Catalog of /inn/


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R: 10 / I: 4 / P: 1

Welcome to /inn/ a board where we will discuss random topics. This thread will be used to discuss rules among other things.
Main things that are in place currently are
>No wojak and pepe.
These have died due to rampant overuse by cuckchan and trannies. Wojak especially. Pic related. Effectively these two have replaced OC entirely with just tireless edits of wojak and it gets boring. So to improve the range of what is posted I think deleting wojak and pepe should be a key idea.
>No tripfaggotry.
Tripfags are attentionwhores. Simple enough. However they also ruin the point of an anonymous imageboard. A key point being the word anonymous. Effectively these retards attach an identity to themselves which ruins the culture of the board because they start getting under everyone's teeth. This causes major infighting in threads that are completely unrelated to the topic until the board ceases to be anything other than attention fags arguing with each other.
>No baiting in threads
This one is obvious it attempts to derail the entire post into something else entirely completely destroying any semblance of argumentation. For example if I'm in a thread talking about the authenticity of the holocaust and then some fag came in and said >cuckime. Just because the fucking picture has an anime character. Then I believe that should be banworthy. Don't get me wrong I'm not a no fun allowed tier fag. But what I'm saying is that is purposeful derailment of a thread, it's clearly not natural.
>Spoiler porn
Porn should get spoilered in threads. Porn dump threads are bannable.

R: 13 / I: 2 / P: 1

this board is dead

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

What'll it be?

Have a seat, Anon, I'll get your drink in a minute. How was your day? Don't worry, it'll stay between the two of us.

R: 99 / I: 23 / P: 1

Imageboard news and drama discussion

Discuss all sorts of imageboard drama in this thread.

R: 3 / I: 4 / P: 1

Videogames thread

Thread for discussing videogames/related news.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1


Roll 1d12 twice
First Roll Second Roll
1 Special Wheat
2 Frosted Meal
3 Oat Flakes
4 Fruity Charms
5 Mini Crunch
6 Honey Crisps
7 Apple Bran
8 Corn Jacks
9 Raisin Pebbles
10 Shredded Loops
11 Lucky Oats
12 Rice Charms

Roll 1d6
1-2 Healthy
3-4 Unhealthy, but pretends to be healthy
5-6 Unhealthy

"Health" "Benefits"
Even if the cereal is unhealthy they'll advertise some health benefit.
Roll 1d6
1 Vitamin C fortified
2 Good source of vitamin D (when eaten with milk)
3 Electrolytes
4 Excellent source of fiber
5 Will make your heart healthy
6 Has literally every vitamin and mineral you need.

Target Demographic
Roll 1d6
1 For kids
2 For adults
3 For kids that act like adults
4 For adults that act like kids
5 For those with an active lifestyle
6 For the whole family

Roll 1d6
1 No mascot
2 Real life person/people
3 Character from a TV show (roll 1d6, if a 1 it's from a live action TV show, else it's from a cartoon)
4 Racist caricature
5 Used to be a racist caricature but was changed (roll again to see what it was changed to)
6 Anthropomorphic animal
7 Anthropomorphic animal, but furries don't want to have sex with it.

Roll 1d6, +5 if the target demographic is adults
1 Mask you cut out from the back of the box
2 Temporary Tattoo
3 Whistle
4 Toy car
5 Action figure (roll 1d6, if 1 it's articulated)
6 "Go online for your chance to win..."
7+ No prize

Roll 1d6 three times. First is how the commercial opens, second is the middle, third is how it ends
1 Catchy Jingle
2 Feel Good message
3 Feel Bad message
4 "It's basically legal steroids"
5 "Part of any nutritious breakfast"
6 "Side effects may include..."

Market Share
Roll 2d6
2 0.5%
3 1%
4 3%
5 5%
6 10%
7 15%
8 30%
9 40%
10 50%
11 70%
12 90%

R: 13 / I: 1 / P: 1

Do you think Coronavirus is going to create the "new normal" that fearmongers have been pushing and change the way we've been living so far?
Me thinks no, looking at how many people are desperate to open up the economy and go back to work. Maybe there could be small changes in human behaviour like masks, standing few feets apart but looks like many countries, including wuhan itself has gone back to normal.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1


Why are people interested in photography? Is it because some people appriciate the beauty of nature and want to chronicle it? Do people want to record history? It's one of those things that has a lot of questions with little to Answer them. I believe that photography is actually quite an important profession due to it's power to chronicle the past and allow us to understand how they all functioned. Other things like art and sculptures are made to preserve their culture as well. The beauty of it all from the simple things like flowers to the more complex things like the life of a man is something that can only be done through photography and thus it must give photographers a unique lense on which they view the world. It's certainly interesting for a profession.

