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(93.28 KB 1280x720 english4.jpg)
The fourth English-speaking Thread とちゃき 05/27/2018 (Sun) 16:25:35 [Preview] No. 118784
Previous Thread: >>104456

とちゃき 05/27/2018 (Sun) 16:30:48 [Preview] No.118786 del
To anyone in the retro game thread I apologise if my Japanese seems unnatural as I'm still learning. If you can't tell I'm the guy asking and responding to the posts about AVGN and GCCX.

とちゃき 05/27/2018 (Sun) 17:17:12 [Preview] No.118787 del
They have low general popularity, but they are celebrities on video sites.

とちゃき 05/27/2018 (Sun) 21:13:42 [Preview] No.118803 del

とちゃき 05/28/2018 (Mon) 08:53:10 [Preview] No.118823 del
Why do you keep making these threads if nobody floods the board with English?

とちゃき 06/01/2018 (Fri) 21:29:12 [Preview] No.119239 del
penis is delicious

とちゃき 06/01/2018 (Fri) 22:59:02 [Preview] No.119240 del
delicious my big dick

とちゃき 06/02/2018 (Sat) 08:00:39 [Preview] No.119260 del
i mean the alternative is /sp/ posts in poorly translated japanese in all the other threads
i suspect this is beneficial to both boards to have this thread

とちゃき 06/06/2018 (Wed) 07:12:13 [Preview] No.119599 del
i call dibs on all the women in nippon
keep your hands off my girls librejp

とちゃき 06/06/2018 (Wed) 20:48:17 [Preview] No.119656 del
why is anti-Americanism removed
librejp is an anti-American board

とちゃき 06/07/2018 (Thu) 13:00:11 [Preview] No.119705 del

とちゃき 06/07/2018 (Thu) 17:16:55 [Preview] No.119728 del
Are there any Japanese girls who want to come to America and learn English? I have a 1500 square foot house with two bathrooms. You must marry me for citizenship. Also we must fuck. A lot.

とちゃき 06/07/2018 (Thu) 17:37:40 [Preview] No.119729 del
There is no one wants to go there.

とちゃき 06/07/2018 (Thu) 22:23:32 [Preview] No.119739 del
(689.45 KB 900x1312 1528297030112.png)
nice Trump-Abe meeting today

とちゃき 06/07/2018 (Thu) 22:32:30 [Preview] No.119740 del
Trump is nice guy because he makes NK the greatest again.

とちゃき 06/12/2018 (Tue) 06:49:53 [Preview] No.120023 del
if gud American girls dont want to fuck you why do you think gud Nipponese girls want to fuck you?

とちゃき 06/12/2018 (Tue) 08:08:53 [Preview] No.120028 del
i like both of these men

とちゃき 06/12/2018 (Tue) 09:39:31 [Preview] No.120033 del
Because I have big penis by japanese standards

とちゃき 06/12/2018 (Tue) 09:40:32 [Preview] No.120034 del
ya but not by my standards
so get in the back of the line, pal

とちゃき 06/13/2018 (Wed) 03:49:00 [Preview] No.120102 del
Could some kind soul translate the japanese lyrics please?

とちゃき 06/13/2018 (Wed) 15:48:19 [Preview] No.120140 del
Mogę Ci to spróbować w weekend skrobnąć po polsku chyba, że się okaże dłuższe, niż mi się wydaje wtedy pierdole.
You can lay that banhammer down 大統領, It's not English but I needed to show I can speak his language somehow.

とちゃき 06/14/2018 (Thu) 05:49:28 [Preview] No.120185 del
O ty jebana polska kuhwo, tego się nie spodziewałem xD
Dzięki anon po stokroć

とちゃき 06/14/2018 (Thu) 05:54:25 [Preview] No.120186 del
(21.78 KB 255x213 chief-kot.jpg)

とちゃき 06/14/2018 (Thu) 06:37:14 [Preview] No.120188 del
transcribed a japanese lyrics for now.

00:42 "かよこ"さんは良いなー、綺麗な体。これなら男に不自由しないよね。

00:51 今朝、言われたこと本気にしてんの?

00:59 照れ隠し?

00:01 "やすお"は、好きなのよ。

01:12 ん!?鍛えなおす?

01:16 こんなところで何するの?

01:18 ちょっとしたマッサージよ。タオルを取って。

01:22 えぇー!?すっぽんぽんになるの?

