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(281.55 KB 800x800 GQslrMaWQAAyWqv.jpeg)
百合 06/22/2024 (Sat) 22:52 Id: 282289 [Preview] No. 230037
New thread, Cirno edition!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/22/2024 (Sat) 22:56 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230039 del
(327.16 KB 2048x1915 GDP5aULagAAtclX.jpg)
Go to a cheese farm

百合 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:01 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230040 del
(90.52 KB 959x1042 GQdhwqsWsAAS2LC.jpeg)
Delete the cheese pizza thread!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:02 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230041 del
(321.05 KB 1543x2460 GDjbHA9bQAAH3h5.jpg)
Make a script that automatically snipes CP threads super hacker genius.

百合 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:04 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230042 del
Didn't know we were nearing the end of the other thread, I guess I'll have to wait a month before I can make the next one.
What's your favourite Linux distro?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:06 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230043 del
(321.25 KB 1620x2160 GEiHGhaboAAKO0v.jpg)
It is dinner time~
Too bad there's absolutely nothing to eat around here~
Make us all dinner~

百合 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:08 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230044 del
I've fasted for almost 40 hours. I'm considering aiming for 48 hours.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:11 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230045 del
>What's your favourite Linux distro?
I've heard good things about Mint, although I haven't tried it myself yet.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:13 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230046 del
Order some whey protein powder from Amazon.

Maybe I should try fasting...

百合 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:15 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230047 del
That's what I'm using.
It's good, just start with 16 hour fasts, though.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:18 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230048 del
Maybe next year, I will visit Finland again.

How do you like Mint so far?

百合 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:20 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230049 del
There's some adjustments needed, but no real issues. Any issues I've come across has just been user errors. I was already using LibreOffice for a few years beforehand, so stuff like that hasn't been an issue adjusting to.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:22 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230050 del
Have you had the occasion to use seed or awk yet?

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:23 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230051 del

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:23 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230052 del
God damn fucking nigger phone autocorrect

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/22/2024 (Sat) 23:38 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230053 del
(55.60 KB 640x586 GQi9kp8WUAAQSs2.jpeg)

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 01:57 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230054 del
Nope, I've only recently started using Linux. I'm going to try out others over time as well.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:10 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230055 del
(352.69 KB 1195x1364 GQsGCW1XIAAuctv.jpeg)
Time to eat a bowl of Finnish meme soup!

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:16 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230056 del
(102.68 KB 720x800 600cd1_11609365.jpg)
I'm going to have a spinach curry to break my fast.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:22 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230057 del
Here is a delicious spinach curry served in a bowl. The curry has a rich, creamy texture with vibrant green spinach leaves cooked in a flavorful, spicy sauce. The bowl is garnished with a sprinkle of coriander leaves and a wedge of lemon on the side. The background shows an Indian-style table setting with traditional cutlery and a glass of water.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:32 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230058 del
(137.86 KB 942x1200 GPTncP5bMAAO1yQ.jpg)

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:37 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230059 del
You know the discourse about women encountering a bear or a man?
It just occured to me that there is one aspect in which encountering a bear is opposite that of encountering a man. With bears, encountering a white bear is most likely to be deadly, while encountering a black bear is least likely to be deadly. On the other hand, when encountering a man,

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:42 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230060 del
(142.31 KB 1118x1200 GNXgV8MaIAEZNZ4.jpg)
would you like muffin's lollipop?

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:43 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230061 del
Muffin is a bear in their relationship.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:45 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230062 del
(140.91 KB 962x1200 GQpWwH6a4AABQeo.jpg)
chain wears a chastity cage.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:47 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230063 del
I'm trying to reduce my intake of sugary foods like lollipops and other candy.

She's more of a cat. But a cat with a thin tail, not a fluffy tail. For some reason, she doesn't like fluffy tails. It's sad!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:48 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230064 del
(78.98 KB 960x958 GQjAXudWsAA064x.jpg)
muffins are pure sugar tho.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:50 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230065 del
(22.78 KB 606x662 muffin-vs-cupcake.png)
No, you're thinking of cupcakes! And with homemade muffins, you can cut down significantly on the sugar.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:53 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230066 del
"Every Day in Finland is a New Adventure for Wan Wan"

Wan Wan, a spirited and curious dog, has made Finland her playground. Each day unfolds a new adventure, whether it's chasing the northern lights, exploring dense forests, or playing in the snow. Her days are filled with discovering picturesque lakes, meeting friendly wildlife, and enjoying the vibrant seasons that Finland offers. With boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity, Wan Wan embraces every experience with joy, making the most of her time in this beautiful Nordic country.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:54 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230067 del
(142.31 KB 1118x1200 GNXgV8MaIAEZNZ4.jpg)
Cornsyrup is sugery all the same!

