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Age Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 12:42:06 [Preview] No. 242
Anyone feeling they're getting old for this shit?
<pic related

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 13:04:34 [Preview] No.244 del
Thing is though, If you go into IRL you'll realize everything there is just as shitty as on imageboards. In fact in most cases it's worse. People here actively do try to improve I know because I'm one of them. Being on imageboards helps us communicate and talk to people we probably would've never known otherwise. There's more to imageboards than just anime though anime is integral to imageboard culture it's not the end all be all. Try do something productive anon, stop masturbating and read books, watch anime, look up things you want to find out about, go out for long walks, exercise. There are plenty of things you can do while still browsing imageboards. Anime is just a cherry on top.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 15:36:59 [Preview] No.250 del
>People here actively do try to improve
Nobody who's "living their life" has a reason to visit imageboards. They got facebook, instagram or garbage they stream on netflix. This place is for specific types of people. I've seen introverts, recluses, even wizards and warlocks who've lost their lives here.
Sure, there are /sig/ anons too but they're probably minority.

>Being on imageboards helps us communicate and talk to people we probably would've never known otherwise.
Maybe 80% of the posts I've read till now is absolute shit. 10% was worth and 10% was useful. I could just obtain that 10% somewhere else instead.
Just 9chan itself, that place was horse shit with 0 benefits.

>Try do something productive anon, stop masturbating and read books, watch anime, look up things you want to find out about, go out for long walks, exercise.
Never been to /sig/ much. There's no point in improvement when you're a hikki-recluse. There's no need or opportunity for me to apply the idea that "the industrial revolution has been a disaster for the human race" now that I know about it.
"Self-improvement is masturbation" to quote a certain someone. It's only pleasurable to the one doing it, and after all of the effort and time, you only get satisfaction for a short period.

>There are plenty of things you can do while still browsing imageboards.
Yep, but the activities you listed make imageboards a less significant part of life when compared to other improvement activities.

>Anime is just a cherry on top.
It's been a while since I finished one, I just picked up one but have no motivation to continue.

It's all so tiresome.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 16:25:41 [Preview] No.251 del
Have you considered trying to learn a trade or some other profitable skill?
Also, how old are you?

Anonymous 06/24/2020 (Wed) 16:48:33 [Preview] No.273 del
Not too old.
Not interested in trade, already in Uni doing distant education but can't do anything with the corona going on either. That's why I said hikki.
I'll probably take a break from imageboards for some time.

Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 02:40:17 [Preview] No.279 del
You are not a hiki if you are a uni student.

Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 03:41:50 [Preview] No.280 del
Regarding that screencap:
For me it was depression and anger preventing me from living my life. Making it impossible to keep a job or any friends. The social contact I got from IBs was probably the thing that prevented suicide as a worked through the depression. I think my experience was the complete opposite of guy in the screencap and IBs kept me alive.

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