01:24 今さら恥しがることないじゃない

01:34 肩の力を抜いて

01:36 本当に?

01:37 えぇ、私にまかせて

01:39 優しくしてね

01:41 んふ。"のりこ"かわいい


01:58 (繰り返し)

とちゃき 06/16/2018 (Sat) 11:35:39 [Preview] No.120333 del
What language is it?

とちゃき 06/16/2018 (Sat) 15:23:16 [Preview] No.120353 del

とちゃき 06/16/2018 (Sat) 20:58:47 [Preview] No.120373 del
To pewnie z testovirona czy jak mu tam? Nigdy mnie polski internet nie zajarał. Mniejsza.

00:42 Kayoko Ty to masz dobrze, takie ładne ciało. To Cię chyba nie krępuje brak mężczyzn. W przeciwieństwie do mnie, do której nie odczuwa się pociągu.

00:51 Bieżesz to co Ci powiedziano rano na serio?
O jejciu no. Przecież to tylko Yasu {TN: I don't hear that "O" over there} próbował ukryć zawstydzenie i mu się wymsknęło z ust.

00:59 Ukryć zawstydzenie?

00:01 Yasu Cię przecież lubi. Chociaż może on sam jeszcze tego nie zauważa. Jak się patrzy na to od boku to zupełnie to wiadomo. Ah, no to chyba trzeba Cię będzie na poważnie wykrztałcić od nowa.

01:12 Hm!? Wykrztałcić od nowa?

01:16 Co robimy w takim miejscu jak to?

01:18 Taki mały masaż. Weź ręcznik.

01:22 Yh!? {TN: nie wiem czy to tak się pisze, to takie takie Yy jak by Cię ktoś ździwił/wystraszył} To będziemy na golasa?

01:24 Nie ma się już co wstydzić. No, weź tamto i usiądź tu.

01:34 Rozluźnij ramiona.

01:36 Naprawdę?

01:37 Uhm, zostaw to mi.

01:39 Bądź łagodna dobrze?

01:41 Hmhm. {TN:taki mały śmiech jak byś spróbował zrobić hyhy z zamkniętymi ustami} Noriko, jesteś słodka.

potem drugi raz to samo

Polish mode off.

I appreciate the transcription, there were a few places hard to pick out with overlaping voices and so on.

とちゃき 06/16/2018 (Sat) 23:48:31 [Preview] No.120383 del
(125.14 KB 863x761 ;3.jpg)
I'm very grateful for that, honestly I didn't think somebody would do it for me. I'll hug and kiss the next japanese person I'll see.
Tak, to jest ten słynny testo. Polska kultura internetowa właściwie umiera, także jarać się nie ma już nawet czym.
To Ty jesteś Japończykiem? Myślałem, że piszę z jakimś łibusem, więc używałem czanspika. Jeśli Japończyk pisze ze mną po polsku i to na native poziomie to mózg tak bardzo rozjebany.

btw, zaimki osobowe piszemy wielką literą tylko w korespondencji, przy bezpośrednim zwrocie do odbiorcy. Przy przytaczaniu czyjejś wypowiedzi nie.

とちゃき 06/17/2018 (Sun) 00:15:53 [Preview] No.120384 del
(94.27 KB 1024x1024 ale Wojtka szanuj.png)
Maybe I should take this chance and roleplay as a Nip but meh. Sorry to disappoint, I'm but a fellow Pole, apparently struggling with his own bloody language.
And please don't hug&kiss any random Japanese ever.

とちゃき 06/17/2018 (Sun) 03:12:48 [Preview] No.120395 del
Polen was a mistake
Dreikaiserbund when?

とちゃき 06/17/2018 (Sun) 10:50:41 [Preview] No.120406 del
Sure thing, use German while trying point that we should be using English and while you're at it why not start another world war in an neverending quest for relevance.
inb4 nips crying about the foulness of english speaking thread because they cannot grasp banter

とちゃき 06/17/2018 (Sun) 12:31:59 [Preview] No.120419 del
Alright, thanks for clarification.

とちゃき 06/17/2018 (Sun) 12:43:03 [Preview] No.120420 del
And by the way, how much time does it take for a Pole to achive a relative fluency in Japanese? I'm thinking about learning an exotic language and don't know if it's worth the effort.
Any tips for beginners?

