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Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 20:37:06 [Preview] No. 983
How does it feel to know that while you're all here gawking over some random 16 year old girl from several years ago? She's out letting some ugly Willem Dafoe looking son of a bitch turn her key.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BPgFCX_F1CQ [Embed]

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 20:46:05 [Preview] No.985 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=CK4QwwiQVBY [Embed]

>she looks like a child. how old is she ? 15 ?

lol, i always figured Ash was into older guys.

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 20:47:51 [Preview] No.986 del
lmao is that her brother Nathan at 0:08

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 21:22:02 [Preview] No.987 del
>How does it feel....
Feels good, man

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 21:30:53 [Preview] No.988 del
Nicholas Cage me thinks

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 21:34:37 [Preview] No.989 del
Ash always said that she can drive but she just doesn't want to.

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 22:02:58 [Preview] No.990 del
she was full of shit, she had a permit at best at that age
although idk what the law in Colorado is

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 22:42:37 [Preview] No.995 del
She drives and even has her own car.

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 22:48:30 [Preview] No.996 del
yeah maybe now but not 6 years ago, you have to be 16

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 02:00:41 [Preview] No.997 del
She was 16 in 2015. She was born in 1999. She is currently 22.

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 04:23:03 [Preview] No.999 del
what month? I thought she was 14 in the earlier videos, she was only active for like a year

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 15:23:07 [Preview] No.1004 del
I'd like to know her birthday as well. I was always curious about what her astrological sign might be. I was told she had a birthday sometimes between late 2014 and early 2015. Doesn't quite pin it down though. Inb4 astrology is bullshit. I know.

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 16:40:25 [Preview] No.1005 del
lolz shes totes a capricorn i can tell so whatever month that is >w<

Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 13:39:23 [Preview] No.1011 del

at one time her birthday was available online on like a voter registration thing, but now i can't find it. i think it was june 1 2000. somebody help me out here.

Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 14:56:35 [Preview] No.1012 del
Her voter registration just showed "Birth Year" 1999 and "Party Affiliation Date" 11/17/2016.

Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 16:08:44 [Preview] No.1013 del

thanks, but it turns out i was thinking of her mylife profile which has also been taken down. she's gone fully crackychan mellycat in not wanting to be internet famous. that's bleak.

Anonymous 07/09/2021 (Fri) 19:52:57 [Preview] No.1014 del
all this got me curious if I could dox myself based on public information and I found that those white pages sites often have the age off by 1-3 years, for whatever it's worth. I'd take voter info as a higher authority since it's probably info she filled out herself.

Anonymous 07/10/2021 (Sat) 04:46:18 [Preview] No.1020 del
Her other family members birth dates were that date too. I just figured it was a date their website used when the actual birth date was unknown. The mylife profile was obviously taken down because of harassment. Some anon or ex bf was posting things about her on the platform since it allowed you to leave reviews of the person on their profile.

Anonymous 07/10/2021 (Sat) 04:56:51 [Preview] No.1021 del
I was told that her birthday was close to Christmas and during one of her livestreams, she was eating birthday cake. So she could very likely be a capricorn. I don't know if any of this is true though? Should we just celebrate her birthday on Christmas like they do for Jesus?

Anonymous 07/10/2021 (Sat) 06:10:46 [Preview] No.1025 del
top jej I just picked a random one of the 3 or 4 I remember. and yes we should.
Christmas birthdays suck though my brother has one, it minimizes present reception. usually we just celebrate it like a month later.

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