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Ki Thread #8 Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 07:00 [Preview] No. 131379 [X] >>131381>>131432>>131488
JEETED Edition

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@64waffles
Xitter: https://x.com/delete_every1

Previous: >>124155

Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 07:06 [Preview] No.131380 [X] del >>131488
(318.33 KB 1826x1242 IMG_6019.jpg)
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she was selling nudes on r9k the other day

Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 07:43 [Preview] No.131381 [X] del >>131382>>131383>>131488
pic was over a year ago omfgg

Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 07:49 [Preview] No.131382 [X] del >>131385
Your entire skull and phenotype doesn't change in a year, moron. Glad to see you're as addicted to this place as ever, constantly checking.

Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 07:52 [Preview] No.131383 [X] del
you can't be unjeeted no matter how much time passes

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 08:10 [Preview] No.131432 [X] del >>131436>>131445
wow she really got fat

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 08:45 [Preview] No.131436 [X] del
She's disgusting

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 09:37 [Preview] No.131445 [X] del
ITS AN OLD PIC i got skinny ..,,

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 11:45 [Preview] No.131449 [X] del >>131450>>131452>>131453
You didn't die after all, what a surprise! ;)

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 12:33 [Preview] No.131452 [X] del >>131456>>131459
who is neutral

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 12:34 [Preview] No.131453 [X] del >>131454
ruined by the letters tbh

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 12:35 [Preview] No.131454 [X] del >>131455
thats the point retard

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 12:37 [Preview] No.131455 [X] del
I dont get it

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 12:43 [Preview] No.131456 [X] del >>131458
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People say he's actually dela or dela isn't just one person but a group of weirdos (most plausible), and he did a good job with his bait, making her want neutral more every time he tried "warning" about the dangers, and getting her fucked up every time he got drunk.
Should've cut deeper, Ki.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 12:46 [Preview] No.131457 [X] del
There is also the passport photo but that one cannot be posted.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 13:04 [Preview] No.131458 [X] del >>131467
>People say he's actually dela or dela isn't just one person but a group of weirdos
No one says that, Delastelle, you're just some retarded Brazilian monkey.
lol too at you trying to make out like it was your "plan" to get her to send nudes to another guy. Holy fuck you're so pathetic and retarded its actually hilarious, Thiago.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 13:13 [Preview] No.131459 [X] del >>131460
some discord pred who's been around for years that she decided to get involved with even though she was told and knew exactly how it would turn out

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 13:32 [Preview] No.131460 [X] del >>131462>>131466>>131477
it turned out that way on accident it was never supposed to be public thats why the names on me i dont care can u all just forget about me

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 13:58 [Preview] No.131462 [X] del
ur too sexy to forget about bbygrl ;)

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:09 [Preview] No.131466 [X] del
You really need to stop engaging with this place, and ideally stop looking at it too. Nothing good will come of it, and if you really want to be forgotten you're actively preventing that every time you come on here and post something. You're not going to convince these people of anything, but if you stop encouraging them most of them will get bored sooner or later.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:09 [Preview] No.131467 [X] del >>131469>>131472
I'm not that schizo and I have no idea what you're talking about but you are lost, keep up with the lore.
I will post the passport soon but I'd prefer if someone buys it from me, payment in XMR or ETH.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:15 [Preview] No.131469 [X] del >>131470
wth is a passport good for why would that hold any value

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:24 [Preview] No.131470 [X] del >>131471>>131472>>131473
(172.18 KB 2017x1242 1346872089004740689.jpg)
You can use to verify things online and get to know her better...
She can talk to me and break a deal or I can cancel and not post here but sell it to someone else.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:32 [Preview] No.131471 [X] del >>131474
Nobody is going to pay for that shit, and if she has half a brain she won't get involved either. I imagine going along with this kind of blackmail shit is half the reason things have gotten as bad as they are for her right now in the first place.

Nobody cares, man. Even the degens here aren't looking to dox her or show up at her place or whatever you seem to think. Even if you do post it it will just get removed, and maybe get the thread locked too like the last one.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:39 [Preview] No.131472 [X] del >>131474
Sure thing, Thiago. You know your retarded esl posts make it obvious it's you right?
No one is going to pay you for her passport, retard. And if it's posted here it will just be deleted.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:40 [Preview] No.131473 [X] del >>131474
How do I reach you

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:46 [Preview] No.131474 [X] del
In the last thread you were begging for her pics and I'm sending them now, you were literally the only person begging for the pics after the thread died, kinda pathetic seeing you white knight now.

And if no one pays, or if she doesn't pay in some other way, I can sell it to someone else so it's not a problem but I'd rather talk to her.

I got more from her Discord and Xitter accounts through KodexGlobal but that's useless info.
If you've got a problem with del, that's on you. Don't drag me into it.
We can talk here. Prices range between 50 and 200 euros based on my previous deals.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 15:52 [Preview] No.131475 [X] del >>131476
why would anyone pay for some ugly whore's nudes?

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 16:34 [Preview] No.131476 [X] del
even if you aren't interested in buying someone's nudes, why call her and ugly whore
neither of those things are accurate and carry a subjective quality to them but what even is the point of your comment

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 16:39 [Preview] No.131477 [X] del
my big brown dick says no

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 19:07 [Preview] No.131487 [X] del
anyone else buy custom shit from the slut that wants to trade

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 19:52 [Preview] No.131488 [X] del >>131489
It's so obviously not her. 😮‍💨

Sex!! Holy shit she's so hot. Why does she LOVE negative sexual attention so much? Based on what I'm seeing in that thread, just... WOW. She is FUCKED UP. Guys, I am so serious, how do I get a 19- or 20-year-old crazy hottie preferably with a BIT more meat on her bones who isn't in stupid fucking futurekilling college? 😭🔫

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 19:55 [Preview] No.131489 [X] del >>131490>>131498
First step is moving from japan

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 19:59 [Preview] No.131490 [X] del >>131492>>131493
ur literally from brazil idiot

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 20:02 [Preview] No.131492 [X] del
>how do I get a 19- or 20-year-old crazy hottie preferably with a BIT more meat on her bones who isn't in stupid fucking futurekilling college? 😭🔫
No hope for that in jp,ironically if he moved to Brazil his chances would be higher,and he'd be welcomed by the huge amount of japs already there

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 20:03 [Preview] No.131493 [X] del >>131494
you tell that monkey, ki!

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 20:34 [Preview] No.131494 [X] del
(2.42 MB 6460x3480 6ofqry3fznz31.png)
Friendly fire will NOT be tolerated!!!!!!

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 21:54 [Preview] No.131498 [X] del >>131502
I'm actually in the USA and using a randomized VPN.

Anonymous 03/22/2025 (Sat) 23:30 [Preview] No.131502 [X] del

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