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(31.20 KB 136x219 happiness.png)
Happiness Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 11:27:38 [Preview] No. 65
What is your ideal form of happiness? Do you prefer life simple? I prefer life being simple because it allows me to focus and dedicate my time on one thing at a time and allow me to discover new and interesting things. I believe in the idea that simplicity can ultimately lead to complexity since living simply will make you strive for more. It's always good to enjoy the simple things in life. Otherwise you become far too stressed.

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 12:16:17 [Preview] No.67 del
I agree, simplicity and a lack of distractions and obligations is what I would like. Sometimes I have delusions of making millions on the share market but then I think 'would I really even want that?', sure having mansion and maids do everything for you sounds nice but it adds far more complications as well. Not that it's going to happen anyway I suppose.

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 12:23:42 [Preview] No.68 del
>I agree, simplicity and a lack of distractions and obligations is what I would like. Sometimes I have delusions of making millions on the share market but then I think 'would I really even want that?', sure having mansion and maids do everything for you sounds nice but it adds far more complications as well. Not that it's going to happen anyway I suppose.
I believe having a ton of money would be a good thing however it depends on the individual. Power does indeed corrupt however not everyone is the same. It will corrupt a lot of people but some will be able to resist said temptation. Having maids do every other task is also a good thing because it will allow you to focus on other more important issues that you would have to deal with otherwise. Like I said it depends on the individual. However one of the problems with wealth is that it will make you disconnected with the world at large as you can easily ignore it with enough money. It's a double edged sword in that regard.

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 12:51:39 [Preview] No.69 del
I'm not worried about corruption, but for example, even having maids do everything for me adds unwanted complications. I don't think I would be able to relax with other people around me all the time, it would be awkward. And having a large estate requires maintenance, even if I don't do it myself I have to organise it(I guess I could hire a steward for that though, although I would need somebody I trust completely).

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 12:58:52 [Preview] No.70 del
(139.66 KB 462x444 I Sleep.jpg)
I used to have high ambitions abot getting rich as a kid but now I'm just tired and I'm completely okay with a normal life. Same reasons as above. A normal life would give me enough time to balance between life and the internet.

Okay this is spooky.

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 13:02:26 [Preview] No.71 del
(145.15 KB 408x510 No Money.jpg)
On a macroeconomic point of view, if you're rich, you're paying more taxes than others to fund welfare projects. The state also needs your money to be continuously circulating to run it's economy and not just be accumulated with you. You'll be put into an endless cycle of consumerism implicitly.

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 13:06:04 [Preview] No.72 del
>I'm not worried about corruption, but for example, even having maids do everything for me adds unwanted complications. I don't think I would be able to relax with other people around me all the time, it would be awkward. And having a large estate requires maintenance, even if I don't do it myself I have to organise it(I guess I could hire a steward for that though, although I would need somebody I trust completely).
So basically you think it's too complicated to completely control your finances and you act asocial so you'd be uncomfortable with so many maids around?

>I used to have high ambitions abot getting rich as a kid but now I'm just tired and I'm completely okay with a normal life. Same reasons as above. A normal life would give me enough time to balance between life and the internet.
I think this whole getting rich thing is mainly pushed by movies and other things which treat being rich as the ultimate goal in life. Which it simply isn't. Sure it can be beneficiary but most of the time people like >>69 think it's too much hassle. Life is more than the material.

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 14:48:42 [Preview] No.75 del
I just want to live out the rest of my life doing honest work (which is not necessarily lucrative, but that's okay) and pursuing my interests in hobbies. In time I might marry, but I doubt it'll be a native (more likely to take the mail-order-bride option). I have absolutely zero interest in being powerful or influential or having boatloads of friends.

Anonymous 06/18/2020 (Thu) 16:02:04 [Preview] No.76 del
I'm similar in this regard I'd prefer my work to be simple doesn't even necessarily be incredibly high paid, all I would need is enough to support a family. Then I can live a simple life.

Anonymous 06/20/2020 (Sat) 17:00:35 [Preview] No.171 del
Don't strive for happiness. Perpetual happiness is unachievable what you should look for is fulfillment. It may seem at first to just be semantics but there's a difference. Happiness is a short term mood like the wheater while fulfillment is analogous to being the long term climate of your life.

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