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(44.89 KB 774x516 THE FRUGE.jpg)
The Frugal Gourmet (mp4) FIXED Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 00:46:53 Id: debb63 [Preview] No. 552
The Frugal Gourmet (#F!awt3wTjS!nQsYgdo_u-Yh0vLA-ohcIA)

The Frugal Gourmet was a classic cooking show that first aired in the late 70s on WTTW in Chicago. Later, re-airing nationally on PBS from 1983 to 1997.

There are no DVDs of this show in existence. Old VHS recordings were uploaded to Youtube a while back ago, but Google Inc. shut it all down. Fortunately for us, I have it all backed up.

All the episodes will be mirrored below in timely fashion, many of them come in two parts. A few special holiday episodes come in three or four parts.

Expect around 4 to 5 episodes mirrored per day until uploading is finished. (This show is also currently being shared via the P2P client Soulseek!)

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 00:55:25 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.553 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Barbecue - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 01:01:42 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.554 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Catfish.mp4

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 01:11:00 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.555 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Cheese for the Meal - Jeff Smith Cooking HD

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 01:20:10 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.556 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Chicken Wings.mp4

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 01:29:52 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.557 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Crabs - Jeff Smith Cooking in HD.mp4

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 01:33:01 Id: 3e1dde [Preview] No.558 del

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 01:49:26 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.559 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Eggplant - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 02:00:55 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.560 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Hors d'Oeuvres Buffet- Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/02/2018 (Sat) 02:09:31 Id: debb63 [Preview] No.561 del
The Frugal Gourmet - New Orleans - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 11:21:21 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.564 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Addictive Pasta - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 11:27:29 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.565 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Addictive Pasta - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 11:32:11 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.566 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- American Breakfast - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 11:38:17 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.567 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- American Breakfast - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 11:45:14 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.568 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Ancient Method of Steaming - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 11:49:26 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.569 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Ancient Method of Steaming - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 11:58:03 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.570 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Barbecue Southern Style - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 12:13:34 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.571 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Barbecue Southern Style - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 12:30:24 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.572 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Bread - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 12:37:16 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.573 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Bread- Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 12:55:40 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.574 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Casseroles For The Buffet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 13:08:23 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.575 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Casseroles For The Buffet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 13:12:48 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.576 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Chili - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/03/2018 (Sun) 13:32:47 Id: 7c806d [Preview] No.577 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Chili - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 01:14:58 Id: 0dc522 [Preview] No.578 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Chocolate - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 01:22:34 Id: 0dc522 [Preview] No.579 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Chocolate - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 01:27:51 Id: 0dc522 [Preview] No.580 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Clams - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 01:58:38 Id: 0dc522 [Preview] No.581 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Clams - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 15:32:24 Id: 8b74b2 [Preview] No.582 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Classic Beef Dishes - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 15:42:59 Id: 8b74b2 [Preview] No.583 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Classic Beef Dishes - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 15:51:16 Id: 8b74b2 [Preview] No.584 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Colonial Christmas - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 16:02:28 Id: 8b74b2 [Preview] No.585 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Colonial Christmas - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 16:07:13 Id: 8b74b2 [Preview] No.586 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P3- Colonial Christmas - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 16:38:46 Id: 8b74b2 [Preview] No.587 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Cooking for Two - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/04/2018 (Mon) 16:45:53 Id: 8b74b2 [Preview] No.588 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Cooking for Two - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 13:45:19 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.589 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Cooking in Paper - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 13:51:40 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.590 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Cooking in Paper - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 14:01:38 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.591 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Cooking With The Frugal Gourmet HD Special.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 14:05:58 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.592 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Cooking With The Frugal Gourmet HD Special.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 14:11:42 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.593 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P3- Cooking With The Frugal Gourmet HD Special.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 14:25:15 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.594 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P4- Cooking With The Frugal Gourmet HD Special.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 14:35:53 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.595 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Desserts - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 14:40:19 Id: 7e36f1 [Preview] No.596 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Desserts - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 18:02:16 Id: 7b8ce8 [Preview] No.597 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Dim Sum - Jeff Smith WTTW.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 18:09:03 Id: 7b8ce8 [Preview] No.598 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Dim Sum - Jeff Smith WTTW.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 18:20:01 Id: 7b8ce8 [Preview] No.599 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Dishes from the Court of Peking - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/05/2018 (Tue) 18:26:32 Id: 7b8ce8 [Preview] No.600 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Dishes from the Court of Peking - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 00:58:44 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.601 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Dishes of Africa - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 01:04:31 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.602 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Dishes of Africa - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 01:09:58 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.603 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Early American Cuisine - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 01:17:44 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.604 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Early American Cuisine - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 01:33:09 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.605 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Edible Italian History - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 01:39:26 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.606 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Edible Italian History - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 01:45:44 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.607 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Fancy Chicken Dishes - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 02:00:14 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.608 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Fancy Chicken Dishes - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 02:12:03 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.609 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Firefighter Cooks - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 02:20:29 Id: f6237a [Preview] No.610 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Firefighter Cooks - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 13:14:53 Id: 24c225 [Preview] No.611 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- First Courses and Wine - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 13:20:44 Id: 24c225 [Preview] No.612 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- First Courses and Wine - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 13:26:43 Id: 24c225 [Preview] No.613 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Fish wih a Flair - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 13:31:56 Id: 24c225 [Preview] No.614 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Fish wih a Flair - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 13:37:16 Id: 24c225 [Preview] No.615 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Foods from Greece - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 13:48:45 Id: 24c225 [Preview] No.616 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Foods from Greece - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 13:56:25 Id: 24c225 [Preview] No.617 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- French & Italian Breads - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/08/2018 (Fri) 14:12:59 Id: 398e35 [Preview] No.618 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- French & Italian Breads - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/10/2018 (Sun) 14:34:04 Id: 551383 [Preview] No.619 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Garlic Garlic Garlic! - Jeff Smith.mp4

