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Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 18:39:03 Id: 3d5790 [Preview] No. 8
So what's the real deal with the new episode? I've seen opinions on it on 8chan, but they looked more like actual paid advertisement.
In light of the general tendency to ruin established settings while calling it "rebooting of a franchise" that has became the norm nowadays, I expect it to compare to the OT as the new BatlleFront compares to its predecessors.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 20:55:20 [Preview] No. 11 del
At least to me, it seemed that they both reduced, if not completely eliminated the "space western" aesthetic for the average consumer, but that they also butchered the film by adding in too many throwbacks to the OT (poorly, I might add).

Honestly, it was just a mess. It didn't feel like Star Wars at all. I'm hoping that among the other dozen plus movies they have in the works one will be decent.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 21:46:58 Id: 3d5790 [Preview] No. 13 del
>At least to me, it seemed that they both reduced, if not completely eliminated the "space western" aesthetic for the average consumer, but that they also butchered the film by adding in too many throwbacks to the OT (poorly, I might add).
>Honestly, it was just a mess. It didn't feel like Star Wars at all.
Just what I expected. Shame.

>I'm hoping that among the other dozen plus movies they have in the works one will be decent.
Eh, the deal is off for me now. They'll be building upon their "opener" in every piece of media the new big-eared overlord is planning to spawn, from films to video games to comics to novels.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 22:51:44 Id: 8be497 [Preview] No. 14 del
while I personally didn't like the new starwars, it does a lot of things right.

For me, it DID feel like a starwars film. The sets and camera angles are pretty well matched to the original trilogy in recreating the atmosphere it had, yet they're still different enough that they don't come off as recreations.

The music is well done, and even some of the characters are placed well.
Rey (if thats her name) is clearly an advertisement for little girls.
And the two main characters don't have much reasoning behind any of their actions.
Only some times do most of the characters feel like advertisements and in the later half of the movie finn starts to seem like an actual character.

Without getting nitpicky about it, my only major complaint is watching the movie feels like playing a low grade linear first person shooter.
Why was this door locked? because
why was this item there? "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" <actual movie quote
why did this person happen to be doing this? because

Overall I can't say its a bad movie, and its feels like less of a commercial than its intended to be.

It is by far better than the prequels

I'd give it a 6/10 and say its probably worth watching once for most people, but I could have gone without.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 23:21:29 Id: 6b457a [Preview] No. 15 del
It's on par with VI, i.e. a good Star Wars, but a bad film. The only Star Wars that is a good Star Wars and a good film is V, and that is because it is competently made and original. IV is a rip-off of Kurosawa's Kakushi Toride no San Akunin, so VII is a remake of a rip-off.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 00:12:53 Id: 3d5790 [Preview] No. 16 del
>And the two main characters don't have much reasoning behind any of their actions.
>Without getting nitpicky about it, my only major complaint is watching the movie feels like playing a low grade linear first person shooter.
Not sure how there can be anything redeeming with after that. They didn't cure cancer, did they?

>Overall I can't say its a bad movie
Wait, but you just described why it is a bog-standard Hollywood product a few paragraphs above. It was supposed to be a high-budget piece of entertainment for the average first-world citizen - sounds like that's exactly what it is.

>It is by far better than the prequels
I hope not having Jar Jar Abrams isn't be the only thing making it better.

Eh, history knows a lot of repetition. Went through a period when I looked down on concepts I deemed unoriginal, but with time it became obvious pretty much everyone is rehashing old ideas. Quality rehashes by filmsmakers who have interesting takes on them are as good as it gets, I'm afraid.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 00:31:48 Id: 37ab4c [Preview] No. 17 del
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My biggest problem with it is that it has no setting, or at least barely explains what is actually going on and expects you to just gobble up a poorly developed regurgitation of the "Rebels vs Empire" plot. That and it feels completely disconnected from the established universe, scrapping the entire EU really was a bad idea.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 00:40:20 Id: 775fb1 [Preview] No. 18 del
I'll be honest, it was a damn good movie. I went into it wanting to hate it and see how SJWpilled it was but there was nothing much to hate about it. It was definitely better than the prequels, that's for sure.

I think it was very respectful to the series. Like, it really feels like a proper sequel to the original trilogy. They did play it really safe though, as it had the exact same plot as A New Hope, but eh, it was fun to watch.

The one thing I didn't like was how the bad guy was hyped up as being powerful as heck but he got his ass kicked by someone who had never used a lightsaber before.

