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It's over Anonymous 07/25/2022 (Mon) 22:57:37 Id: 087121 [Preview] No. 163
Christi Junior is still in the fediverse and so is the old BO but I forgot his name. Besides that, everything is dead. The webring is dead as shit. I stay on tvch.moe now mostly because it's the most active. 8chan.moe is just about 200 /v/ users. zzz chan is an overmoderated shithole. Everything is dead. Every single thing that once was is completely and totally gone. The entire internet pre-Trump is gone. Leftist censorship has ruined everything. Hell even Twitter is dead. Everyone is banned and purged from everything. Our culture is gone. There is nowhere to go, it's all gone. All the old videogame sites are either circling the drain and dominated by leftists or are completely dead, like this one I used to enjoy:


>I’m really not surprised that this site died because the entire video game industry has turned into a kiddie pool filled with horse semen. The years have not been kind. I stand by every word of this review and I can’t believe this game is still going strong more than seven years later.

>Meanwhile, Spider-Man: No Way Home is the eighth highest grossing movie of all time (as of this writing) and still climbing, in spite of the fact that it’s a toothless corporate pile of shit.

>We are now little more than a society of drooling retards who actually crave this mind-numbing shit and we support it with our hard-earned dollars, which encourages the entertainment business to continue pinching off these low-effort turds instead of actually trying for once.
This is 100% our own fault and we deserve every bit of it. All this social justice bullshit being shoved down our throats (and celebrated by the mentally ill thought leaders who make the rules for our society today) is our reward for insisting on living like retards.

Amen. Honestly I kind of regret nuking the board three years ago but I was scared shitless of getting a visit after all the shootings. I did some fedposting here and didn't want to fuck myself or anyone else. If someone has a backup and wants to re-load it somehow minus the edgy shit, fine.
I don't what you guys have been up to. I just go to work and do nothing else because the inflation is so bad so I can save up for some things. We got old. The internet got old and died, or was assassinated. Life sucks now tbh.

Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 17:03 Id: 684954 [Preview] No.164 del
Don't lose hope.

Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 17:05 Id: 05c5ae [Preview] No.165 del

Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 13:15 Id: 7409b1 [Preview] No.179 del
Can anyone restore the old board data that one BO nuked?

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