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Your ears are not made of platinum, you are a fool for believing so

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Autechre Anonymous 06/15/2016 (Wed) 13:11:29 [Preview] No. 931
Given that Google recommends states ambiguously that "(/ɔːˈtɛkər/ aw-TEK-ər). However, they have explained that the name can be pronounced in any way one sees fit." inferring that one must figure out how to interpret the symbols in order to find out how to say it out loud without an annoying interchange about "how it's supposed to be pronounced", can someone phonetically spell it for me in english?

Anonymous 06/15/2016 (Wed) 17:03:19 [Preview] No. 932 del
I go with aw-tek-uhr

Anonymous 06/15/2016 (Wed) 21:53:12 [Preview] No. 933 del
>english language in charge of spelling words
in any normal language you can immediately know how a word is pronounced when you see it written

Anonymous 06/15/2016 (Wed) 22:18:02 [Preview] No. 934 del

Hey, could you spam a bit more?

Anonymous 06/16/2016 (Thu) 05:35:04 [Preview] No. 935 del
It's actually pronounced [ ʕɐ:ɯ'ťɘqχ'ʜø:] I know because I am Rob Brown and Sean Booth in the same body.

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