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CHILD PORN PROBLEM. Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 01:26 [Preview] No. 19440
LOW LIFE child porn spammers are hitting /b/ and a few other boards it seems, this has increased a bit as of lately. Obviously they are trying to derail, sabotage and/or discredit boards. We need to make it known here they are NOT WELCOME. I think the content needs to be removed ASAP, I have been constantly global reporting what illegal content I see posted. I also think these spammers should have their IP ranges BLOCKED. Perhaps maybe Tor too, as no doubt some of the scumbags will use Tor to hide their sick illegal pedo peddling! The FBI has been alerted to look out for these sick fucks.

Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 07:14 [Preview] No.19441 del
They pop up a few times a week in /bbg/. A possible solution over there, where new threads are not created that often, would be if new threads could be held for release for say 24hrs. Give the BO two options - release or delete CP Spam.

Anonymous Admin 08/03/2024 (Sat) 07:59 [Preview] No.19442 del
You refer to that Asian dude ofc. I do not know if he is under 18 or not. I won't stare his photos to decide or start an investigation. We delete them because it's spam anyway.
As for the "regular" cp spam mentioned here: >>19441, it gets posted several days a week, several times on those days. We delete them continuously. I have to note this is ongoing for at least 5 years now, and it happens on multiple imageboards not just on Endchan. So in relation to this part:
>The FBI has been alerted
I can safely say the FBI does not give a fuck, or worse, they are the ones doing it - as we could learn it from the news (remember the occasion when they took over a service distributing cp spam and instead of shutting it down they made it more efficient in the hope to catch pedos - well at least I'm hoping they did it for this reason and not to incriminate innocents).
In case you wrote that line to threaten us with the FBI, I have to remind you that according to:
- 47 U.S. Code ยง 230 - Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material
- read it here: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/47/230
platform providers are not liable for the content uploaded by the users of the platforms.
>I also think these spammers should have their IP ranges BLOCKED
>Perhaps maybe Tor to
These two are either naive suggestions or outright malicious. Attackers can switch IPs (and with them ranges they post from) very easily. If we were following the suggestions this would result in blocking ranges from legitimate user traffic. Same with Tor, but blocking Tor also means blocking users who want to avoid their home countries' regimes' who want to censor their internet access.
So these are the two avenues. You might be a good willed but naive poster, or you are yourself the attacker who want us to isolate the site from legitimate users.
Also stop fearmongering.

Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 04:48 [Preview] No.19513 del
The CP spammer is back with vengeance spamming up /b/ tonight. I bumped a couple of regular threads and contacted the feds about it. I'm not trying to get the site shut down, I just want this pathetic criminal loser to be put on notice.

Anonymous Admin 08/19/2024 (Mon) 06:58 [Preview] No.19514 del
Thanks. Deleted the Natalie Portman fakes thread. If there was any other it was gone.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 22:53 [Preview] No.19523 del

Anonymous 09/01/2024 (Sun) 22:57 [Preview] No.19538 del
Yikes, so much CP on both sites, with short bans if ever.
Yet certain BOs giving 5 year range bans for normal YouTube links...

Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 17:11 [Preview] No.19543 del

Correct, Child Porn is a 1-2 day ban, while YouTube links of weather and current news is a 5 year ban, no appeal accepted.

Anonymous Admin 09/06/2024 (Fri) 17:19 [Preview] No.19544 del
False comparison. The "youtube ban" was not issued by the global team.

As for the short ban of the csam:
It is useless to ban long term, because no matter if we ban or not, next occasion the spammer uses a different IP. But on one go he could post on 8-12 boards, and if caught in the act with a ban he can be stopped for that round. Why let him post 8-12 times, when can be reduced to 1-3?
The IPs the spammer uses are discardable for him, which means either Tor on clearnet address, proxies, or VPNs. All can be used by other people than the spammer. So issuing a long ban on them would block innocent people from posting.

Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 19:44 [Preview] No.19545 del
Yea, it's totally not possible to log in and out of global mod accounts and switch to a board owner account, or have multiple board members who are also global mods, etc... "Many such cases."
Also as you pointed out: VPNs; making Any long term range ban useless and only "block innocent people from posting" until they use a VPN or other....
Expect Us

Anonymous Admin 09/06/2024 (Fri) 20:39 [Preview] No.19546 del
>it's totally not possible to log in and out of global mod accounts and switch to a board owner account
This is really a great topic for you because despite I can tell you the facts that:
1. I am not the BO of that particular board or any other that you use;
2. I do not have a second account;
3. I do not know if any of the global staff has alternative accounts - used or not as BO account of any board;
and you can always say I'm lying, and sweep everything off the table. I can't give evidence on something that does not exists - but to be frank the burden of proof is on you.
And you have nothing but this malicious idea, an accusation which basis only exists in your mind. But you can spread it, creating only suspicion, denigrating our character. So, so typical.
What will be next? Demanding us to de-anonymize ourselves? Check everyone for hidden accounts?
Let's go into the hypothetical:
What if a global is a BO of too? What if he sees an issue on the board where he is BO, and decides he won't ban on global level, won't ban the user from the whole site, but on local, and only on the board? How unjust!! Right? Do you want all the bans to be global? It would make my job here easier since you could not post, and won't need to continue this pointless conversation.

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