Critic 06/10/2018 (Sun) 14:38:35 Id: 551383 [Preview] No.620 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Garlic Garlic Garlic! - Jeff Smith.mp4

Critic 06/10/2018 (Sun) 14:47:56 Id: 551383 [Preview] No.621 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Grilling - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/10/2018 (Sun) 14:52:53 Id: 551383 [Preview] No.622 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Grilling - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/10/2018 (Sun) 15:30:00 Id: 551383 [Preview] No.623 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Grilling - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4 (2nd try)

Critic 06/11/2018 (Mon) 18:13:06 Id: eb5d7d [Preview] No.624 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Hunan Treasures - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/11/2018 (Mon) 18:18:06 Id: eb5d7d [Preview] No.625 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Hunan Treasures - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/11/2018 (Mon) 18:23:44 Id: eb5d7d [Preview] No.626 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Lebanon - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/11/2018 (Mon) 18:28:46 Id: eb5d7d [Preview] No.627 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Lebanon - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/11/2018 (Mon) 18:34:04 Id: eb5d7d [Preview] No.628 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Low Salt - Low Fat Cooking - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/11/2018 (Mon) 18:41:16 Id: eb5d7d [Preview] No.629 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Low Salt - Low Fat Cooking - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/11/2018 (Mon) 18:46:24 Id: eb5d7d [Preview] No.630 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Low Salt - Low Fat Cooking - Jeff Smith HD.mp4 (2nd try)

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 11:48:46 Id: bb6432 [Preview] No.631 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Meat Marinades - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 12:23:24 Id: bb6432 [Preview] No.632 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Meat Marinades - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 12:31:56 Id: bb6432 [Preview] No.633 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- New England - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 13:47:57 Id: a09e9a [Preview] No.634 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- New England - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 13:52:52 Id: a09e9a [Preview] No.635 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Noodles, Dumplings, Biscuits and Scones HD.mp4

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 14:08:39 Id: a09e9a [Preview] No.636 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Noodles, Dumplings, Biscuits and Scones HD.mp4

