07/09/2024 (Tue) 17:32
No.78507 [X]
Its always fun to analyze her, so here goes my feeble attempt. I think why im so drawn to marky is because in many ways, im the male version of her. squandering one opportunity after another, making one bad decision after another, never learning from mistakes. Sadly I know it all too well.
I think her biggest psychological hurdle isnt necessarily laziness, but that she just isnt passionate about anything, she has no fire inside. Maybe its because of depression or anhedonia. it just never seems like she operates at full capacity, if that makes sense. she is always functioning on a quarter of a tank. she has no resolve, no dedication to anything, no committment, no will power, no desire to improve. she gives up at the slightest adversity.
Have you ever had a job and there is that one person who does the absolute minimum necessary in order to keep their job? Well, that is Marky, but with Life. she lives life on the most basic level, drifting through, barely getting by, doing just enough to survive and squeak by. she knows she has a safety net and her parents will catch her fall, so theres no real consequences for her ever. if she hates her job, she will just wake up one morning and not feel like going anymore, and so she quits. She has the freedom to do that because her mom enables it.
I hate saying this, but some ppl just arent cut out for living, arent made to thrive in this kind of world. shes not emotionally or mentally equipped to handle lifes challenges as an adult. She belongs in a cute anime world somewhere, where things are simple.