/kohl/ - Kohlchan


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A home for Kohlchan users.

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 13:43:51 Id: 53f2f8 [Preview] No. 51 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Dead board. Thanks pedo KC mods

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Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 21:52:06 Id: a90667 [Preview] No. 21 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why's kc down again? Please tell me this time nobody got stuck at a door despite carrying 100 kg in explosives.
8 posts and 3 images omitted.

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:41:00 Id: 211dfd [Preview] No.42 del
habe sex

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 11:20:18 Id: 3c2dc3 [Preview] No.44 del
>Slave labor degenerates that gladly pick strawberries or work construction for 4€ and hour if they are summoned by German overlords.
>Whole country is one giant shitfest no one would take serious.

>Pathetic German.

Edgy pedohubris at its best.
That borderline retarded zoomer mindset is what fucked internet culture.

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 11:38:45 Id: 6da986 [Preview] No.46 del
Cry more, passive agressive german bottom.

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 14:12:25 Id: 3ddb17 [Preview] No.53 del
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And where we go... another diadochi era. Bernds scattered by the 4 winds with many sites disputing the spoil..

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 16:40:43 Id: 032aa6 [Preview] No.55 del
You know you can search the link in the clear net and you can also hear about it in the dozens of articles made about the topic, right?

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Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:09:56 Id: 1015fa [Preview] No. 29 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:10:21 Id: 1015fa [Preview] No.30 del

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:11:10 Id: 43d971 [Preview] No.31 del

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:11:56 Id: 588f0f [Preview] No.32 del

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:12:37 Id: 3c0def [Preview] No.33 del
le proxy face

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 11:43:50 Id: 0f23f9 [Preview] No.47 del
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who fucked up my kc ? Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:15:10 Id: 6cc5c2 [Preview] No. 35 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
one of you fucks killed the kc .

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:25:23 Id: 6fbf1d [Preview] No.37 del
Bogdan reported the CP

Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:29:16 Id: 4f96d7 [Preview] No.39 del
The pedos fucked it up.

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Bernd 11/13/2019 (Wed) 10:21:43 Id: 5515d2 [Preview] No. 36 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I told you bro

I told about the lolis bro

Bernd 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:30:25 Id: fe471c [Preview] No. 4 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I think I can provide you with the CSS of /kc/ with balls, minus hats.
1 post omitted.

Bernd 10/12/2019 (Sat) 07:05:05 Id: fe471c [Preview] No.6 del
Sorry dude, I had a lot of thing yesterday evening. I'm hoping the put the stuff together this morning.

Bernd 10/12/2019 (Sat) 08:47:21 Id: fe471c [Preview] No.7 del
hat I forgot that our balls came from 8chan/kc which had some silly balls (most notably US and Brazil) and others with default hat.
I'm gonna try to hunt them down from Kohl and edit them so they'll look ok. This might take a little more time, and I also have irl stuff to do.

Bernd 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:46:51 [Preview] No.8 del
OK. Please proceed.

Bernd 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:15:03 Id: fe471c [Preview] No.9 del
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Ok. Here you go.

Additional information: this is the CSS of /kc/ sans hats. In most cases, some Arab countries, Cook Island, Cuba and such still has hats. The other parts of the CSS isn't a carbon copy of Kohl's but close enough I think. I looked at Kohl's but it's on long line of spaghetti and hard to follow in that form, maybe I'll save, whitespace it then compare it with ours.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 15:58:11 Id: 83b75c [Preview] No.14 del
always liked that my ball was bigger than the other balls
seemed fitting