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 14:14:45 Id: a09e9a [Preview] No.637 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Pasta Buffet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/12/2018 (Tue) 14:20:47 Id: a09e9a [Preview] No.638 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Pasta Buffet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 16:17:32 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.639 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Pennsylvania Dutch - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 16:24:15 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.640 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Pennsylvania Dutch - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 16:32:32 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.641 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Philadelphia - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 16:37:55 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.642 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Philadelphia - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 16:42:36 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.643 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Rice - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 16:49:31 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.644 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Rice - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 17:02:19 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.645 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Sandwich Buffet - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/13/2018 (Wed) 17:12:21 Id: c21e92 [Preview] No.646 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Sandwich Buffet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 21:54:15 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.647 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Sauces from Wine - Jeff Smith WTTW.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 22:08:07 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.648 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Sauces from Wine - Jeff Smith WTTW.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 22:25:10 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.649 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Seafood and Wine - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 22:30:25 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.650 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Seafood and Wine - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 22:48:01 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.651 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Shakers- Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 22:53:40 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.652 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Shakers- Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 22:59:04 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.653 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Sherbet and Ice Creams - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/14/2018 (Thu) 23:04:49 Id: 17fbce [Preview] No.654 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Sherbet and Ice Creams - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/15/2018 (Fri) 15:54:26 Id: ddc9ea [Preview] No.655 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Soups - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/15/2018 (Fri) 15:59:22 Id: ddc9ea [Preview] No.656 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Soups - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/15/2018 (Fri) 16:06:27 Id: ddc9ea [Preview] No.657 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Sourdough - Bread Making - Jeff Smith.mp4

Critic 06/15/2018 (Fri) 16:14:12 Id: ddc9ea [Preview] No.658 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Sourdough - Bread Making - Jeff Smith.mp4

Critic 06/16/2018 (Sat) 23:38:52 Id: 1fd2ba [Preview] No.659 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Southern Cooking - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/16/2018 (Sat) 23:43:04 Id: 1fd2ba [Preview] No.660 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Southern Cooking - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/16/2018 (Sat) 23:48:07 Id: 1fd2ba [Preview] No.661 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Southwest Indians - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/16/2018 (Sat) 23:56:50 Id: 1fd2ba [Preview] No.662 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Southwest Indians - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/17/2018 (Sun) 00:42:04 Id: 1fd2ba [Preview] No.663 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Tapas Buffet - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/17/2018 (Sun) 00:50:32 Id: 1fd2ba [Preview] No.664 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Tapas Buffet - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/17/2018 (Sun) 12:09:59 Id: 955f7c [Preview] No.665 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Chinese Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/17/2018 (Sun) 12:15:55 Id: 955f7c [Preview] No.666 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Chinese Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/17/2018 (Sun) 12:21:03 Id: 955f7c [Preview] No.667 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Classic Omelet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/17/2018 (Sun) 12:36:11 Id: 955f7c [Preview] No.668 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Classic Omelet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/17/2018 (Sun) 13:01:35 Id: ed9bce [Preview] No.669 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Classic Omelet - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4 (2nd try)

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 00:56:05 Id: 995b9b [Preview] No.670 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Colonies - Jeff Smith WTTW.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 01:00:59 Id: 995b9b [Preview] No.671 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Colonies - Jeff Smith WTTW.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 01:10:40 Id: 995b9b [Preview] No.672 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The French Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 01:15:57 Id: 995b9b [Preview] No.673 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The French Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:12:21 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.674 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Gracious Tomato- Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:17:17 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.675 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Gracious Tomato- Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:22:02 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.676 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Italian Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:28:20 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.677 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Italian Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:33:38 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.678 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Japanese Kitchen - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:38:52 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.679 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Japanese Kitchen - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:43:31 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.680 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Jewish Nosher- Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/18/2018 (Mon) 15:47:45 Id: 2a9111 [Preview] No.681 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Jewish Nosher- Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 20:32:40 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.682 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Molded Meal - Jeff Smith.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 20:39:47 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.683 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Molded Meal - Jeff Smith.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 20:44:23 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.684 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Pacific Northwest - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 20:50:11 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.685 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Pacific Northwest - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 20:55:22 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.686 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Polish Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 20:59:29 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.687 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Polish Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 21:05:20 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.688 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Potpourri - Coffee for Entertaining.mp4

Critic 06/19/2018 (Tue) 21:11:52 Id: c9bef3 [Preview] No.689 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Potpourri - Coffee for Entertaining.mp4

