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(123.66 KB 1280x720 32yearsold.jpg)
Anonymous 06/20/2020 (Sat) 13:07:17 [Preview] No. 161
Why are people attracted to older women it makes no sense anyway you look at it especially at the biological level.

Anonymous 06/20/2020 (Sat) 14:53:25 [Preview] No.162 del
This seems to be too common in South Korea.
32 female celebrities who're dating younger men - https://www.8days.sg/sceneandheard/entertainment/female-celebrities-dating-younger-men-9148188

The teenagers who get into KPop fandom somehow end up watching KDramas, especially romances that are usually made for lonely housewives who're probably frustrated with their husband or their sex life. One common subgenre is the "Noona Romance", Noona is Korea's Onee-san in which the female lead is years older than the male lead. Electric jew is manipulating their emotions.
It might be different across the world but South Korea seems to celebrate older women relationships.

Anonymous 06/20/2020 (Sat) 15:01:59 [Preview] No.163 del
(1.51 MB 1800x2400 ZZZ 2082.jpeg)
32 isn't that old and it still falls into that peak voluptuous body for reproduction age gap.

Anonymous 06/20/2020 (Sat) 15:22:49 [Preview] No.165 del

Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 19:17:08 [Preview] No.223 del
I would guess that the ara complex is mostly prevalent among young sexually inexperienced men who are aroused by the idea of an older, though still attractive, women taking an intense sexual interest in them.
Or at least I think that's the case for me, though I recognize it's degenerate and ultimately illogical.

Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 21:36:08 [Preview] No.225 del
Fetishism and brainwashing. For the longest time, young girls (12-16) were usually married off. This happened all around the world across all cultures. And it was okay because people weren't sex obsessed degenerates like they are in modern america. The age of consent was raised to destroy the family unit. Then it was pounded into the masses heads that a grown man being attracted to teenage girls is somehow, pedophilia. Even though it literally doesn't even fit the textbook description of pedophilia. And its only gotten worse. Hell, normalfags are calling twenty something year olds children now. It's absurd. No, it's not some 'toasty roasty feminism' that caused this, the real reason is much more nefarious.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 02:19:59 [Preview] No.228 del
>For the longest time, young girls (12-16) were usually married off. This happened all around the world across all cultures.

Actually that's false. Well almost. Average age at marriage through Europe even in the middle ages and even amongst peasants was about 20 but often they married older. I say almost because that's only in Europe, in Asia, Africa, the middle east etc you are fight and they were married off much younger. But then these cultures really don't/didn't care about women so in their view the sooner they get rid of their daughters the better.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 02:27:13 [Preview] No.229 del
>you are fight

While I am correction this I will mention that the average age for marriage actually rose in Europe past the middle ages as well, getting to 25 or even 27 in some places and eras.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 04:16:40 [Preview] No.231 del
Age of Consent isn't just about destroying family unit but helped the state in many ways.
Teenage pregnancy is going to affect the child's education and can push her back a year or two from other people her age which will affect her future, thus making her an invaluable investment for the state.
Teenage pregnancy also leads to overpopulation, in a way.

But yeah, it's selfish from the point of elites because ultimately it's about control.

There's definitely some good to it.
Like he said here >>228
Women children like in Islamic Nations suffered much when they got married off young as soon as she bleeds, in a confused state, sometimes to old men. Many still think having a girl child is a curse, some kill them off as a child.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 16:41:05 [Preview] No.253 del
>Age of Consent isn't just about destroying family unit but helped the state in many ways.
>Teenage pregnancy is going to affect the child's education and can push her back a year or two from other people her age which will affect her future, thus making her an invaluable investment for the state.
Teenage pregnancy been on the down for decades and is still declining. https://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb187-Hospital-Stays-Children-2012.jsp

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