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Movie Idea Critic 09/25/2022 (Sun) 23:49 Id: 4d8733 (1) [Preview] No. 875 [Hide User] [X]
I have this movie idea for a Romance Drama Thriller where I want it's Two main Roles to be played by Sabrina Carpenter & Keith David.

where it's about this upstanding very traditional Family values family man the typical kind you get in america who always votes Republican goes to church, wife, a lot of children, and even a couple grandkids, played Keith David, who has his whole life turned upside down when he meets this aspiring Glamour Model working as a barista in one of the local coffee shops in New York to pay the bills till her modeling career takes off.

when his usual coffee shop he goes into before work every morning was/is having some renovations to it so he decides to try out the one just around the corner, where, when walking into the place to wait inline to get his order taken is greeted by Sabrina Carpenter's Character and to his dismay is blown over and away by her incredible looks charm, charisma and bubbly personality and has never seen such beauty in all his life not even his beloved from all these years he's been with her can nor could compare to her beauty or the feelings created from this single glance and knew from that moment he had to be with her and that he couldn't leave or let things dissolve into nothing from this one encounter he had no needed to see her again.

I can continue on with what other parts are in the story if you'd like to hear more of the ideas I have in/for the story, and yes I can go into as much detail pertaining to the main one you want to know about.

good idea Critic 07/06/2024 (Sat) 18:03 [Preview] No.905 [X] del
i want to know more.

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