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:55 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230068 del
(121.73 KB 824x1000 GQsuB_2WMAEH-DS.jpeg)

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 02:59 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230069 del
(155.56 KB 900x1189 11579047.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:01 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230070 del
(69.00 KB 691x1024 FwlkChbagAA8HtM.jpg)
I think the dating culture in the US is just crap.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:20 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230071 del
What is the most dangerous wildlife you have encountered in Australia in the past few months?

It truly is. I have to think that arranged marriages would be an improvement on the status quo.

Should Australian Aborigines count as wildlife in Australia?

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:22 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230072 del
We're going through 2 Thessalonians at church for the next two weeks. This week was 2 Thessalonians 1.
>What is the most dangerous wildlife you have encountered in Australia in the past few months?
>Should Australian Aborigines count as wildlife in Australia?
Probably mentally ill homeless people when I was in Melbourne.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:25 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230073 del
(176.77 KB 1161x1500 GCo8LtSaIAAWczK.jpg)
Spec and I actually looked up mail order brides and the stats were something. In fact, they're surpassing (or set to surpass) American marriage rates.
I think it's even more interesting to note that Spec and I both know people that have some foreign bride!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:26 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230074 del
(212.31 KB 1500x2402 GEbCu51aEAA22Us.jpg)
I think Aussie would be happy with a mail order bride.

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:28 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230075 del
Is that even a thing anymore?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:29 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230076 del
(112.15 KB 1000x1786 GF5UiWBaAAAk2YM.jpg)
You can still go to the philliphines or Laos and get a wife.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:31 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230077 del
>mentally ill homeless people
San Francisco is also plagued by them. I am glad I don't live in California!

Need to work with a good lawyer to make sure you get a prenup that would stand up in court.

South Korea is on the road to extinction due to their TFR being way below replacement level.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:33 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230078 del
(462.79 KB 542x600 FI06ulRaUAIcsaK.png)
Time to get a South Korean wife~

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:35 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230079 del
>Filipina bride
She'll either be Catholic or Pentecostal.
I don't want a Buddhist wife.
My friend I hung out with down there said she's wondering how long it will take before Melbourne has tent cities like in the US.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:35 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230080 del
(1.38 MB 1100x800 1719082895589.png)
The Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea need to get nuclear weapons ASAP for defense against the People's Republic of China.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:36 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230081 del
>42.77 MB 3140x5760
That's a big file...

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:36 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230082 del
(703.06 KB 2250x3000 FvONl2eagAMoyhd.jpg)
Sounds like you know the best price.
That would cause a global catastrophe

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:39 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230083 del
Why? Is China unable to control itself?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:47 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230084 del
(203.62 KB 1370x1745 GEKOZ6RWoAEXiGr.jpg)
Well China certainly wouldn't like that and probably move forward (and very quickly on the dedollarization program to neutralize the US). Plus, these are Asian countries we're talking about. It's a perpetual knife against each other's back because of centuries of resentment and nationalism. But, if one was to nuke China for say idealogical or defensive purposes. We'll all be sent back 200yrs and we'd see suffering on the scale that never before seen in our life times.
Sure, we could "neutralize" and "incapacitate" China by surrounding it with nuclear weapons. But, China sorta has everyone by the testicles and if we decided to be funny and play with them. China would give us a very intense CBT session.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:49 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230085 del
Like this!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:54 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230086 del
(135.08 KB 2048x1676 F-GbF9naAAAIQ5G.jpg)
Man. that comic never fails to be cringey, degenerate and painful to read at comic.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:54 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230087 del
>But, if one was to nuke China for say idealogical or defensive purposes.
The idea is MAD: no country invades any other country because it would be mutual assured destruction.

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:59 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230088 del
(356.08 KB 477x1461 Kuroko_Shirai.png)
Why is Kuroko Shirai so sexy?

