/tf2c/ - Team Fortress 2 Classic

TF2 Classic, a mod of Team Fortress 2 by Valve Software. Normal TF2 discussion fine as well.

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TF2C Pastebin: http://www.pastebin.com/3M9vEY9U

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(12.29 KB 352x390 tf2c_reddit.png)
Jason Grant 01/03/2016 (Sun) 15:10:11 Id: 5ccc6e [Preview] No. 27
could this infect the mod with even more redditors/furfags/bronies/etc?

Jason Grant 01/03/2016 (Sun) 15:38:50 Id: 08c9b1 [Preview] No. 28 del
Yep. If a game/mod whatever gets shilled on a undesirable place it can attract untold story of autismos.

Jason Grant 01/03/2016 (Sun) 21:01:16 Id: 9bc0b7 [Preview] No. 30 del
even if they do, not much we can do besides raid them

Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 03:13:43 Id: 6b7bfe [Preview] No. 35 del
Should we encourage Tumblr to play it so we can trigger them?

Jason Grant 01/04/2016 (Mon) 03:56:02 Id: 466fd2 [Preview] No. 37 del
(248.70 KB 618x464 Nope_speech_bubble.png)

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