vamp ##/FaOKC
12/30/2024 (Mon) 02:19
No.124274 [X]
Iam so upset at this place and you guys don't understand how much it breaks my heart, I am not even joking and this is too embarrassing to even admit in general. I feel damages and fucked in the head because no one normal would spend all the time thinking about agatha2 and spend all day worrying about what people here think of me. Im just really tired, i did everything I could to please you but in the end all what I got is betrayal and insults. I just wanted to be cozy and make people happy, I really tried my best. Ive spent 2 years in this community and it just feels like family but I guess people really seem to hate me and view me as trash. I dont know what I did wrong, please tell me cuz Im going insane. I am sorry if jve been mean to any of you for no reason without realising, really.
Its just im frustrated because Ive done so much and yet im the most ignored/hated. I repressed my sexuality for almost two years, would barely feel horny just to appear "pure" but still people seemed to have a problem with me. Then I broke out got leaked (which you all benefited from), sent lewds and whored myself for yall and it backfired me badly. I just wanna be liked and loved, it hurts im breaking nsjsjdb sj ;(( please just give me an explaination help me herebi just wanna understsnd cuz I dont understand anything.. why dont you like me? What can I do to fix it all? Is it because im ugly and hideous, because I didnt choose this. I really wish I was a cute egirl, Im tired of being bullied my whole life because of my looks idk jusyy dont know i hate tjis smIm shaking