/ashleyj/ - Ashley Jones

Ashley Jones Discussion

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Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 04:24:05 [Preview] No. 1959
Ashley can't hit the wall, she already hit that Pepsi truck in that freak car accident. She's an immortal angel now. Don't speak ill of the dead.

Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 04:26:24 [Preview] No.1960 del
>trying to reply to thread
>somehow make new thread instead
>can't delete
why is endchan like this

Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 04:34:40 [Preview] No.1962 del
fill the password field so it'll let you delete.
but yes, this site is bootleg 8chan. this is what we're consigned to.

Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 16:32:27 [Preview] No.1967 del

we need a https://badcars4.life/jenny/ but for ashley. it'd be called... niggas4.pepsi or something, i dunno, i'm not a humorous person.

Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 17:05:37 [Preview] No.1968 del
ok guess we're not saging
we could also just have a general thread on 4chan. idk what board it'd be on though. ...probably /r9k/ honestly.
nevermind let's not use 4chan

Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 19:21:00 [Preview] No.1969 del
Most of the people on r9k don't know who ashley is.

Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 23:30:19 [Preview] No.1970 del
I didn't mean for the thread to be about bitching over endchan, I just wish I could friggen delete this. It won't accept my password. I reported my own thread to the mods but it's still up. Do we have mods?

>knowing about badcars

Under no circumstances whatsoever should anybody be posting on that shit hole. Fck cuckchan.

Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 00:43:26 [Preview] No.1975 del
nigga where am I supposed to post? kiwifarms?

Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 01:58:28 [Preview] No.1981 del
if you have the right password and it still won't let you delete it's because the board owner has disabled user post deletion

Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 04:19:10 [Preview] No.1983 del
Every time you post on cuckchan, an angel gets punched in the dick.

Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 08:15:06 [Preview] No.1985 del
I can delete my posts fine, anon must be retarded

/wsg/ is still cool
and I can wade through the cancer on /pol/ on occasion

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