11/25/2019 (Mon) 12:10:46
Id: c71e46 (1)
No.1150 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>1148Well, discussing video game design is allowed. Video game design is a free speech first amendment issue for us Americans, and you brits have done well in these realms, you are a great video gaming folk.
So, if you got x number of tarrants at x number of positions, from a game theory perspective, how long to sweep the cities clean, in terms of reaction times, hm, probably countdown from moment one would give you one hour to reaction phase one, eight hours to reaction phase two, and 24 hours to reaction phase alpha which would be full mobilization of all levels of authority against your teams. "What Would Jesus Do With George Washington Advising Him?" WWJDWGWAH? Also we Americans can drop in 100k paintball guns with pepper balls, and we can do a test run, that's a NATO thing since N A in NATO means North Atlantic, and so no body no one is gonna stop us from arming you brits, because you only lost your guns, you didn't really lose your nuts. You will fight for your island.