とちゃき 06/17/2018 (Sun) 22:59:44 [Preview] No.120462 del
(102.03 KB 450x551 howto_sudoku.jpg)
Time needed to get good at any language is a largely individual thing. It's my 7th year of learning it, with varying degrees of intensity, and I feel that I know less than what I don't know.
I'll start with good news. As a Pole you're covered in all but one sound that isn't directly present in Polish but won't be difficult to learn anyway - nasal 'n' ん. Only challenge in pronunciation is intonation and remembering about long vowels. I've met with an opinion, that the grammar is easy. Granted constructions aren't very complex but there are many of them. That is bearable but this grammatical simplicity can be a pitfall because all the specifics you're given in Polish are in most cases simply not there in Japanese.
So in most cases grammar won't come to your rescue when you have problems with understanding what was said, you need to rely on context. And here it gets crazy because of the terrifying amount of homonyms that Japanese is burdened with. Sometimes I find more than 25 entries for a two syllable word written phonetically. Even if you know a shitton of vocabulary you still need time to compute what is being said and select appropriate words, which might become an issue because Japanese can be spoken quite rapidly because of it's syllabic nature.
Maybe you're thinking that you'd start with being able to understand written form and then challenge the speech. Think again. When I started learning I kept saying to myself "it can't be that hard, every goddamn fisherman can read nowadays". Even though my mind kinda broke after about memorizing 700 of characters in unhealthily short a period of time, I held that idea until I've seen natives making mistakes. There is an official set of characters that won't have pronunciations included in publications they appear. It's over 3000 now (yes, it grows). Largest character dictionary has about 45000 entries but a large chunk of that is only used for names of some objects in the middle of nowhere or whatever. Let's say 5000 would be a reasonable value to be considered somewhat eloquent.
Knowing a character entails being able to write it, recognize it, knowing it's readings - pronunciations, understanding it's meanings and knowing what words it forms with other characters. You kinda can cut corners like focus on the passive knowledge of writing (because most of the time you'll end up writing through some sort of computer input system anyway), sometimes guess readings out of character compounds, figure meanings out of context and so on but there's still a fuckton of vocabulary to learn. Learning process is made additionally difficult because searching a word written in chinese characters that you can't copypaste is a chore when you don't know the readings, even with electronic dictionaries that you can draw the characters on with a stylus.
You've perhaps heard that Japanese are very polite. Japanese language possesses an entire systematic category of politeness with a complexity that makes natives themselves struggle with it, encompassing humble language & respectful language and sometimes expressions that are supposed to be humble but can only be said by someone in a position higher than you (like 小生) so you can go fuck a duck because you won't figure that bullshitery out any time soon.
That being said I'm not purposefully trying to discourage you but I can't imagine learning a language just for the shits and giggles because you need to use a language to learn it proper. So unless you want to explore some aspect of Japan I'd say don't bother or try learning it for a year just to get an rough idea of how different a system of human communication can be.

/sp/ 06/18/2018 (Mon) 18:54:04 [Preview] No.120517 del

とちゃき 06/18/2018 (Mon) 19:04:14 [Preview] No.120518 del
So it's only slightly worse than I imagined. And don't get me wrong, I don't want to learn Japanese just for lulz, I want to get a sociologic insight into an Asian society, I wanted to do it for a long period of time, the way they handle things somehow interests me.

Japan seems the most interesting because it seems to have many problems below the surface, I for example once read a post on reddit, a man was working in Japan, found out that his boss is a pedophile he bragged about this openly while drunk. The boss found out that he knows and started to remove him from projects, OP didn't want to go to the police because of the way they treat foreigners. Sick shit but I would like to know what is the cause of such attitudes and what effects they have on society.

also, there are many people that first fall in love in that country and later start to hate it. I want to get an insight into that too.

Anyway, thanks for a very detailed answer. I think I'll give it a try without hoping too much.
If 5 years from know you'll see here silly posts written in broken Japanese, there's a high chance that it's your fellow countryman. See you Space Cowboy.

