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Anonymous Admin 02/07/2021 (Sun) 09:18 [Preview] No. 11517
As a newish phenomenon we're getting DMCA requests now and then. It happened enough times to dedicate a thread for it, a quick explanation and thought.
When we consider a DMCA request we check if the subject in question satisfies fair use:
In short we take a look if the posts, the thread can be considered as commentary, criticism, or parody. If we don't find this aspect of the thread prominent enough, we have to comply to the take down request. If this happens we might not give a notice to the affected poster or board.

Personally here I wanna encourage our posters to do creative work, it can be more satisfying and entertaining.

Anonymous 02/07/2021 (Sun) 13:59 [Preview] No.11518 del
Fuck lawyers, they will oppress good people until the bar is plowed under. Endchan may pass but our war against lawshits, will endure.

Anonymous 02/07/2021 (Sun) 14:23 [Preview] No.11519 del
Oh wait its those agatha turds, oh fuck those disgusting stalking shits. Endchan tolerates those pukes at its own risk but then it is two sided, lawyer fucks on one side, utterly worthless shitboard clubs on the other. You need a leader with a jewish mom like moot, ha ha.

Anonymous 02/08/2021 (Mon) 23:53 [Preview] No.11523 del
All they do is stalk teen girls and discuss/share cp. Don't know why agatha2 is even here

Anonymous Admin 05/06/2021 (Thu) 06:16 [Preview] No.11634 del
It seems I might wanna pin this thread.

Anonymous 09/22/2022 (Thu) 16:17 [Preview] No.12110 del
Yes, /agatha2/ and /ashleyj/ need to be removed. The girls which are discussed there were underage at the time and there are underage nudes in various threads on the board. Users will post them and remove them soon afterward or the board owner may remove them but no one is ever banned or reported for posting that content. They use this as a loophole to get away with doing it and there are still nudes of underage girls up on the boards hidden in the various threads.

The board owner of the /ashleyj/ board is a legitimate stalker of that girl who has been stalking her for over seven years and harasses her family members on social media. He regularly posts about it and shares her doxx info on a discord server dedicated to her where most of the /ashleyj/ users congregate. Fair use does not offer legal protections from these activities and they will soon be reported to the proper authorities and the company who hosts endchan if no steps are taken to correct this matter. The law is very clear in the state of Nevada, the U.S. and Switzerland regarding these matters. Switzerland does not offer legal protections to those who engage in the distribution and solicitation of child pornography or the sexual exploitation of minors online and does cooperate with U.S. law enforcement on these matters as anyone can read about with a simple Google search as there have been many convictions the past several years.

I'd also like to state that one of the girls, Ashley, recently returned only asking to take ownership of the board dedicated to her to be able to moderate it and remove her personal information posted there and the explicit photos of her when she was a minor that she shared with her boyfriend at the time which are illegal to have hosted there.

It has recently come to my attention that the anon that is harassing her family and stalking her is also the board owner and refuses to moderate the board or hand over the board so it can be moderated properly and they have posted in their discord server that they have no intention of moderating the board or passing ownership to Ashley simply out of spite because Ashley will not comply with their requests which constitutes as blackmail and is also a crime.

This is a final attempt to notify the owners of the website to correct these issues before further litigation is taken.

Anonymous 09/27/2022 (Tue) 03:42 [Preview] No.12115 del
Basically nothing in this post is true, and it's really obvious that you're 'xmr' and what your motives are here.
None of the girls discussed on /agatha2/ are underage, and there are absolutely not any underage nudes on the board, nor have there been any posted at any point. This is nothing but lies and slander.
The rest of your post is literally fanfiction-tier and not worth addressing.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 19:49 [Preview] No.18256 del
Important public service announcement

Anonymous 03/07/2023 (Tue) 19:32 [Preview] No.18408 del

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