Crusader Against Seed Oil 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:00 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230089 del
(88.45 KB 282x282 sleepy Kanna.png)
Bed time for me. Goodnight!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:01 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230090 del
(124.91 KB 868x1200 Fu8wfM7aEAEOdsh.jpg)
I think that's how WW1 started.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:35 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230091 del
(311.68 KB 3215x877 FwrlCJ5akAID9yQ.jpg)

#Hupony 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:37 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230092 del
(782.83 KB 850x1240 image.png)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:38 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230093 del
(1.72 MB 2006x2185 GQspRP_agAArmDT.jpg)

#Hupony 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:40 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230094 del
(923.65 KB 850x1294 image.png)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:40 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230095 del
(535.70 KB 2688x2963 F22TgZzaMAAiIn_.jpg)

#Hupony 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:43 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230096 del
(1.10 MB 850x1337 image.png)
no you

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:44 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230097 del
(378.31 KB 1945x2047 GQqrmXAagAAZ46I.jpg)
*tuccs myself in bed*

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:44 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230098 del

百合 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:45 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230099 del

#Hupony 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:46 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230100 del
(1.09 MB 850x1112 image.png)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 00:33 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230104 del
(145.81 KB 1627x1937 1719134857514022.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 00:36 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230105 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 00:39 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230106 del
(75.13 KB 327x518 1719183578003940.png)

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:26 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230112 del
(158.16 KB 574x430 11602169.mp4)

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:28 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230114 del
(1.62 MB 1000x1000 11686902.gif)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:30 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230115 del
What counts as Australian cuisine?

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:33 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230116 del
(398.35 KB 1100x618 4dc731_11395433.mp4)
Spag bol.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:38 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230118 del
(133.71 KB 640x931 11699673.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:39 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230119 del
doesn't real

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:40 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230120 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:42 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230121 del
(1.04 MB 2025x2568 1719178837984439.png)
Aussie dated an Abo girl.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:46 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230122 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:47 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230123 del
An Australian tranny gf would be horrible.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:48 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230124 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:48 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230125 del
typically we say "Close enough for a town this size".

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:49 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230126 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:53 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230128 del
(197.81 KB 1920x1080 GQJ480OX0AAvZFU.jpeg)
(483.65 KB 1920x1080 GQJ5AzNWMAAuw4y.jpeg)

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:55 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230129 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 01:56 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230130 del
(175.69 KB 1080x1269 GQmj4w9WUAAFAvk.jpeg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:06 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230131 del
(207.97 KB 768x1280 00527-1256843154.jpg)

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:17 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230132 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:17 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230133 del
(340.71 KB 2048x1536 FtHrt9xacAAK1j5.jpg)
Would Aussie find a Japanese girl?

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:19 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230134 del
I would.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:20 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230135 del
(156.55 KB 1753x1349 F7wJq2paEAAzY8U.jpg)
>Only 4km from Japan

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:21 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230136 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:21 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230137 del
I was there last year.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:22 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230138 del
China is a good place for Australian men I hear~

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:23 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230139 del
A fella at church met his wife while he was working in China.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:25 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230140 del
Sounds like he has a happy life.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:26 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230141 del
She seems like a lovely person.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:27 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230142 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=htx-cS4uNVc [Embed]

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:27 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230143 del
Job interview in about an hour.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:27 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230144 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TfedVHTh3Xc [Embed]

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:31 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230145 del
In retrospect, Richard Nixon was probably the worst US president, due to normalizing relations with China.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:32 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230146 del
Let's force Chain to go to China.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:33 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230147 del
Don't be mean to Chain!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:34 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230148 del
Just a cultural exchange.
Nothing too crazy.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 03:30 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230150 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 03:30 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230151 del
I'm not allowed to travel to China.

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 04:04 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230152 del
(519.05 KB 1710x2376 cec048_11617090.jpg)

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 04:07 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230153 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 04:10 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230154 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 04:12 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230155 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 04:20 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230156 del

百合 06/24/2024 (Mon) 04:29 Id: 43c743 [Preview] No.230157 del
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renz シーク 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:09 Id: cebc05 [Preview] No.230158 del
(22.82 KB 500x281 GPZRC5fagAAllFX.jpg)
got a kick to the shin felt great

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 02:17 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230163 del
(265.90 KB 1820x2960 F43aX37boAAO-fq.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 02:50 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230164 del
(107.92 KB 763x1064 FvzTT4maQAAxXrj.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 02:52 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230165 del
(951.02 KB 3072x4096 GQ7gj2XaQAIvhHQ.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 02:55 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230166 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 02:57 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230167 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 03:01 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230168 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 03:06 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230169 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 03:12 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230170 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 03:27 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230171 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 03:33 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230172 del
(93.53 KB 1500x1500 GKUhYJ0bAAA6map.jpg)

百合 06/26/2024 (Wed) 05:06 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230174 del
Everybody in Finland says "wan wan"

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/26/2024 (Wed) 23:47 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230176 del
(2.41 MB 1920x1080 1719444076730428.png)

百合 06/27/2024 (Thu) 01:55 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230178 del
(246.17 KB 1170x1392 GRA9h6haIAAvNq3.jpeg)

百合 06/27/2024 (Thu) 02:57 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230179 del
Coons mean nothing to me, post that shit on /ausneets/ since they're on par with those animals.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:07 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230184 del
(182.65 KB 668x1307 FQjkZniaAAE-16Q.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:35 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230185 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/28/2024 (Fri) 01:47 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230186 del
(318.97 KB 2463x4068 GRDMcGBaoAAXhQH.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:01 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230187 del
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Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:08 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230188 del
(404.33 KB 1699x2271 GREXORZagAAp7KI.jpg)
>all alone.