R: 9 / I: 0 / P: 1


I know there are worse anime out there but when I watched this I always felt unnerved. It's just something about the way it's written like how the Plain girl wants to bang her cousin or how that guy wanted to rape the diclonius. It's something that gives a shocking view into the mind of the person who decided to make this travesty, Simply because it explains the type of individual the person is. I personally believe people are defined in what they do and not what they say. Like actions speak louder than words. So when people make stuff like this I really wonder the intent of the person. Has anyone else ever got this feeling, Or do you believe in an entirely different set of ideas?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 1

I think anime has been on the decline and I wanted to find the cause. Obviously these are just my thoughts but I've came to the conclusion that it is in fact K-On that killed anime Why is this? Well before K-On A lot of show had different and unique feeling to them. Think of slice of life, I.e Great teacher Onizuka, Futakoi, Azumanga Daioh, Pani poni dash, Haibane Renmei, Cromartle high school. All of these have differing executions too them which makes them all distinct. K-On ruined this, Not because of the moe, Azumanga daioh can technically be classified as Moe. But the actual reason is because it started the trend of CGDCT anime which has killed all of the competing slice of life genres due to it's oversaturation and ease of making money. We'll never see something like a modern GTO due to moral corruption and decadance, We'll never see a pure romance, We'll never have dumb comedies. Nothing more than the same recycled shit is all we got now. Which is how the industries worked in the past. However it's never been this extreme. K-On enters the picture because CGDCT makes easy money and all you have to have is pretty visual without any substance or heart to back it up. The endless consumers eat this shit up because he's an enemy of all that is just.

R: 24 / I: 2 / P: 2


Does anyone else think Americans are too prideful of themselves. I feel like they're extremely self centered and it makes it really frustrating to talk with them. I know the Jews control the country but why do Americans have such patriotism while at the same time they loathe themselves. It's something I've never quite understood. It's hard to discuss this because one side calls you racist and the other calls you anti white. You must uncover the flaws of the character of a people before you can go about fixing them and that's something Americans really want to avoid. I get that some Americans can be pretty defensive when it comes to things like their ethnicity because of all the divisive mongrel bullshit being pushed and obviously we all know who's promoting that type of propaganda. However that doesn't mean Americans are immune to criticism. I feel people use scapegoats to reflect any sort of criticism towards themselves and it makes it hard to discuss any sort of faults. It's great to love your country and your people but you should always be willing to look at your people from differing perspectives.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

Anyone ever had problems with this

Alright so one of the things that really interests me for some reason is seeing how characters that come from the same series look completely different in the reboots of the series. This is obviously only for the older series but when it comes to some of them they look nothing like their new and "improved" counterparts. One of the biggest examples I can think of is Tokino Akiyama from Kujibiki Unbalance. Seriously if you put these two in the spotlight and told me they were the same individual I would never believe you. In tokino's case the OVA version to me is miles better. I wish these types of OVA's would come back because I seriously do miss them. They're pretty short as well meaning they don't waste much time. Another example which is less extreme is Tsutomo Senkawa from Tetsuwan no Birdy. Obviously aesthetics isn't everything to an anime but I feel like they ultimately add to the show and give it a distinctive identity. Unlike modern shows that look the same feel the same and have similar premises to each other.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2


I feel like everytime I walk on a bridge I get the feeling I'm about to fall off of it. I think I might have a fear of height. Have you guys ever had any fears and if you do have you gotten over them. If this is the case how did you get over your fear because it's something I would like to try and get rid of.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 2

Got any interesting youtube/bitchute/whatever channels to share?

I'll kick off the thread with 3 channels -
The Proper People - They make videos about trespassing Abandoned "X"s from power plants to hotels.

Rev says desu - Anime shitposting

Asha Logos - Political Alt-Right??? Commentary

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2


Nen : A Technology that Enhance Human Abilities.
Zen : A Decentralized Gold/Silver/Copper Monetary System.
Den : A Decentralized Religious/Economical/Technological/Scientific/Intellectual/Military/Juridical/Political/Social Believe System.

R: 20 / I: 6 / P: 2

Imageboards have become increasingly stagnant over time, Think about the overuse of pepe and wojak. They haven't died yet despite people starting to get sick of them. Obviously there are outside forces that are partly to blame, but imageboard users in general have become seemingly more passive overtime so I think shifting the blame onto something else simply exacerbates the problem rather than fixing it.

