04/21/2020 (Tue) 06:11:44
No.8623 [X]
from an anon from 4 chan:
1.In her early tik toks she's in a really dirty, run down house in a cramped space with shitty furniture.
2. In at least one of her streams that I caught you can hear her family screaming/fighting in the background and she looks scared/embarrassed like it was bringing back bad memories of abuse. If you bring it up on discord you will be b&.
3. Her entire existence just seems desperate for attention/acceptance/escapism through cosplay and the need for validation from strangers.
4. The way she behaves in streams when she's not cosplaying is very indicative of someone that has been abused. Very shy, soft spoken, reluctant, etc.
5. There were tons of posts she made on discord that were highly sexualized to an alarming degree. Apparently we're to believe it was "trolling" but if you go and read them they are way to explicate for a 15 year old shy girl to be tossing out there.
6. There are rumors of her being a product of home schooling/foster family environment. The levels of abuse in the foster care system are astronomical. Homeschooling would explain her lack of friends and provide further evidence for her strong desire for validation from strangers, let alone older men on the internet.
7. She is obsessed with anime. Generally speaking, children that are obsessed with anime and Japanese culture use it as a form of escapism and want to avoid American society.
8. The haircut she has indicates self-consciously that she is trying to make herself undesirable to men, ideally to avoid future abuse.
9. She stated that she pretended to be transgender and used male pronouns for precisely this reason.
10. 90% of females do cosplay for male attention. While it was most likely not her original intention it is disturbing that she continues to commiserate with the pedophile scum on the discord. Now, her desperation for the attention of male adults grooming her online shows she may as well have "DAMAGED" tattooed across her forehead.
The sad face she makes during the bluebon stream when her parents are int the background yelling, is so heartbreaking. you can see how she is slipping into another mode of being. afraid, scared, traumatized. it's like she is shell-shocked. She definitly needs some good therapy, but it must come from her and she is probably not ready yet. she probably just wants to keep her memories away by being this famous internet person. it's very alluring, especially to a kid. i get that there are some bonbibros who can't handle what she does in her free time, but if you really value her health, then don't judge her or act overly concerned. that's just as bad as being an enabler. she needs room and a lack of pressure to really figure things out. unfortunately she will probably burn herself a few times before that happens.