とちゃき 06/19/2018 (Tue) 06:20:53 [Preview] No.120546 del
(321.66 KB 1280x720 earthquake-osaka1.jpg)
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(57.42 KB 560x315 1529388901573.jpg)
Unfortunately several dead people appeared
By an urban disaster, electricity, water service stops this time
Because it is not said that a city suffered crushing damage
It is thought that I recover in a few minutes

とちゃき 06/19/2018 (Tue) 06:41:02 [Preview] No.120547 del
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(83.17 KB 402x688 1529389863522.jpg)
In the building, the old thing seems to have the broken thing
There seemed to be few houses which collapsed
A lot of people who a train stopped, and could not go home appeared
But because it is not expected that I call for the International Disaster Relief Scheme
It is thought that it is not important for the moment
Can you do it in the Olympics truth in such an earthquake country?
Problem submission was accomplished

とちゃき 06/19/2018 (Tue) 12:21:14 [Preview] No.120557 del

とちゃき 06/20/2018 (Wed) 20:33:51 [Preview] No.120658 del
blasphemy is a sin

とちゃき 06/24/2018 (Sun) 03:37:48 [Preview] No.120890 del
>Fox spirits and demons: China's tech giants splash out in cartoon arms race
>China still lags behind the Japanese and American markets, but is catching up.
>Tencent has invested in more than a dozen comic and animation companies since last year, according to public records, while its film arm launched a “100 animations” project to support domestic productions.
>Baidu’s iQiyi (IQ.O), is also splashing out on domestic comics, planning to spend 200 million yuan to sign Chinese artists and develop local characters, which comes on top of an earlier investment in 10 animation projects, the company said in May.
>Alibaba and the news aggregator Toutiao have snapped up production companies and launched animation platforms on their own sites. NetEase signed a deal last year with Disney to create Marvel style superheroes, but with Chinese characteristics.


とちゃき 06/28/2018 (Thu) 12:23:58 [Preview] No.121226 del
(141.96 KB 1024x576 2275_11.jpg)
The fox and the horse

とちゃき 06/29/2018 (Fri) 18:59:12 [Preview] No.121349 del
Horses have a big dick

/sp/artan とちゃき 07/04/2018 (Wed) 06:27:21 [Preview] No.121514 del

とちゃき 07/07/2018 (Sat) 01:21:18 [Preview] No.121715 del
(19.35 KB 330x220 zamek.jpg)

とちゃき 07/07/2018 (Sat) 03:40:51 [Preview] No.121717 del
polish football player

とちゃき 07/19/2018 (Thu) 01:10:49 [Preview] No.122627 del
Seeing is believing.

とちゃき 07/19/2018 (Thu) 07:40:07 [Preview] No.122655 del
please ban english outside the english thread-- its all mewch faggots raiding you guys

とちゃき 07/19/2018 (Thu) 07:41:42 [Preview] No.122656 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wGqFFcAaTn8 [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XW9mb7-PqPs [Embed]

respect the oba-sama

とちゃき 07/19/2018 (Thu) 08:42:16 [Preview] No.122661 del
(1.71 KB 326x177 ced8ea0c32554b06.png)

to_sha_ki Board owner 07/19/2018 (Thu) 15:25:29 [Preview] No.122701 del
I think there is no need to ban it.
(although I deleted the second mewch thread already)

とちゃき 07/19/2018 (Thu) 15:29:35 [Preview] No.122703 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=99dWpnoQfxI [Embed]

とちゃき 07/19/2018 (Thu) 15:36:22 [Preview] No.122705 del

とちゃき 07/19/2018 (Thu) 16:21:37 [Preview] No.122713 del
I would be careful, mewch posts CP spam often

とちゃき 07/20/2018 (Fri) 19:57:36 [Preview] No.122864 del
ok well ty budy. i dont like seeing other boards being rude to you guys

とちゃき 07/20/2018 (Fri) 19:58:25 [Preview] No.122866 del
>not running 3.1 as their primary operating system

とちゃき 07/20/2018 (Fri) 20:28:44 [Preview] No.122868 del
(183.37 KB 1205x1440 ca0.jpg)

とちゃき 07/28/2018 (Sat) 23:54:03 [Preview] No.123530 del
sonic is hacking your computer

Balrog Admin 08/06/2018 (Mon) 14:11:21 [Preview] No.124356 del
We just increased the amount of RAM on the endchan server to 12 gigabytes. Posting should be much more reliable now!

とちゃき 08/06/2018 (Mon) 14:34:53 [Preview] No.124359 del
does it reduce 500s error?

