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(74.87 KB 900x613 easterndragon.jpg)
Anonymous 06/24/2020 (Wed) 15:14:41 [Preview] No. 272
Do you prefer the design of eastern type dragons or western type dragons? If so is there a reason for your preference? I personally prefer western dragons as I prefer the quadruped look rather than the serpentine look eastern dragon's have.

Anonymous 06/24/2020 (Wed) 16:50:54 [Preview] No.274 del
Prefer the western ones. There's no logic in flying snakes without wings.

Anonymous 06/24/2020 (Wed) 17:06:32 [Preview] No.275 del
>There's no logic
That's a pretty reasonable complaint. The eastern style dragons were revered and treated like gods which probably is why they are shown to fly and defy logic, in comparison to western dragons which were used as a warm up to make the princess wet herself when her knight in shining armor comes to the rescue.

Anonymous 06/24/2020 (Wed) 22:31:24 [Preview] No.276 del
I think most westerners are going to be partial to the western one, as that's what we were raised to identify as dragons. Whereas the eastern one we tend to identify as a "Chinese dragon" and associate it with Chinese New Year parades and other things we have nothing directly to do with.

Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 07:40:44 [Preview] No.281 del
>I think most westerners are going to be partial to the western one as that's what we were raised to identify as dragons. Whereas the eastern one we tend to identify as a "Chinese dragon" and associate it with Chinese New Year parades and other things we have nothing directly to do with.
Yeah dragons from the east have a lot less influence in western media. Which I honestly think is a shame. Don't get me wrong I do prefer the western style dragon. However serpentine dragons, especially ones that can't fly have a unique charm to them. Then again I basically never watch western media because I simply prefer anime so I doubt it would make much of a difference to me.

Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 13:43:44 [Preview] No.287 del
For me it was always the non-reptilian facial hair that turned me off from the chinese dragons, compared with the western ones. Then, you have the in-between: the Persian dragons that were like spiky Brontosaurs with serpent tongues that didn't fly at all.

Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 14:21:07 [Preview] No.288 del
Nothing takes the realistic sense out of something like fucking facial hair on a reptile I guess. Do you think western dragons look more intimidating than eastern dragons?

Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 22:15:30 [Preview] No.292 del
I think the mystical nature of eastern dragons makes them more intimidating, especially since fantasy literature usually portrays western dragons as intelligent and empathetic.

Anonymous 06/26/2020 (Fri) 06:16:04 [Preview] No.293 del
I prefer the western type. Eastern dragons don't really have much of a personality and it would be hard to make them too as they are more mystical. They are don't actually do much other than fly about and bring fortune or misfortune whereas western dragons get up to a lot more.

Anonymous 06/26/2020 (Fri) 13:12:50 [Preview] No.294 del
I think that's mainly because western folk stories have dragons as either guardians or kidnappers or as a test for the hero to overcome. I mean the personality question is kind of an odd one. Since we're talking about giant lizards here.

Anonymous 06/26/2020 (Fri) 14:46:38 [Preview] No.295 del
Birds. Dragons are the ancestors of birds.

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