But anyways, if this movie ruins star wars for you then I'm not sure what kind of movie wouldn't. I don't want to sound like a paid advertisement but I can't see how they could have done the big damn return of Star Wars any differently. I mean, imagine if Phantom Menace had come out this year, now that'd be a disaster.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 02:05:06 Id: 3d5790 [Preview] No. 19 del
It's a poorly disguised reboot, what else did you expect?

Also, what's with that guy on the pic? Is he from the VII?

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 02:08:10 Id: 3d5790 [Preview] No. 20 del
(2.38 MB 1920x1200 1373423459462.png)
>I'll be honest, it was a damn good movie. I went into it wanting to hate it and see how SJWpilled it was but there was nothing much to hate about it.
>I think it was very respectful to the series. Like, it really feels like a proper sequel to the original trilogy. They did play it really safe though, as it had the exact same plot as A New Hope, but eh, it was fun to watch.
Am I being taken on a ruse cruise? No, I can handle people with different opinions, but this is highly contrasting with what others wrote here.

>But anyways, if this movie ruins star wars for you then I'm not sure what kind of movie wouldn't.
It "ruins" Disney-made "Star Wars" for me, as in it makes me not interested and ignore its existence.

>I don't want to sound like a paid advertisement but I can't see how they could have done the big damn return of Star Wars any differently.
They shouldn't have. They aren't cut for the job.
Besides, the saga was pretty much concluded at this point. You don't disturb the remains for no good reason, and you sure as hell don't try to fix what isn't broken.

>I mean, imagine if Phantom Menace had come out this year, now that'd be a disaster.
See, I've read some very harsh criticism of the prequels in this very thread, but most if not all of the arguments defending the new episode can be used to defend the prequels as well. Try it.

It probably looks like I'm nitpicking to some, but I'm actually trying to find any redeeming qualities for myself. Getting mixed signals so far.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 03:30:40 [Preview] No. 21 del
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Regardless of your political stance, I don't like the fact that JJ/Disney appeared to have hired actors not based on their ability, but on their gender/race.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 03:31:37 [Preview] No. 22 del
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Oddly enough the board won't let me post more than one image at a time.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 03:33:18 [Preview] No. 23 del
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I don't care about the superfluous characteristics of an actor, I just wish that the actors that had been chosen were actually good at acting.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 03:38:03 Id: 98c2ea [Preview] No. 24 del
Its one of those movies that you feel should be amateur or fan-fiction, but aren't (well, the former, at the least).

The movie scarred me so bad, I couldn't sleep after watching it, fuck this reboot.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 03:55:55 Id: cf2842 [Preview] No. 25 del
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Apparently some of what's going on in TFA, like why the not-Rebellion seems undermanned in the movie and why the First Order is so powerful, is covered in some of the books that were released alongside the movie. Why they didn't just at least try to explain any of this in the movie itself is beyond me, other than the obvious reasons behind pushing merchandise of course.
It's possible here. You just need use ctrl+left click when you upload them.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 04:54:14 Id: 37ab4c [Preview] No. 26 del
It's TR-8R

I had to have someone point it out to me, there is like one line in the Nazi guy's angry speech to the stormtroopers that kind of explains what's going on, something about the Republic meddling in First Order space by funding The Resistance.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 05:11:46 Id: 3d5790 [Preview] No. 27 del
>I don't like the fact that JJ/Disney appeared to have hired actors not based on their ability, but on their gender/race.
This constitutes about 99% of my political stance on pretty much everything.

I'll never understand why someone has to go and twist already existing things into something they are not. Why not build new awesome settings? Creation is better than destruction, right?
And especially when anything with historical basis is concerned. Historical revisionism is one of the worst things people do.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 05:25:25 Id: 3d5790 [Preview] No. 28 del
(219.49 KB 1440x900 1417220808382.jpg)
>Its one of those movies that you feel should be amateur or fan-fiction, but aren't (well, the former, at the least).
So far that's the impression I'm getting overall.

>The movie scarred me so bad, I couldn't sleep after watching it, fuck this reboot.
>scarred me
That's not healthy, anon. I realize where we are, in more way than one, but getting this upset over a shitty "re-imagining" (or whatever is the current buzzword) is just wrong. Don't let them win.

>It's TR-8R
So it is a new maymay, I see. And those are, according to the first search result, "lightsaber-resistant melee weapons". Which are also batons that look retarded enough as they are, but also likely glow. Also his helmet looks ridiculous.
Good to see that they've been taking notes from all the OC /tv/ produced.

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