とちゃき 08/06/2018 (Mon) 15:16:45 [Preview] No.124364 del
Why was the color of CAPTCHA turned to monotone?

Balrog Admin 08/06/2018 (Mon) 17:48:32 [Preview] No.124379 del
Yes, this should reduce (hopefully eliminate) the 500 errors. The 500 errors were occurring because the amount of RAM was too small, so lynxchan had to load threads from the disk drive often instead of loading them from RAM. The new endchan server's disk drive is very slow (actually shared with many other servers) so the server would have to wait a long time for the disk drive to finish. The 500 error occurs when it takes too long for lynxchan to read data. With more RAM to store threads lynxchan can load from disk much less often.

とちゃき 08/06/2018 (Mon) 20:36:40 [Preview] No.124389 del
That sounds great!

とちゃき 08/07/2018 (Tue) 12:26:47 [Preview] No.124430 del
I am grateful for your support!

とちゃき 08/19/2018 (Sun) 01:02:29 [Preview] No.125561 del
Don’t worry! You can do it!

とちゃき 09/03/2018 (Mon) 01:15:18 [Preview] No.126877 del
Just do it!!

とちゃき 09/15/2018 (Sat) 01:51:26 [Preview] No.127838 del
I'm sure he is a man of ability.

とちゃき 09/20/2018 (Thu) 23:50:47 [Preview] No.128294 del
(7.86 KB 251x241 1390116359208.jpg)
>tfw I have failed multiple times to keep up the efforts in order to learn Jap

I want to give up, but at the same time I don't.

; _ ;

とちゃき 09/21/2018 (Fri) 23:39:40 [Preview] No.128398 del
(46.61 KB 600x450 1350214273139.jpg)
So I was doing some reading on the Bataan Death March and I have to say I feel bad for the Japanese. They were basically told to accommodate anywhere from 60k-80k prisoners and anywhere from 60k-50k of their own troops in a very short notice after a very decisive bloody battle. Like any action they could have taken there would have looked bad. IF they let go of the US-Flip troops they'd be dumbasses for letting 60k-80k enemy troops go. If they just executed them they'd be seen as monsters to the world stage. Or if they did what actually happened, which is attempt to do the march, while trying to feed themselves and take care of the prisoners they'd be the target of propaganda pieces disingenuously portraying them as ruthless monsters who love to torture their opponents.

Honestly if I was General Homma I would have just executed as many of the prisoners as possible on the spot while putting weapons on their bodies afterwards to make it seem they went down fighting. Yeah armchair general decision, but still like, this is just an awful situation to be placed in and I'm genuinely shocked he stuck to the rules this badly and was still shat on by western propaganda as a ruthless tyrant. IT's incredibly sad he was also killed for a "crime" he had no way of undoing, or getting himself out of as well. Like what the fuck, it's war!

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 04:21:53 [Preview] No.128406 del
i kinda wanna get into romanji
would it be worth it?
i dont care if im functionally illiterate

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 07:41:35 [Preview] No.128408 del
what is this /dnu/ board? was their some internal /librejp/ drama?

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 11:08:21 [Preview] No.128428 del
It's just daitouryou being the ERPing attention whore that he is and the thirsty/pathetic underlings of him doing their usual things.

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 13:08:12 [Preview] No.128442 del
(25.05 KB 509x382 kiss.jpg)
Alright I have a very important question.

Why do actors in Japanese porn kiss in such messy manner? From my point of view it looks disgusting. Why Japan? Do normal Japenese kiss in that way or is it only in porn?

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 14:59:34 [Preview] No.128450 del
It is because such an ardent kiss is the crime that you must not do in public in Japan
The pornography performs a shameful thing
It is to show the thing which you should hide
It becomes the way of such a kiss

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 19:17:18 [Preview] No.128467 del

Is this google translate being google translate, or is public kissing something you can actually go to jail for?

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 19:18:29 [Preview] No.128468 del
that makes a lot of sense
thank you for the explanation

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 19:25:49 [Preview] No.128470 del
I find it hilarious that the same hypocrites who condem this as a war crime are the same fags who defend the Dresden bombings or the starvation and maltreatment of German civilian prisoners.

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 19:28:17 [Preview] No.128471 del
I always wonder, just how do normalfags even function? Like seriously, what is wrong with normalfaggots? I wish that popular "Human NPCs" study that's being memed around was actually done properly and not half assed with a sample size of 30. Nevermind the fact that there's also the issue that they didn't even disclose the ethnicity of the samples or much of the questioning procedures.

