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post some fucking video games this time

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Localized games are still seeing censorship Anonymous 04/10/2018 (Tue) 02:53:33 [Preview] No. 11444
And this is why I've refused to deal with any big corps localizing shit. This time the culprit is Crunchy Roll who are looking to monopolize the anime subbing scene as well.


One can only wonder what anime subs will be censored by these fucks.

Anonymous 04/10/2018 (Tue) 02:56:48 [Preview] No.11445 del
Archive for the ones who don't want to give the news source any hits.

Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 09:20:08 [Preview] No.11446 del
At least post the key points you pile of fucking garbage.

>CrunchyRoll’s community team for the English release of the mobile dungeon crawler, DanMachi: Memoria Freese, revealed in a recent Reddit thread that they decided to censor the game for the Western audience due to what they felt was and wasn’t appropriate for said audience.

>The “touching” feature was removed from the English version of the game, yes.

>The community was not at all pleased with this turn of events.

Put fourth some effort and at least TRY to get people interested in the shit you post about.

Anonymous 04/28/2018 (Sat) 07:45:31 [Preview] No.11456 del
If you need green text to summarize an article for you, you're a nigger tier intellect fuck who doesn't deserve to be posting on Endchan.

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