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Welcome to the /film/ bunker.

Books on Film Anonymous 02/09/2016 (Tue) 15:50 [Preview] No. 30 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Share your interesting pdfs and other reference material
31 posts and 133 images omitted.Expand thread

Anonymous 09/07/2016 (Wed) 21:18:21 [Preview] No. 78 [X] del

Sorry to hear that. I don't think I've read that one yet, but it's not too surprising that some commie would shoehorn their loony worldview into their writing

Here's one from the God-tier silent film historian Kevin Brownlow

1 VABxvsyH 09/18/2023 (Mon) 05:38 [Preview] No.161 [X] del

(945.99 KB 301x308 house.gif)
GIFs and Cinemagraphs Anonymous 01/27/2016 (Wed) 22:17 [Preview] No. 12 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Thumbnails seem to be working so let's try this again
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Anonymous 04/05/2017 (Wed) 15:58:22 [Preview] No. 91 [X] del >>92
(12.85 KB 849x99 Screenshot_6.png)
codemonkey said /film/ would be up soon

Anonymous 04/05/2017 (Wed) 21:14:35 [Preview] No. 92 [X] del
(1000.16 KB 500x213 pale2.gif)
The board came out a little fucked up so I asked for a retry. We'll see if he does it when he wakes up.

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 14:17:09 [Preview] No.102 [X] del
(4.57 MB 493x271 arizonaroad03.gif)
(3.40 MB 432x336 Code.Condor-1.gif)
some gifs I saved

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 14:29:13 [Preview] No.104 [X] del
(2.95 MB 600x260 olga4.gif)
(1.78 MB 600x260 olga3.gif)
(3.29 MB 600x260 olga2.gif)
(3.79 MB 600x260 olga1.gif)
Uploading is slow and 2 gifs were dropped from the previous post

1 VABxvsyH 09/18/2023 (Mon) 05:05 [Preview] No.160 [X] del

(137.50 KB 580x867 its a gift.jpg)
/film/ video sharethread Anonymous 01/26/2016 (Tue) 16:43 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Post your cool video clips
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Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 05:23:45 [Preview] No.124 [X] del >>126>>127
I tried uploading mkvs but nothing happens

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 15:39:36 [Preview] No.126 [X] del
I think the site does a scan of files before uploading, and sometimes that step halts the upload without notice. I don't know why.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 16:21:57 [Preview] No.127 [X] del
(46.09 KB smol.mkv)
(45.84 KB 640x360 smol.webm)
Guessing it's a timeout. We'll see.
>if your query takes longer than 30sec to send its first result, it'll end with a connection timed out error.

1 VABxvsyH 09/18/2023 (Mon) 05:02 [Preview] No.159 [X] del

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New bunker Anonymous 08/28/2019 (Wed) 16:14:03 [Preview] No. 153 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
We have moved to https://julay.world/film/

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:05:18 [Preview] No.155 [X] del
Julay is down! 502 Bad Gateway.

(19.80 KB 720x540 xoprpy.jpg)
8chan is down Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 23:41:37 [Preview] No. 94 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
and having problems coming back up
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Anonymous 08/11/2019 (Sun) 14:41:19 [Preview] No.138 [X] del
.xyz was taken offline. Alt domains:

fast http://endchan.net http://endchan.org
secure https://endchan.net https://endchan.org
TOR v3: enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion
TOR v2: endchan5doxvprs5.onion s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion

Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 00:19:27 [Preview] No.139 [X] del
Der dichter spricht

https://youtube.com/watch?v=VrJxVYXBJ0o [Embed]

Anonymous 08/15/2019 (Thu) 16:50:11 [Preview] No.145 [X] del
First it sounded like Jim and Ron would try to bring 8chan back after Jim talked to the Feds. And maybe he has spoken to Homeland Security already. But yesterday the House Democrats subpoenaed Jim to testify "next month". Another month offline would be the longest downtime the site has ever had.
Did Jim get on a plane to the States before any meetings were scheduled?

Anonymous 08/15/2019 (Thu) 16:55:01 [Preview] No.146 [X] del
(93.79 KB 587x728 hotdud.png)
Good grief

Upside Down 0 A BMPCC4K short Anonymous 09/14/2019 (Sat) 07:37:23 [Preview] No. 154 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4-MNA5QyHjc [Embed]

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Comment on the last film you watched Anonymous 08/16/2019 (Fri) 23:27:12 [Preview] No. 149 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
What was the last thing you watched, and what did you think of it?