Critic 06/22/2018 (Fri) 15:37:29 Id: 25fb09 [Preview] No.690 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Spanish Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/22/2018 (Fri) 15:51:33 Id: 25fb09 [Preview] No.691 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Spanish Kitchen - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/22/2018 (Fri) 16:04:50 Id: 25fb09 [Preview] No.692 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Stand Up Buffet - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/24/2018 (Sun) 15:20:21 Id: 773271 [Preview] No.693 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Stand Up Buffet - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/24/2018 (Sun) 15:27:26 Id: 773271 [Preview] No.694 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Stand Up Buffet - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/24/2018 (Sun) 15:32:16 Id: 773271 [Preview] No.695 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- The Turkey - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/24/2018 (Sun) 15:37:09 Id: 773271 [Preview] No.696 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- The Turkey - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 06/24/2018 (Sun) 15:42:42 Id: 773271 [Preview] No.697 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Vegetables with Class - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 06/24/2018 (Sun) 15:47:39 Id: 773271 [Preview] No.698 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Vegetables with Class - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 07/06/2018 (Fri) 14:25:37 Id: 8ae2e8 [Preview] No.699 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Whole-Meal Salads - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 07/06/2018 (Fri) 14:34:38 Id: 8ae2e8 [Preview] No.700 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Whole-Meal Salads - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 07/06/2018 (Fri) 14:41:42 Id: 8ae2e8 [Preview] No.701 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Whole-Meal Soups - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 07/06/2018 (Fri) 14:54:08 Id: 8ae2e8 [Preview] No.702 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Whole-Meal Soups - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 07/07/2018 (Sat) 13:59:50 Id: 83c4ac [Preview] No.703 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Wine and Dessert - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 07/07/2018 (Sat) 14:15:25 Id: 83c4ac [Preview] No.704 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Wine and Dessert - Jeff Smith HD Cooking.mp4

Critic 07/07/2018 (Sat) 14:20:52 Id: 83c4ac [Preview] No.705 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P1- Yogurt & Cheese - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 07/07/2018 (Sat) 14:25:42 Id: 83c4ac [Preview] No.706 del
The Frugal Gourmet -P2- Yogurt & Cheese - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 07/07/2018 (Sat) 14:38:24 Id: 83c4ac [Preview] No.707 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Pot Pies.mp4

Critic 07/07/2018 (Sat) 14:47:38 Id: 83c4ac [Preview] No.708 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Quiche - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 07/08/2018 (Sun) 15:47:17 Id: 28bda0 [Preview] No.709 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Quiche - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4 [2nd try]

Critic 07/08/2018 (Sun) 15:56:39 Id: 28bda0 [Preview] No.710 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Soul Food - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 07/08/2018 (Sun) 16:09:22 Id: 28bda0 [Preview] No.711 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Soul Food - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4 [2nd try]

Critic 07/08/2018 (Sun) 16:20:53 Id: 28bda0 [Preview] No.712 del
The Frugal Gourmet - Tabletop Cooking - Jeff Smith Cooking HD.mp4

Critic 07/08/2018 (Sun) 16:26:56 Id: 28bda0 [Preview] No.713 del
Thats it folks. This is the entire collection I have of the Frugal Gourmet. Currently this show is being shared via Soulseek as well (a free and easy to use P2P client). Hope you enjoy the show and if so please feel free to share these episodes. They are hard to find.

Critic 01/11/2019 (Fri) 03:16:40 [Preview] No.717 del
(138.45 KB 800x600 800px-Karotten.JPG)
Thanks anon for the interesting find! I will enjoy these. have a carrot

Critic 01/12/2019 (Sat) 01:56:20 [Preview] No.721 del
I now want to meme this.

Critic 04/05/2019 (Fri) 05:47:43 Id: 1d9330 [Preview] No.727 del
Thanks dude, good job.

Critic 08/07/2019 (Wed) 14:57:42 Id: 1ba2ca [Preview] No.734 del
Do you have Vincent Schiavelli's PBS cooking show from 1999? It was called "Chefs of Cucina Amore".

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