百合 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:26 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230189 del
(727.88 KB 1050x1400 1708721178231420.png)
You aren't now.

百合 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:29 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230190 del
(834.99 KB 747x1200 1708215777973746.png)
You are now.

百合 06/28/2024 (Fri) 10:15 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230200 del
Did you watch the debate last night?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:49 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230202 del
(381.83 KB 2199x3665 GRJzF0HawAAd8jt.jpg)
US politics is meh.

百合 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:55 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230203 del
Any thoughts on the death of *Chevron*?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:58 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230204 del
(809.61 KB 1140x2200 GAjRdX8acAAiRAy.jpg)
But the reactor is liscensed by chevron!

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:50 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230207 del

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:53 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230208 del
(270.46 KB 900x1620 11703592.jpg)
Delete the CP thread.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:53 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230209 del
Grow fennel for me.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:55 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230210 del
(133.71 KB 640x931 11699673.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:56 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230211 del
>Aussie will never grow a garden cause seeds cost 5aud a pack.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 01:59 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230212 del
They're not that expensive, yet.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:03 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230214 del
Import your tomato seeds to fox.
They want $3.00 per packet these days.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:06 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230215 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:09 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230216 del
(187.79 KB 1200x1500 F1On3ptagAIylww.jpg)
>He's doing it again

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:14 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230217 del
What is he doing?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:16 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230218 del
(1.21 MB 2056x2025 F1JRtTpaQAAX6zl.jpg)
being selfish.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:20 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230219 del
Why is he being selfish?

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:21 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230220 del
(114.10 KB 864x1205 F0sKq8waQAIfp3t.jpg)
Cause he doesn't hold hands.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 02:22 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230221 del
(2.95 MB 2500x2500 daa453_11486604.png)
Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:06 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230222 del
It doesn't apply retroactively.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:07 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230223 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:08 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230224 del
(156.16 KB 868x1228 GRNGM9vaQAAtj40.jpg)
It doesn't?

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:30 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230225 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:31 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230226 del
(402.05 KB 717x561 GRKDONPbgAAmw9Z.png)

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:32 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230227 del

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:33 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230228 del
(131.67 KB 1363x858 GMYdHPgbMAA7u_l.jpg)

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:34 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230229 del
I am torn between fox and squirrel.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:36 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230230 del
(36.94 KB 1250x1250 GCSgAEbaAAAYxod.jpg)

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:38 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230231 del

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 03:43 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230232 del

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:05 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230237 del

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:06 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230238 del
Fox's favourite sauce colour is white. We all know it.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:09 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230239 del
I think my fennel is going to bolt.

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:10 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230240 del
pesto is good.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:13 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230241 del
(178.38 KB 500x500 343 - nT4ZVxo.png)
You're a pest.

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:13 Id: 3ea819 [Preview] No.230242 del

#Hupony 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:13 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230243 del
(1.09 MB 850x1202 image.png)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:15 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230244 del
Hu has a panty sniffing thing

#Hupony 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:19 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230245 del
(690.77 KB 850x1511 image.png)
Not an undergarment fanatic

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:20 Id: 6b0d66 [Preview] No.230246 del
(147.76 KB 724x1024 44bd8f_11224522.jpg)

Princess Svenningsen#badfox 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:23 Id: c17f68 [Preview] No.230247 del

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:27 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230249 del
>I think my fennel is going to bolt
How do you know whether it's going to bolt or whether it's going to nut?

#Hupony 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:31 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230251 del
(877.33 KB 850x1200 image.png)
No doubts

百合 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:52 Id: 282289 [Preview] No.230252 del
(70.34 KB 850x935 sleepy inkling.jpg)
Good night, everyone!

#Hupony 06/29/2024 (Sat) 15:24 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230253 del
(809.50 KB 706x1000 image.png)

#Hupony 06/29/2024 (Sat) 16:11 Id: d380de [Preview] No.230255 del
(1.46 MB 850x1201 image.png)

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