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 20:15:29 [Preview] No.128472 del
Obviously is not a crime.
FWIW, what he said was "shamefur dispray".

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 21:28:18 [Preview] No.128476 del
(77.40 KB 886x664 horse pussy latina.jpg)
(29.71 KB 600x611 U WOT M8.jpg)

What in the fuck is that acronym?

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 21:49:17 [Preview] No.128477 del
for what its worth

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 21:54:14 [Preview] No.128478 del
Do you know what a search engine is?

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 21:58:29 [Preview] No.128480 del

とちゃき 09/22/2018 (Sat) 23:05:22 [Preview] No.128488 del
(48.36 KB 429x377 brain problems.jpg)
Nah, I'm a lazy retarded faggot.

とちゃき 09/23/2018 (Sun) 02:44:31 [Preview] No.128495 del
you couldn't figure that shit out?
it took 2 seconds of brute forcing it and i realized it was for what its worth
stupid nigger

とちゃき 09/23/2018 (Sun) 21:18:30 [Preview] No.128572 del

とちゃき 10/04/2018 (Thu) 18:50:46 [Preview] No.129464 del
Herro /ribrejp/!
Apparentry Putin wants to ban Endchan for reasons. We rearry want your opinion as werr. We have a discussion arready in this thread: >>17649 on /kc/. Feer free to add your thoughts as werr. The discussion starts at the same pic as picrer, you might want to read the posts that forrow.
Thank you for your attention!

とちゃき 10/04/2018 (Thu) 18:53:48 [Preview] No.129465 del

とちゃき 10/05/2018 (Fri) 08:44:07 [Preview] No.129501 del
I don't care about lolis but tell the Russians to use Tor and/or stop having a shitty government.

とちゃき 10/05/2018 (Fri) 09:21:32 [Preview] No.129503 del
Why would anyone here care about endchan being blocked in Russia?

とちゃき 10/05/2018 (Fri) 20:05:24 [Preview] No.129561 del
Well, there's an increase in Russian posters, they set up two new boards, which is good, Endchan needs more people, new blood. However - how I see it - this move of the Russian censors could make posting more difficult and in my experience peeps tend to avoid difficulities and choose the more convenient options.
Maybe some(?)/most(?) of you are very fine on your insulated board but your actions affect the whole chan especially in this case. So I think your opinion matters as well and I wrote so you can know about the matter at hand and you can share your opinion if you have any and want to do that. The Russians - new ones and ours on /kc/ as well - told how they see things both in that thread I linked and in another one on /rus/. If you wish you can read them too.
I also believe since the owners and admins shared with us the info on the doing of the Russian officials, we (i.e. the users of Endchan) can also discuss the issue and give our opinion or - even better - answer with some sort of consesus which they can consider when they give their reply to the Russians. If it's not too late.

とちゃき 10/18/2018 (Thu) 03:37:43 [Preview] No.130550 del
(64.27 KB 589x656 Do41StFXgAACDKA.jpg)
Is there Buddhist rock? I cannot stand Christian rock music, or when Christians try to force their stupid indoctrination into the lyrics of popular music. Do Buddhists ever do that shit and ruin music?

とちゃき 11/08/2018 (Thu) 07:35:10 [Preview] No.133879 del
(932.58 KB 640x360 1541662393009.webm)
Buddhist rock exists in this world.

とちゃき 11/13/2018 (Tue) 09:19:48 [Preview] No.134309 del

とちゃき 11/19/2018 (Mon) 19:13:32 [Preview] No.134954 del
This song is the shit!

Balrog Admin 11/26/2018 (Mon) 02:17:00 [Preview] No.135405 del
The 500 errors have returned because we are beginning the process of repairing the website database. The first step of repairing the database is to copy the contents of the database, which interferes with lynxchan accessing the database while files are being copied. Once the database is copied the 500 errors should stop.
Edited last time by Balrogwashere on 11/26/2018 (Mon) 02:17:30.

とちゃき 11/26/2018 (Mon) 08:09:13 [Preview] No.135421 del
Thank you for your work.

とちゃき 12/07/2018 (Fri) 20:37:11 [Preview] No.136402 del
(62.22 KB 622x623 Darth-Saturn.jpg)
Looks like Macron is going to pull a Tinannamen Square.