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 2

I'm getting sick of vampires being portrayed as good guys. They're blood sucking monsters which feast on humans not some good misunderstood nice guy. It's something I've begun to notice but I genuinely think that it's rarer to see a bad vampire than a good one. Most shows take away traits from vampires to make them seem good. For example some of them may make them not need to drink the blood of humans to survive which kills the entire purpose of being a vampire and just makes them. I feel like twilight was the nail in the coffin for vampires when it made them into a deviant fetish for a women. Vampires should return to being villainous monsters.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 2

Alright a friend of yours comes up and says he's getting married. He says that his wife wanted him to pick the song because she believes she has terrible taste in music. However he is too scared to personally pick out any music so he asks you personally as his friend to specifically pick out a song for his wedding. He says that he trusts you enough that he won't double check the music and you can put it on for the wedding. What type of music would you put on for the wedding and why?

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 2

What would you consider the worst possible situation that you'd find yourself in?

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 2

Do you prefer the design of eastern type dragons or western type dragons? If so is there a reason for your preference? I personally prefer western dragons as I prefer the quadruped look rather than the serpentine look eastern dragon's have.

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 3


What are your general opinions of the city of Babylon? It's one of the most important cities in history and everything seems to ultimately go back to Babylon.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 3


Everything eventually comes to an end and is replaced with something else. Whether better or for worse is up to you to dictate. We may not have control over certain circumstances, but we have control over what we do when those circumstances are presented to us. The journey of life is an interesting one with hardships along the way, but if everything were easy we would never improve ourselves? So just remember when life gets difficult we're on the ride with you anon.

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 3


Anyone feeling they're getting old for this shit?
<pic related

R: 9 / I: 10 / P: 3

Wasp thread

I hate these things every time I get near one I worry about being stung because the fucker had a bad day and wants to vent out it's frustration. That's not even getting into when there's a hive of them. Why are wasps so infuriatingly obnoxious? They're not even good at pollinating in comparison to bees. Which by the way honey is actually really good for you. What's your opinion on wasps anons? Do you have the same dislike I have towards them?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 3

private instagram viewer

does anyone know of any type of software or site that you can actually view private instagrams from?

R: 14 / I: 0 / P: 3

Opinions on the man himself. I certainly don't think he's perfect but he did a lot of good for his country and that the slander he gets today is unjustified. I think people are too quick to judge and are unwilling to look at him from any other angles other than he's picture perfect or he's the manifestation of evil. Either way hitler is probably one of the most important figures of history along the likes of Caesar, Martin Luther(Protestant guy not the nigger), Jesus, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Constantine, Alexander the great and Cyrus the great. One thing I think is people need to respect European culture more because it's completely ignored. Especially considering the fact that European culture is the most vibrant and distinguished among all people groups.

R: 23 / I: 5 / P: 3

Do you think that the hatred of women on imageboards is justified? It's something I've noticed but slowly the view of women of imageboards has gone from distain to outright hatred. Obviously the reason this is the case is that modern women are less than stellar a lot of them are downright whores which is increased due to power from the state. I've also noticed that it's absurdly rare to find a virgin women in western media. In anime for example, it's the complete opposite unless your reading a hentai finding a non virgin is really difficult unless they're married. Lack of good role models killed women same with how a lack of good role models killed men.

R: 9 / I: 3 / P: 3

Why are people attracted to older women it makes no sense anyway you look at it especially at the biological level.

R: 13 / I: 6 / P: 3


Is anyone willing to trade anything for some green chili sauce, It's some good stuff.

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 3


Now that the place is basically settled where do you think /inn/ aligns on the d&d chart?

R: 48 / I: 9 / P: 4


Why am I happy that the world and USA in general is on fire right now? This is sick for someone normal.
I am not alone in this, I see people rejoicing in other places, imageboards in particular.

R: 7 / I: 2 / P: 4

Food Thread

Anyone know any good recipes for food.

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 4

"What anime are you watching right now?" Thread

I just started Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!. The first few episodes have been incredible so far.

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 4


What is your ideal form of happiness? Do you prefer life simple? I prefer life being simple because it allows me to focus and dedicate my time on one thing at a time and allow me to discover new and interesting things. I believe in the idea that simplicity can ultimately lead to complexity since living simply will make you strive for more. It's always good to enjoy the simple things in life. Otherwise you become far too stressed.

R: 13 / I: 18 / P: 4

Meta thread

This thread will be used to make the creation of banners, CSS, a spoiler image, ban message images and a deleted file image etc.
