by the gnaa
>threw a fit about that
>next gamergate board is run by acidman who bans everyone he disagrees with
>acidman apparently goes to the feds
>gamergaterevolt is the splinter board and if you even so much as mention it around 8chan you can get banned
i wasn't paying that much attention to gamergate stuff though. i know they still have that cancerous general on 8 /v/ where they talk about everything but gamergate stuff.

Anonymous 04/22/2017 (Sat) 15:32:55 [Preview] No. 6 del
I'll say this: the heart was in the right place but gamers are such autistic faggot leftists that they fucked up gaming for the next decade

Anonymous 05/06/2017 (Sat) 13:03:31 [Preview] No. 16 del
Is it ironic that GG was the major impetus of the splinten-chan zeitgeist yet no one actually cares about it?

Anonymous 05/06/2017 (Sat) 17:17:20 [Preview] No. 17 del
It was bound to happen in time. Just like every other big event that sends users to other chans it eventually fades into nothing. Hotwheels was an opportunist and saw it as a way to market 8chan. He even made the first few come to 8chan images himself that got spammed around 4chan. None of this shit ever lasts forever, look at chanology. 8chans struggling to make a new identity for itself these days with steadily declining traffic. It all was bound to happen in time.

Anonymous 05/06/2017 (Sat) 20:51:36 [Preview] No. 18 del
I think it's always like that with big "changes" in any culture. Nobody gave a fuck about the original cause they just used it to promote their own ideas with some justification the cause gave

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