とちゃき 12/08/2018 (Sat) 10:44:01 [Preview] No.136452 del
Given these developments, the presence of the Chinese economy is steadily increasing in the world economy.Looking at trends in China’s economic growth thus far, after the reform and open-door policies began in 1978, excluding 1989 and 1990 when there were negative economic effects of the Tiananmen Square Incident, China has continued to achieve economic growth.

とちゃき 12/20/2018 (Thu) 00:15:04 [Preview] No.137366 del

Balrog Admin 12/24/2018 (Mon) 02:55:34 [Preview] No.137593 del
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Merry Christmas!

とちゃき 12/26/2018 (Wed) 09:52:18 [Preview] No.137799 del
Herro /ribrejp/! I wish a very brissfur horidays to you arr!

とちゃき 12/26/2018 (Wed) 10:33:42 [Preview] No.137800 del
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Merry Christmas To You!!

とちゃき 12/26/2018 (Wed) 10:35:11 [Preview] No.137801 del
(75.04 KB 450x670 1514113654458.jpg)
Thank you!
Have a good holiday!

とちゃき 12/26/2018 (Wed) 11:17:57 [Preview] No.137810 del
Merry Christmas!

とちゃき 12/28/2018 (Fri) 23:54:16 [Preview] No.137980 del
Don't forget about this:

とちゃき 01/01/2019 (Tue) 08:53:30 [Preview] No.138260 del
Kissing passionately in public is shameful.
>Fucking go do that at your private spaces and not here
basically is what he is saying I assume.

とちゃき 01/01/2019 (Tue) 09:14:46 [Preview] No.138264 del
Happy New Year!

とちゃき 01/12/2019 (Sat) 10:26:59 [Preview] No.139149 del
very nice

とちゃき 01/30/2019 (Wed) 09:43:21 [Preview] No.140541 del
Please tell me the name of a person. Maybe 10 years ago, she was known as a quiet person who also likes bugs, and she posted pictures with cicadas on her face. I think she became some kind of marketing person in an official Pokemon fan club and was shown on TV. I wonder what happened to her until she stopped being famous.

とちゃき 01/30/2019 (Wed) 10:09:16 [Preview] No.140545 del
Is it a story in U.S.A? I have never seen such a person in Japanese TV.

とちゃき 01/30/2019 (Wed) 15:45:53 [Preview] No.140583 del
(50.53 KB 646x323 rambut-serangga.jpg)
I searched harded and found it was Shokotan all along, thank you for your interest.
I'm lucky it was somebody that famous, or I probably would never have found out about it again. That would have bothered me.

とちゃき 01/31/2019 (Thu) 11:16:36 [Preview] No.140661 del
Glad to hear that.

とちゃき 02/16/2019 (Sat) 10:39:58 [Preview] No.141923 del
When will Balrog come back?

とちゃき 03/11/2019 (Mon) 13:36:03 [Preview] No.143547 del
Please come back carefully from the Netherlands.

とちゃき 04/04/2019 (Thu) 07:37:26 [Preview] No.145482 del
Jesus will give eternal life to me and to all who believe in Christ.

とちゃき 04/27/2019 (Sat) 08:06:09 [Preview] No.147471 del
ok ok サンキュ

とちゃき 04/27/2019 (Sat) 08:06:25 [Preview] No.147472 del
(41.30 KB 277x430 start01-img01.jpg)

とちゃき 04/27/2019 (Sat) 09:33:26 [Preview] No.147484 del
胡麻麦茶 = Sesame-Barley Tea
血圧が高めの方に = For Hypertension