Anonymous 08/17/2019 (Sat) 09:49:39 [Preview] No.151 [X] del
Last night I saw 2015's Latin Lover, its a comfy italian comedy, I liked that they spoke french and spanish It felt like a very good early 2000's tragicomedy and I really liked the "protagonist". Kind of pandering at times
Also I saw Giant with Elizabeth Taylor and the best part about it was James Dean, I guess I just didnt get it. Its almost too long but it looks beautiful, its a good film to watch when youre going thru a flu on the edge of death but youre surrounded by comfy pillows and soup

(92.06 KB 450x409 01-success-kid-c.jpg)
Anonymous Global volunteer 08/17/2019 (Sat) 12:24:24 [Preview] No. 152 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm posting this so you guys won't create conspiracy theories. I know, my hope us futile.
If everything goes well soon the site's and our problems will be resolved. But they will turn the site read-only mode for a while. I have no information how long the process will take. Keep calm and be patient.


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Film restoration/recovery italodisco 08/10/2019 (Sat) 11:39:42 [Preview] No. 130 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Recently started to dig up some "forgotten" films that need love in order to restore or redistribute them. Let me know if you want me to look up a specific film you're interested in, right now we just finished a second try restoration for Madness by Cesare Rau https://youtube.com/watch?v=PI_wY7EUU_M [Embed] and next we want to move onto Cerco de Terror and Appuntamento a Dallas. (The first edition of Madness had a bit of color correction problems, it was too fucking dark at times)

On 8chan someone requested Gillo Pontecorvo's La Grande Strada Azzurra, so we're currently working on that too.

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 14:53:55 [Preview] No.132 [X] del >>133
Wow, you finished working on this pretty fast. Groovy music on the opening scene. I saved the youtube autogenerated subs. They're kind of messy, but the timings could be helpful in creating English subs. Waiting for the site admin to allow .srt so I can post them.

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 15:29:25 [Preview] No.133 [X] del
Thanks man, dont worry about it. I'm working the subtitles right now, I'm about twenty minutes into the first edition, once those are done i'll just transfer them https://youtube.com/watch?v=Rw-p5cI3_lw [Embed]

Left the first draft up because I might work on the second one a bit more

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8chan board archival Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 17:53:47 [Preview] No. 115 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
as we all know, 8chan has been down for a while and we don't know if it'll be back, however the site still can be accessed from
just wanted to share in case anyone wants to archive the board's content
I've already archived the ressouces thread: http://archive.is/HYQNO
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Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 23:34:48 [Preview] No.119 [X] del
Nah, I'm not some poltard who imagines shills following everywhere. But I think mob frenzy has started to affect high-level decision-making much more than it should. While I'd be surprised if these archives were removed, there's already precedent for it happening. In 2016 archive.is removed all 8chan content. So I'm not taking anything for granted. Jim could make a fool of himself before Congress to start a new wave of 8chan hate.

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 10:44:26 [Preview] No.120 [X] del >>122
right, forgot about that site, since I usually see archive.is more used on the chans.
and I agree that one can't be paranoid enough, I regret not making a discord or some place as a setback, even an IRC would do it.
>In 2016 archive.is
fuck, I didn't know that, well it lets you download .zip files so at least there's that.

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 15:47:13 [Preview] No.121 [X] del
I didn't save nearly as many webms as I thought.

Anonymous Board owner 08/08/2019 (Thu) 22:25:12 [Preview] No.122 [X] del
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(27.33 KB 89x600 FSleft30.png)
(174.17 KB 521x232 filmgrain.png)
Stylesheet images. We could be here for a while so I'm trying to recreate the appearance of the old board.

I was thinking about enabling country flags too. I haven't done it yet because the flags would be forced on every post unless you use Tor. It's better to have the ability to opt out.

Meanwhile endchan has some cool features -- for example Eye of Sauron: https://endchan.xyz/.static/sauron.html . And I wonder about "Enable realtime" at the bottom of the page. Perhaps that is meguca mode.

>I regret not making a discord or some place as a setback, even an IRC would do it.
Yes I had considered starting a chat for the board. I wasn't sure if it would get any action though. /film/ was already pretty slow, and I'm too busy to be online all day to keep it going.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 15:32:48 [Preview] No.125 [X] del
assorted video