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(81.38 KB 320x320 robot.png)
Robotics Anonymous 05/03/2023 (Wed) 22:46 [Preview] No. 15215
Hello there! I'm not speak english, so I'm sorry if your don't understand some of what a tell to your in my post. Well! I have the needed to learn robotics, at least, the basic to rotate and jawing a camera, like a security camera does. And I have to learn it on TOR. Don't ask way, please! Do you know a book, course, web page or any resource to start to learn? Thanks!

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 01:53 [Preview] No.15216 del
(53.55 KB 462x600 MakeMagazine.jpeg)
>Hello there! I'm not speak english, so I'm sorry if your don't understand some of what a tell to your in my post

It's fine. We understand OP

>Well! I have the needed to learn robotics,

Try reading Make Magazine for starters. They have loads of content related to robotics. I'm sure you'll find something


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