とちゃき 04/28/2019 (Sun) 15:41:15 [Preview] No.147601 del
Hello friends, student of Osensei here. And, let me tell you, some times these aiki ju jitsu dudes will talk some shit about aikido. "Aikido don't work" they will say to me on the mat. Wow. I just smile and let Osensei guide them forward.
Last AJJ instructor I hadm was a funny guy. A brazillian man, tiny but powerful. He pinched me under my wrm really hard and when I jumped he said "Ha ha I just love practicing with Aikido people!!" He was mocking me for the obvious 'reacting' that they teach us in Aikido class. However, let me tell you this: When he was speaking of Osensei, I felt the spirit move me, and I say "Sensei!" he said "Yes?" and I said "I have Jo." and he said "Oh well go get him then!"
and so I ran and got my jo staff and handed it to him. He took it and I said "It is an honor sir." And let me tell you: This man, 150 lbs of him, he took that Jo staff and did perfectly, Osensei's jo kata, like I have never seen before. In one spot, within hmm ten feet, he was a whirlwind. That jo staff was wipping around like a piece of five ounce bamboo, I had no doubt he could have killed any of us with it. A the end of the kata, as you may know the jo SNAPS into the final position and I swear I saw that thing bend, as he perfectly did just that, snapping it perfectly into Osensei's final position. I was completely breathtaken this was offhand on the spur of the momnent. A true Sensei taking up some tool and showing us that whatever he can master, he can be critical of.
I just thought I would share this story with you, as a practitioner of the mat.
I think the entire world does love Japan, and the merciful spirit spoken of here is demonstrated on both sides, as we did not bomb Kyoto and anyway Arrupe (Jesuit) was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and so that was a Rome thing, not a USA thing. I speak only of as your great PM Shinzo says "The mistakes of the past shall not be repeated."
What a great and noble man he is, and it is always a pleasure to float our aircraft carriers there to defend your lovely people.

とちゃき 04/30/2019 (Tue) 16:45:46 [Preview] No.147802 del
What do you guys think of these two?
Also what's your opinion on abdication? In this corner of the Earth we got used to that rulers reign for life, but apparently Tenno's frequently said "fuck it, I'm gonna retire".

とちゃき 04/30/2019 (Tue) 20:40:25 [Preview] No.147811 del
his highness is a fan of Brooke Shields which makes him a based paedo

とちゃき 04/30/2019 (Tue) 21:48:50 [Preview] No.147814 del
As a one of Japanese, imao:
f--k'em up those who pretend traditionalist, Your Majesty
f--k ya all fool politicians, too
knock them into trashbin and pissing it

とちゃき 05/01/2019 (Wed) 13:20:57 [Preview] No.147874 del
But... she's... liek... over 50!
I know Pretty Baby and Blue Lagoon

You have the edge of the thousand and once folded katana. Congratulations.
Is it common there to have such radical view?

とちゃき 05/26/2019 (Sun) 01:53:36 [Preview] No.150025 del
f**k off

とちゃき 05/27/2019 (Mon) 06:19:54 [Preview] No.150121 del
What do you think of the proposed changes to the Constitution?

とちゃき 06/08/2019 (Sat) 10:47:29 [Preview] No.151010 del
I think it's good

とちゃき 07/07/2019 (Sun) 10:42:19 [Preview] No.153235 del
The United States and Israel think that Palestine's joining UNESCO is a political tactic and could be an obstacle to Mideast peace efforts.

とちゃき 07/26/2019 (Fri) 17:05:10 [Preview] No.154760 del
(427.80 KB 1536x2048 ehentai.jpg)
Get the word out. E-hentai/exhentai is shutting down. I know a lot of you Japs have accounts, so you'd better backup your hentai shit.

とちゃき 07/27/2019 (Sat) 10:01:28 [Preview] No.154824 del
Is there something bothering you?

とちゃき 08/02/2019 (Fri) 18:23:58 [Preview] No.155252 del
Why would they back it up if they made it?

ExHentai is back from the dead now, by the way.

とちゃき 08/03/2019 (Sat) 06:25:32 [Preview] No.155275 del
There is no backup schedule to follow.

とちゃき 10/29/2019 (Tue) 21:02:32 [Preview] No.156610 del
Why has no one told me this site moved

一心不乱daitouryou ##ZrlvUL 10/29/2019 (Tue) 22:38:08 [Preview] No.156613 del
you can meet us at sportschan.org/librejp

とちゃき 11/08/2019 (Fri) 04:09:38 [Preview] No.156623 del
why move

Shiban 12/20/2020 (Sun) 21:19:55 [Preview] No.158178 del
(520.32 KB 1113x1024 5th-End-Xmas-Spec.jpg)
Hello, whoever still lurks here!
Marry Christmas!
More info: >>>/operate/11418

Shiban Admin 12/20/2020 (Sun) 21:20:51 [Preview] No.158179 del
Role signature for validation.

とちゃき 12/26/2020 (Sat) 00:59:58 [Preview] No.158189 del
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